Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Knowing Too Much

    "Tsk tsk, it's getting more and more interesting..." Cheng Yang acted as if he had heard some great joke, and then Huo made a move, only to see him disappear from his original position, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Gu Rong, with his hand in his hand. The long knife in the knife also slashed at her!

    Seeing that Gu Rong was about to be killed by the knife, Ye Yunzhe's eyes flashed with unbearable, after all, she is Gu Lan's younger sister! Although their relationship is not good, they are related by blood.

    But when he thought of what he had investigated through Cheng Yang's relationship, Ye Yunzhe had no intention of stopping it.

    With a sound of "clang", Gu Rong seemed to have eyes behind her back, and used the dagger hidden on her body to block Cheng Yang's fatal blow.

    "You really have a problem! There are no more than five people in the whole Canglang base who can block my blow." Cheng Yang chuckled, not at all embarrassed by his sudden attack just now.

    "Tsk tsk, that woman is the same everywhere, always showing mercy, why, do you want to kill me to claim credit..." Gu Rong looked at Cheng Yang and Ye Yunzhe with a sneer.     "You don't need to talk about that Gu Lan. I'm just curious about her, but I don't have a good impression of her. To tell you the truth, I have adjusted the satellite monitoring screen to see that those few suddenly turned into zombies in the base All the people who have come into contact with you have suddenly mutated. Who are you?" Cheng Yang said with narrowed eyes, already too lazy to entangle with this young girl. If she doesn't cooperate, just kill her. He doesn't have as many worries as Ye Yunzhe.     "Satellite..." Gu Rong froze for a moment, then frowned fiercely, and looked at Cheng Yang viciously.     "I wanted you to live a few more days. Since you already know some things you shouldn't know, then... don't blame me for being too ruthless!" She smiled, and there were many spiders under her loose hair. A web of black threads gradually covered her forehead.     When Gu Rong raised her head again, her eyes were dull, but she smiled sullenly, like a puppet controlled by someone, and looked very scary.

    "Fuck, what the hell is this?" Cheng Yang was taken aback, but the movements in his hands were not satisfied at all, and the Tibetan knife slashed down again.

    Just hearing a "click", the well-made Tibetan knife was broken by Gu Lan just like that, and her hand was not scratched by the sharp blade. Looking at those pale abnormal hands, Cheng Yang only felt his eyelids twitch violently, it looked like a dead person!

    With a "huh", Gu Rong grabbed Cheng Yang's neck with her bare hands, extremely fast! Moreover, the two were already very close to each other, so this blow seemed to be sure!     But at the very moment, Cheng Yang suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing side by side with Ye Yunzhe. His face turned pale, thinking about the blow just now, it was not easy for him to dodge it.     "The teleportation of space power users? You said that after I take out the beautiful crystal nucleus in your head and eat it, will I also awaken such powers?" Gu Rong laughed, her voice She suddenly became a little immature, sounding like a seven or eight-year-old girl.     "Damn it, it looks like it's possessed by some monster, and there's a sound after a while!" Cheng Yang gasped, as if his abilities were about to run out.     "Dead people don't need to know too many things..." Gu Rong continued to smile, and then approached Cheng Yang and Ye Yunzhe step by step.     "You go first, I'll stop her." Ye Yunzhe protected Cheng Yang behind him. Compared with Qi Chengyang's space ability, his metal ability will have an advantage in melee combat.     "I'm leaving, you're going to die, have you thought about it?" Cheng Yang stretched his neck, with a look on his face that he would leave at any time.     "Well, let's go." Ye Yunzhe nodded, and then his hands quickly turned to metal, holding the machete and charged forward. Every time he slashed, there would be a faint golden light flashing on the knife. The fight with Gu Rong was inseparable.

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