Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    "You plan to lock me up like this for the rest of your life?" Mo Xin said viciously. There were burn marks on her body and face in many places. It could be seen that she was dishonest in the Chaos Stone.

    "Why not?" Gu Lan smiled slightly, looking at Mo Xin like an idiot. Unless one day her cultivation suddenly surpasses her by a few realms, otherwise, she will never figure it out.

    "The world is different, and the laws of heaven are naturally different. We don't necessarily have to fight to the death, so there can't be a compromise?" Mo Xin sat there cross-legged, asking sincerely.     "No, unless I can go back one day. Otherwise, here, either you die or I live. Only the dead can keep secrets, right?" Gu Lan smiled, and when she turned around, her figure had disappeared into the Chaos Stone.     She could tell that the current Mo Xin had no intention of giving in, and there was no point in wasting time with her.     After getting out of the Chaos Stone, Jiang Qing was abnormally not on the roof, which made Gu Lan stunned.     Her current cultivation is still unable to release her spiritual consciousness, which makes Gu Lan a little upset. After contacting Bai Lu, Gu Lan found out that Jiang Qing is not around here!     Did he run away? Run away with her Chaos Stone! This was the first thought that came to Gu Lan's mind. She stood up suddenly, staring at the distance with slightly narrowed eyes. Bai Lu is still investigating, she needs to know a direction.     "Don't worry, he's back, I saw him." Bai Lu's voice sounded again.     Gu Lan frowned, and at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't tell what it was like just now? anger? sad? Depressed... all kinds of feelings, but she didn't seem to think of killing him immediately! This is not normal, this is not her usual style of doing things!     Sure enough, after a while, Jiang Qing's figure appeared in Gu Lan's sight.     He seemed to have seen Gu Lan from a long distance away, and the sprinting figure paused for a while before rushing over naturally again.     There was hardly any pause, he jumped to the roof of the car, and then landed lightly on it without making any sound.

    Pursing her lips, Gu Lan realized that this guy seemed to be even more powerful! If this continues, it won't be long before she can't control him anymore! Gu Lan's face became darker and darker, and her killing intent was locked on Jiang Qing without any concealment.

    "Here, this." Jiang Qing stretched out his hand and stuffed a few round crystal nuclei into Gu Lan's hand.

    "Don't tell me, you left to kill the crystal nucleus for me!" Gu Lan communicated with Jiang Qing with her spiritual sense.

    "No, I'll deal with the hidden dangers. When I came back, I killed a few of them." Jiang Qing replied, staring at Gu Lan innocently, as if he didn't understand why she was angry?

    "Hidden danger?" Gu Lan raised her eyebrows.

    "Tang Jinge." Jiang Qing replied, then suddenly stretched out his hand, put the hat on for Gu Lan, and smoothed her wind-blown hair.

    Frowning slightly, Gu Lan subconsciously glanced at the carriage under her feet. Yin Mulan had been tossing and turning in the middle of the night, and it seemed that she hadn't let go of the man. She was a little confused about what Jiang Qing meant by this? Deal with hidden dangers? When did he learn such a skill? Did he kill Tang Jinge?

    "I didn't kill him, I just made it difficult for him to survive in the future. He abandoned his comrades in arms and his girlfriend." Jiang Qing said seriously.

    For a moment, Gu Lan almost burst out laughing, what to do, this zombie is a little different! He seems to have the three views that people often talk about here, and he is quite righteous. Is this going to fight against injustice and do justice for the sky?

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