Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

    "Annan Town, what's the matter?" Gu Lan turned her head and frowned at Lu Weiqi.

    In fact, the reason why she agreed to this woman to join the team so straightforwardly was because Bai Lu said that there seemed to be something full of aura on her body, which might be a magic weapon or magic weapon?

    This is full of temptation for Gu Lan, who is still at the peak of the fourth level of Qi refining. Because no matter how much she wants to have a magic weapon, at least she has to successfully build a foundation. If you want to have a magic weapon, you have to form a golden elixir. Only after you have your own natal pill fire can you refine your natal magic weapon. And she is actually not proficient in refining weapons.

    Lu Weiqi frowned, and after carefully looking at everyone in the car, she looked at Gu Lan and said seriously: "The zombies there are very strange, I think the zombies should have IQ! They know how to cooperate, I follow The entire army was almost wiped out there. And Junjun’s parents also had an accident there.”

    Gu Lan raised her eyebrows, and a flash of clarity flashed in her heart. There is no need to doubt that zombies have IQs at all. Sitting Jiang Qing is a zombie who has an IQ and knows how to save himself.

    As for the fact that so many people died, but this woman escaped alone, it must have something to do with the things hidden on her body. After pondering for a while, Gu Lan asked directly: " did you escape?"

    Ye Huo also thought of this point. After Gu Lan asked this question, he frowned and stared at Lu Weiqi, feeling disgusted with her. be on guard. He didn't want the kind of players who were greedy for life and afraid of death to be mixed into the team, because the existence of such people was like an untimely bomb, who might kill other players at any time!

    "I don't know what's going on. I didn't escape at all. When the zombies rushed towards me, there was a burst of white light, and then those zombies died inexplicably... After that, I saw the ghosts killed by my parents. Junjun who was hiding in the attic, and then the two of them escaped from Annan Town together." Lu Weiqi frowned and said with a look of careful memory.

    Luo Jiajia saw that Ye Huo was already on guard, so she said anxiously: "Sister Gu Lan, Brother Ye Huo, don't worry, my aunt is very kind, and she usually helps others to see a doctor for free. People who are sick will buy medicine for those people out of their own pockets..."

    Gu Lan found it a bit difficult to do, she wanted something from this woman, but this woman seemed to be a kind-hearted person, if she robbed this woman like this Things that depend on one's life will have a sense of guilt, and one fears that one will breed demons in the future, giving Mo Xin an opportunity to take advantage of it! If this woman is a wicked person, then she will directly rob her without any psychological burden at all.

    After pondering for a while, Gu Lan asked: "Do you have any special things on you? Jewelry or something?" Lu Weiqi

    glanced at Gu Lan in shock, then hesitated for a while before taking out a tie from the clothes inside. Jade pendant with red string. What she just said was very vague, but in fact, she knew that the jade pendant might be the one that kept her alive, because that day the glaring white light came from the pocket where she put the jade pendant, and she also checked it carefully afterwards. Passing through the jade pendant, I found a tiny crack on it.

    She never told anyone this secret. And this girl who looks very young, but whose eyes can look directly at people's hearts, unexpectedly guessed it all at once. Instinctively, Lu Weiqi felt that she should tell the truth.

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