Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    The girl's name is Luo Jiajia, twenty-one this year, a sophomore in city b. This time I came out to play during the holidays, but unexpectedly encountered the apocalypse, and now I can’t go back home, and I don’t know what happened to my relatives at home?

    On the way to Yuxing Town, Ye Huo found out the details of this girl. Luo Jiajia's father is a very good mechanic, and Jiajia said that she has learned the truth.

    If what she says is true, then she is really useful! This is Ye Huo's evaluation of her.

    Although Gu Lan already has part of the memory of this world, the original owner is a sick child, and her cognition of this world is only superficial. I don't know anything about mechanics. But she believed in the eyes of this young man with a good brain. Since Ye Huo said so, she took a second look at this girl.

    Being stared at like this, Luo Jiajia shrank her neck, lowered her head in fear, and twisted the corners of her clothes nervously, stumbling as if she couldn't even walk.

    "Take it and put it on." Gu Lan took out a black women's down jacket, and handed her a bottle of water and a piece of bread.

    Luo Jiajia took it as if flattered, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you! Thank you! As soon as I find a usable car, I will immediately modify and strengthen it for you..." Car,

    Gu Lan slammed her mouth, a little bit missing the car she used to have Those powerful flying magic weapons. Indeed, in this world where monsters are everywhere, especially when she is not very powerful now, having a sturdy and easy-to-use car will make her life more secure! Looking at this thin and small girl who competes with her, I feel much more pleasing to the eye.     "I'll buy your lives for a little food, and when I find out that you are all the fodder she kept to feed the zombies, will you still be so grateful?" Suddenly, Mo Xin's mean and resentful words came out. come out.     In the past few days, the zombie man and the disgusting woman have been inseparable all day long, which made her unable to talk nonsense. Now that the man is away, she must quickly stir up the evil thoughts in these people's hearts, otherwise her cultivation will stagnate no more.

    "Whether others are fodder depends on their value. As for you, I don't think you really see any value except as fodder! Believe it or not, I will throw you to feed zombies when I arrive in Yuxing Town?" Gu Lan said with a smile, but the murderous intent on his body made Ye Huo and the others feel a little uncomfortable.     "Little sister, although I don't know what happened between the two of you, I think you should learn to trust your sister. If it weren't for her, you probably wouldn't be alive now, right?" Ye Huo spoke to her. Since he joined the team, he has already noticed some problems between the two sisters. They are obviously very worried about each other, but they insist on swearing at each other!     "What do you know, this woman is a murderer, she killed my parents, and even robbed my family's ancestral treasure..." The little girl began to think about it again, and what she said was also to Chu Heng and his team. The way people say it, the expression on his face makes it impossible to see a bit of falsehood.     It's just that Gu Lan acted as if she hadn't heard it, her face was calm, and she never even refuted and stopped, just letting the little girl read the film all the way.     As a result, Ye Jingqi, Luo Jiajia and the others, who believed a little at the beginning, felt that Gu Lan probably killed her zombified parents in the end. This little girl watched too much TV, and she should have imagined everything else. Because with Gu Lan's skills, if she really wants to do bad things and kill people, it's still easy to catch, how can she leave a disaster with her every day, and control her food, drink, life and death.     "The town in front is Yuxing Town, and there are probably hundreds of survivors in it. The whole town has cleared out this small area in the southwest corner, and all the survivors are gathered in the school. If we want to leave, we have to Cross the town and go around to the national road on the other side." Everyone squatted in the wild grass on the hillside, and Ye Huo was introducing the situation to everyone like Jiang Shan.     "Which one has the most zombies and the most supplies?" Gu Lan narrowed her eyes slightly, looking calmly at the town down the hillside.     "There is a big supermarket in the southeast corner. Then there is a big supermarket in the northwest corner, and there is a hospital next to it. We can also go to get some medicine for self-defense. It's just that the hospital is the hardest hit area, so I'm afraid it's not easy to go in. .” Ye Huo pointed to two places.

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