Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

    It was a small supermarket, only about two to three hundred square meters, but the location was very good, next to a residential area. There is a wide view there, and there is a crossroad not far away. If there is any situation, you can evacuate immediately.

    The nearby zombies seemed to have been deliberately cleaned up, and the corpses were also moved to the side of the road. There was a large truck and two small pickups parked on the side of the road, and a heavy machine gun was mounted on one of the small pickups. Two heavily armed men stood on the vehicle, scanning their surroundings vigilantly.     From time to time, people will come in and out, using the shopping cart in the supermarket to transport things out. This is a group of well-trained people, they seldom make big movements, and they move things very neatly. Occasionally, there are zombies wandering around here, and there will be special personnel responsible for cleaning them up.     Gu Lan avoided the zombies and approached the alley slowly. When she was more than 200 meters away from the supermarket, she stopped, and entered a pharmacy with an open door on the side of the road with Xie Yuhan.     This pharmacy has already been patronized by an unknown number of people, and the zombies inside have been cleaned up long ago. As for the medicines, there is nothing left.     "You hide here first, I'll go over and have a look." Gu Lan said lightly.     Xiao Han intends to follow Gu Lan, but because his strength is too weak, it can only be a burden to follow, so he nodded. It's just that my heart is extremely nervous, because in the last days, an inadvertent separation may be a farewell, especially in such a big city, no one can tell what will happen in the next minute? He couldn't even imagine, if he left Gu Lan, how would he leave this city n alive alone?     Gu Lan didn't leave a word, and rushed out after she finished speaking, without even seeing Xiao Han's nod.     "Where is the man with the bow hiding?" Gu Lan asked in a low voice after leaving the pharmacy.     "It's in the building next to the supermarket." Bai Lu replied, stretching out her wings in a very humane way, pointing to a tall building in the residential area closest to the road.     Gu Lan pursed her lips, frowned slightly, and disappeared into the alley very quickly.

    If you want to get close to that supermarket, you must first bring down the archer hiding in that building! If it wasn't for Bai Lu, she might have been discovered before she got close to that building. Who would have thought that this group of people would be so cautious, not only guarding against zombies, but also guarding against people who might appear. She was almost sure that if someone really wanted to approach the supermarket secretly, the person hiding in the building would probably do it without hesitation, and the people in the supermarket would probably be notified as soon as possible.

    Guided by Bai Lu, Gu Lan kept pinching the blind spot of the man's sight, and quietly approached the building with little effort.

    The zombies in this building should have been cleaned up before. Gu Lan went up to the top of the building smoothly, and then stood behind that person without anyone noticing.

    The man's sense was very sensitive, because the moment Gu Lan raised his hand, he turned his head suddenly, but he only saw Gu Lan's face, and the next moment he was hit, and fell limply on the ground on the ground.

    This is a young man in his early twenties. He is very handsome, but his hair is dyed silvery white. He looks very rebellious. Looking at the weapon he held tightly in his hand even though he fainted, Gu Lan waved his hand and put away the well-made gun. This weapon is much better than the crossbow made by Xu Weiming himself, so he must like it.

    "Throw him on the small turret on the roof, and go faster." Gu Lan said coldly.

    Bai Lu grumbled twice in dissatisfaction, and then suddenly grew a lot bigger. After stretching her wings, one wing was half a meter long. It looked like a mutated bird of prey. Small and cute?

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