Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    Ye Yunzhe simply knelt down to this big brother!

    Does he know that this is at the gate of the base city? He will not end well if he confronts the military people so blatantly! If he wants to die, he can die by himself, don't implicate Gu Lan.

    After running for a few steps, Ye Yunzhe suddenly stopped, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He wanted to see if this man has the ability to cause trouble, and whether he has the ability to solve today's matter by himself?

    After such a pause, Gu Lan and Jiang Qing were already surrounded by the crowd.

    People like to watch the excitement no matter what time it is, even when the end of the world is coming.

    Since the apocalypse, ordinary people, no matter what their status was before the apocalypse, fell to the bottom all of a sudden, and were not seen by those supernatural beings. And this base is also very rude to ordinary people. To enter the base, it needs very cumbersome procedures and inspections. Some people may queue up for two or three days, but they have not yet entered the base. They have long expressed their opinions on the management personnel of the base up.

    Suddenly seeing someone confronting the military, the crowd suddenly became noisy, and the orderly order also became chaotic. Some people jumped in line, and some took advantage of the chaos to grab other people's things. The chaos was even worse than that of the vegetable market.     "Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and someone fired a warning shot. But the crowd was still chaotic, and no one paid attention to those soldiers. They didn't believe that those soldiers really dared to shoot/shoot the crowd.     "Sister Gu Lan, Brother Jiang!" Ye Huo and the others naturally saw Gu Lan and approached them with difficulty.     Gu Lan looked at the messy crowd around her, and she was very disgusted. Now Jiang Qing was standing behind her, stretching his arms, creating a little space for her, and the crowd in front of her, who wanted to take advantage of the chaos, would come over. Pushed away by her spiritual power.     Seeing Ye Huo and the others approaching, she cleared a path for them to allow people to walk through.     "Where's your car?" Gu Lan asked with a frown.

    "I encountered some problems on the road, the car ran out of gas, so I had to hide it temporarily..." Ye Huo said a little embarrassedly, he is also very distressed now, after all, the car has been refitted to be very strong, and now it is done. Lost, he was a little ashamed to see Gu Lan.

    "It's okay, just go get it back later, it's not far away anyway." Gu Lan said indifferently.

    Frowning and looking at the surrounding situation, she didn't expect that Jiang Qing just took a shot to teach the two people who pointed their guns at them, which caused such a situation.

    "Sister Gu Lan, I think we should not enter the base for the time being. The people in the base will definitely not forget about today's matter. Let's leave quickly." Ye Huo suggested that he was squeezed out, but he had to work hard Maintaining his own body, he is half an arm's length away from Gu Lan. He is thoughtful and has already noticed that Gu Lan doesn't like to get too close to others.

    "Why?" Gu Lan frowned, a little puzzled. She still remembered what Ye Huo said, when she arrived at the base, she could use the supplies in her hands to exchange for the crystal nuclei in the hands of those people. Now that they have arrived at the gate of the city, why not go in?     Ye Huo was stunned, and looked at Gu Lan with a bit of confusion. She was obviously very smart, knew a lot of things, but sometimes she was a little unsophisticated, as if she didn't know how to get along with people. What kind of environment is it that can develop her character like this?     Scratching his head, Ye Huo controlled himself from thinking about it, and organized his words quickly, and then he said cautiously: "Brother Jiang just took action to teach those two guards a lesson, which is equivalent to slapping the base in the face. Now the base It is a critical period to establish prestige, and maybe we will be used as an example."     "Understood." Gu Lan nodded seriously. It's just that most of these methods are used by the powerful to control the weak, but is she a weak person?     Slightly squinting her eyes, Gu Lan is weighing whether to listen to Ye Huo's temporary avoidance, or to ignore those military people. Anyway, there are so many people here, so they should have crystal cores in their hands, right? It shouldn't matter whether you can enter the base or not, so there is no need to have a good relationship with the people in the base.     At this moment, there was another "bang", and the gunfire rang out again.

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