Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Chaos Stone

    People who can cultivate immortals are generally a little cold in their bones. Gu Lan was like this in her previous life, and it will be the same in this life. She didn't care what kind of impact her sudden murderous intent and nonsense just now had on others?

    Seeing that everyone was looking at her quietly, Gu Lan didn't feel any discomfort. She looked at the furnishings in this room, and felt a little disappointed. There are too many people here, and it is messy, and the spiritual energy is too thin. It is not a suitable place for cultivation. It may be difficult to draw the energy into the body tonight. up.

    It seems that the only way to venture into the world inside the Chaos Stone is! It's just that if you want to do this, you need a separate space. She is still very weak now, and she understands the truth of the crime of being pregnant.

    "I want to rest."

    "Why don't you rest first..."

    Gu Lan and Chu Heng said almost in unison.

    "You go to rest first, the small attic on the top of the building is relatively quiet, I will call you after dinner." Chu Heng scratched his hair, stood up and said, what he didn't tell Gu Lan was that this room originally belonged to his personal.

    Nodding her head, Gu Lan grabbed the little girl who was still dependent on her, and walked upstairs with a blank expression against everyone's eyes.

    It wasn't until she went upstairs for a while that the brothers under Chu Heng's hands completely relaxed one by one. At that moment just now, several of them couldn't help holding their hands. Weapons, for fear that Gu Lan would throw a knife at the slightest disagreement!

    "Boss, I'm afraid it's not good to let her join the team. She doesn't know her background, she looks fierce, and she said that she will leave at any time..." Xu Shaoning said in a low voice. Seeing that this skinny girl is not pleasing to the eye, her attitude is naturally a bit off. And it turns out that his sixth sense, which has never made a mistake, is really accurate. How many people has that girl killed?

    "Now is the end of the world. What is the most important thing? It's strength! The origin of which is very clear. We are all survivors who survived this catastrophe. What we should think about now is how to survive well, instead of staring at a brave man. A little older girl!" Tian Dajiang, the oldest in the team, spoke. He was already in his forties, if it wasn't for the end of the world, he would be the happiest time in his life with sons and daughters, and now, he has nothing... "She saved me once today

    ... ...I have already said that she will be an official member of the team in the future. If any of you have any opinions, or think that you are better than her at killing zombies, you can stand up and stay as you like!" "Uncle Tian, ​​please     go Cook some meat porridge, give it to someone... and her sister to make up for it." Chu Heng said with a cold face, and he scratched his head irritably, because he found that until now, he didn't seem to know what is her name?     In the small attic on the roof, it was surprisingly clean and tidy. The place is not big, but it is very comfortable.     Gu Lan checked around, and after locking the doors and windows, she sat cross-legged on the bed, silently running the Chaos Art that she practiced in her previous life in her body. She could hear the sound downstairs clearly, and she could also hear the sound of the little girl beside her rolling around on the cotton wool and sighing from time to time, but it didn't affect her in the slightest.     After a while, her figure flickered and disappeared in place, leaving only the little girl staring at the place where she disappeared with a gloomy expression, wondering what she was thinking...     Entering the familiar world again, Gu Lan's expressionless face , and finally some other expressions.     This place was originally a picturesque place full of aura, and she spent a lot of effort to remove the Lingshi veins and the Linghe spring, and arranged it into a fairyland outside the world.     But now, on the withered and yellow land, there is not a single green plant to be seen. Because the world has shrunk a lot, it is only about seven or eight mu of land now, and the Lingshi veins and Linghe springs are no longer visible, and I don't know if they can recover in the future? Now here, at most, it can only be used as an ordinary slightly larger storage magic weapon. As for the aura, it is a little bit richer than the outside world, and it can be cultivated here temporarily.

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