Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

    Running fast, Gu Lan pursed her lips tightly, she knew that she probably understood how she felt about Jiang Qing.

    But, is it really suitable between them?

    Could she really be desperate for him?

    And would he treat her well just for the Chaos Stone like Yun Hao did?

    Many questions slipped through the bottom of her heart. The questions that she had deliberately suppressed for the past few days burst out at this moment, almost drowning her in them all at once.

    But in just a moment, Gu Lan threw all these questions aside. Because, there are more important things, that is, at this moment, no matter whether it is suitable or not, no matter what will happen in the future, she just wants to go to Jiang Qing according to her own heart, and she can't wait for a moment!

    She must see him as quickly as possible!

    Bai Lu led the way silently, but from time to time she would turn her head to look at Gu Lan's face, and the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became.

    He had never seen such a master before. However, he was also happy for his master, because it was really rare for such a vivid expression to appear on his master's face! The current owner looks like what a person should be...

    "Hey, why did Ye Huo and the others come outside?" Suddenly, Yin Mulan said, and looked at her phone with a frown.

    "The speed is so fast, what are they doing? And the direction of movement seems to be that restricted area..." Ye Jingqi also leaned over to take a look, and then said in surprise.

    "It's not Ye Huo, he's still injured and can't run so fast, it should be Gu Lan." Xu Weiming said with a frown.

    "It must be Gu Lan. What do you want to do? Is it to find Jiang Qing? It's just that Jiang Qing is going to that place, it's densely packed with zombies..." Yin Mulan also frowned and said, there is no powerful person in that place. With suppressed firepower, they couldn't go deep at all.

    "Forget it, if something happens to Gu Lan, it's useless for us to go in. We should take advantage of the opportunity and get some more supplies to go back. When Gu Lan comes back, we will probably leave City N. The road ahead will be equally difficult, or Prepare more things you need." After pondering for a while, Yin Mulan made up her mind and said.

    "That's right, the cold zombies have disappeared, and we can go to many places. We really have to seize the opportunity, but it's a pity that we can't bring back too many things at once..." Ye Jingqi said while nibbling on a bag of pickled peppers and chicken feet. He kept stomping his feet.

    None of the others objected either. The fact is that they have basically accepted that they and Gu Lan are people from two worlds. Since Gu Lan never said to let them go together, there is a reason not to let them follow.

    after an hour.

    Gu Lan stood on the roof of a building with a pale face.

    Going forward, you will enter the restricted area marked by the zombie king. It was a place where even Bai Lu's spiritual sense couldn't get through. The last time Bai Lu found Jiang Qing, it was pure luck, and Bai Lu also recruited on the way here just now, so he couldn't get to Jiang Qing's side at all. , Just took a look at Jiang Qing from a distance and was discovered by the Zombie King, and was chased and killed for ten miles.

    "Master, take a break. It's really not good for us to rush over like this. You'd better recover from your injuries and let's touch them quietly..." Bai Lu said anxiously. He thought that when the master came here, he should give up. Just looking at her appearance, she has no intention of giving up at all.

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