Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 The World Is Really Small

    Jiang Qing always followed Gu Lan's lead. As soon as she left, Jiang Qing followed without saying a word.

    Ye Huo and the others also heard the gunshots at the entrance of the town. Seeing that Gu Lan and the others had all retreated, he, Ye Jingqi, and Tian Dajiang followed suit quickly. no more.

    The gunshot just now was too loud, and many zombies have already noticed it. It is estimated that most of the zombies in the town have started to outflank this side. If there is a mutant speed zombie running over, which of the three of them will I can't go either. Moreover, Luo Jiajia was left alone in the town, and they were all worried about that girl.     Originally, Gu Lan thought that some powerful zombies were going around, and Luo Jiajia was defeated, so she fired. But when she arrived, she sneered, she wanted to ask if the world was too small, and met some acquaintances again!     It was a group of 30 to 40 people, and one of Gu Lan's acquaintances was the first person she met after waking up in this world—Chu Heng.     Originally, Gu Lan planned to make friends with this man who possessed the lightning power, because at that time she had no way to check and balance Mo Xin. But when Mo Xin started to use some clumsy means to provoke people's hearts, he saw his own gaze changed. Although he might not believe it that much, Gu Lan, who has lived for more than a thousand years, understands best. Sometimes, Once a seed of doubt is planted in the human heart, sooner or later, it will take root and sprout.     Therefore, the moment Jiang Qing appeared, Gu Lan simply chose Jiang Qing, because this zombie man wanted something from her, and she could restrain him. And she's too weak, she really needs a strong fighter.     Facts have proved that her intuition and her choices are correct most of the time! Seeing Mo Xin next to Chu Heng, Gu Lan's mouth twitched into a slight smile. Very well, these two people got mixed up again, so Chu Heng must have believed Mo Xin's words even more. She was really curious, what secrets would that little girl Mo Xin tell him this time?     Moreover, they still want to grab their own car now! This beam has been formed, and if you want to be kind, it is impossible!

    Perhaps Gu Lan's gaze was too hot, Chu Heng turned his head and looked at it, and said in surprise, "Gu Lan, it's really you!" "Why, you didn't know that I would appear here?

    " Gu Lan replied coldly, then walked towards the minibus.

    "It was Mo Xin who said you would come..." Chu Heng followed behind Gu Lan, speaking a little cautiously.

    It's just that Gu Lan didn't pay attention to him at all, but took another look at Mo Xin who was walking with a limp. It seems that when she was scratched by the zombie dog that day, this little girl also suffered the same injury, and the wound has not healed until now, so it does not prevent her from jumping around!

    The door of the minibus had been damaged, and Luo Jiajia stood guarding the door with blood on her head holding a gun, staring at Chu Heng and the others vigilantly. When she saw Gu Lan approaching, she wiped the blood on her face with her hand, and smiled uglier than crying: "I'm sorry, Sister Gu Lan, I don't want to shoot either, but they bullied people too much and kept making me cry. I opened the car door, but if I refused, they did it..."     "Good job." Gu Lan patted Luo Jiajia on the shoulder, then brushed her blood-stained black hair, a red light flashed, and Luo Jiajia felt smooth The bleeding from the head seemed to have stopped.     Being hated all the time, Chu Heng didn't seem to feel it. Seeing that he didn't know what would happen if the little girl with a bad head and bleeding head continued to talk, he walked over quickly and put one hand on his back. On the door of the car, prevent Gu Lan from getting in the car: "Gu Lan, we found a shelter for survivors, you can go there with us." "     Okay..." Gu Lan said with a light smile. Luo Jiajia was taken aback, and looked at Gu Lan in shock.     Chu Heng was also taken aback, he thought it would take a lot of work, but the next moment, he laughed, and was about to say a few more words when Gu Lan slapped his hand away and said coldly: "Anyway I'm going to go there, but before that, you hurt my people, talk about how to compensate."     Gu Lan's slap, with all his strength, Chu Heng was unprepared, so naturally he was hit directly, and now his arm It's still hot and painful. His face also turned cold, and when he was about to speak, Mo Xin squeezed over.

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