Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    In the Chaos Stone.

    Gu Lan leaned on her chest with a pale face, and knelt on the ground.

    In the fatal blow just now, she used a sword move that can only be used at least in the foundation building period. Then, in the continuous sword light, he hid in the Chaos Stone with Jiang Qing.

    She bet that person didn't know that Jiang Qing could also enter the Chaos Stone. Therefore, when the sword light dissipated and he couldn't find anyone, he should guess that she escaped with a secret technique.

    Of course, with that person's careful thinking, he might have guessed that she hid in the Chaos Stone, and then waited outside. But under the circumstances at that time, she had no other choice at all. He is determined to obtain the Chaos Stone, and he will never show mercy.

    Even if what he is controlling now is just a body attached to a distraction, with her current cultivation level, there is nothing she can do about him.

    "What's the matter with you?" Jiang Qing squatted beside Gu Lan, with a little nervousness on his usually expressionless face.

    "I'm fine." Gu Lan shook her head, then sat cross-legged and began to adjust her breath.

    This time, if she hadn't advanced to the middle stage of Qi refining, it would be difficult to use this move. But now, her mana is almost dry, and her meridians are also severely damaged. At least she needs to be warmed up for a few days before she can gradually get better.

    Jiang Qing squatted aside, watching silently. With his physique, the broken arms and legs would only take a day or two to recover.

    This wait is a full two days.

    When Gu Lan opened her eyes again, seeing Jiang Qing squatting in front of her in the same posture as before she closed her eyes, a warm current surged through her heart.

    "That person is very strong. Who is he?" Jiang Qing asked.

    "He..." Gu Lan smiled wryly, not knowing how to tell Jiang Qing.

    Who is he? Perhaps he should be regarded as the closest person in her previous life, his senior brother, and her husband in name.

    Before the master ascended, he said that the two of them could form a double cultivation, and she agreed. Then practice Chaos Art with him for five hundred years. Except for the time of practicing together, the two of them spend very little time together. But the senior brother has always treated her very well, and people outside also say that they are extremely affectionate, and they are a rare pair of immortals.

    She always felt that meeting her master and senior brother might be her greatest luck. I always felt that my senior brother loved her. It's just...

    when she knew that she was being counted by him, she hated her so much, otherwise she wouldn't be able to bear the knot in her heart and give birth to demons. But surviving in this chaotic world, the events of her previous life have become farther and farther away from her, and her cultivation path has just begun. It is almost just a fantasy to cross the boundary lake and go to that realm.

    But who knows, he still came after him...for the Chaos Stone.

    Slowly closing her eyes, Gu Lan's heart was surprisingly peaceful at this moment. She always thought that this was a memory that she would never reveal or touch again in her life.

    "You feel bad...why?" Jiang Qing's voice came again, and then his big cold hand covered hers.

    "You just need to know that he is my enemy." Gu Lan opened her eyes and smiled brightly.

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