Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    This process was not long, only a minute or two before and after, but at the moment after the Chaos Stone was completely separated from the body, Gu Lan seemed to have all the strength taken away from her body.

    Over there, Jiang Qing's complexion gradually became better. The wrinkles on his face are gradually disappearing, and the characteristics of the zombie are also slowly disappearing. Then a few minutes later, he turned over and took Gu Lan, who was on the verge of falling, into his arms.

    His chin rested on Gu Lan's head, and he didn't make a sound, he just hugged her like that, his movements were gentle as if he was afraid of disturbing Gu Lan.

    "Let me tell you, don't just run away just because you want to get the Chaos Stone, I have left a trace of consciousness on it..." After a long while, Gu Lan said weakly.

    "No, I won't leave even if you drive me away." Jiang Qing said in a deep voice.

    Gu Lan frowned, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised. She knew how miraculous the Chaos Stone was, but he had just passed it on to him, and he used it very well. He was really talented.

    Stretching out her hand, she gently pressed Jiang Qing's heart, where the stone-like place would beat slightly after a while, which was the vibration of the Chaos Stone absorbing the toxins in its body. But touching it like this, it feels like he has a heartbeat...

    Jiang Qing picked up Gu Lan by the waist and sent him to the bamboo house of Chaos Stone. He gently smoothed the broken hair on Gu Lan's forehead: "Wait!" I'll wait."

    "You..." Gu Lan tightly grasped Jiang Qing's sleeve, and after biting her lip, she let go.

    Now that the Chaos Stone is in her hands, it is at most like a larger storage space, which can be used to heal people, and there are very few places that can be used. But it is different with Jiang Qing. The Chaos Stone absorbs the toxins in his body, and then he converts them into energy. On the day when the toxins in his body are not completely cleared, his energy will not be exhausted, even with that very powerful spider. It is not impossible for monsters to fight against each other.

    "Don't worry." After Jiang Qing replied two words, he disappeared into the Chaos Stone.

    Gu Lan lay flat on the ground and sighed deeply. She felt empty in her heart. In her previous life, she had kept the secret until she crossed the catastrophe and ascended to the top of the catastrophe. In this life, she handed it over so easily. Is she really all right? Why is reason fed to the dog on this zombie!

    "Master, you really don't want me anymore..." Bai Lu squatted beside Gu Lan, weeping heavily.

    Rolling her eyes, Gu Lan didn't bother to care about it, it was a shame for her to have such a stupid weapon spirit!

    "Hey, master, it's so strange, why can't I feel the existence of that corpse brother, isn't he my new master?" Suddenly, Bai Lu exclaimed.

    Gu Lan also opened her eyes suddenly, and after feeling it quietly for a while, she stared at Bai Lu with a strange expression on her face.

    Indeed, just like what Bai Lu said, there is still a connection between her and Bai Lu, and there is also an inexplicable connection between her and Jiang Qing! She has temporarily given the Chaos Stone to Jiang Qing. It stands to reason that he is the new owner of the Chaos Stone, but why is this happening now?

    With a thought in mind, Gu Lan stepped away from the Chaos Stone, only to meet Jiang Qing's fist head-on!

    At the very moment, Jiang Qing turned his fist into a palm, grabbed Gu Lan by the collar, and pulled her behind him. With a "poof", Jiang Qing's shoulder was pierced by a spider foot.

    Not too bright blood splattered Gu Lan's face, and before she could wipe it off, Gu Lan thought, and a soil shield stood in front of the two of them.

    "Puff puff puff!" Several times in a row, at the moment when Gu Lanjiangqing and the spider monster pulled away, the earth shield had been shattered into slag.

    "How are you?" Gu Lan asked, and then quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on Jiang Qing's injured area. In fact, she was not sure whether it would work for Jiang Qing, after all, he was no longer a normal human being.

    "It's okay." Jiang Qing replied, then took off the gloves on his hands, rubbed the back of his hands against Gu Lan's face, and helped her clean up the blood on her face.

    "Hmph, at the end of the day, if you're still here to love each other, I'll let you be a pair of ghost ducks!" The spider monster said angrily.

    It was only at this time that Gu Lan could clearly see the appearance of this spider monster. Two of his spider legs had been broken, and one of his compound eyes seemed to be blind. It seems that just a moment ago, Jiang Qing had already hurt him. Speaking of it, it seems that he has caused trouble for him by coming out rashly.

    He glanced at Jiang Qing with some guilt, but saw him frowning and staring at the spider monster. He didn't seem to understand what the spider monster was talking about? Then Gu Lan's face turned red suddenly when she thought about what the spider monster said about Qingqing, Guiyuanyang, what kind of nonsense is this damn thing talking about? She is devoted to the Tao, she is a woman who pursues the Tao, how could she have a romantic relationship!

    At that moment, Gu Lan's face turned cold, and without a word, several thunderbolts struck him. On the other hand, Jiang Qing didn't know why Gu Lan suddenly became angry, but he knew that Gu Lan was upset, so he rushed forward without saying a word. His speed was extremely fast, almost several times faster than before, in the blink of an eye. Time, has already rushed to the side of the spider monster, and then punched it with a fist without saying a word!

    Before Gu Lan and Jiang Qing were pressed and beaten by the spider monster, but now, the speed of the spider monster is not as fast as Jiang Qing, and he can only be beaten when he gets close, and wants to release white silk to wrap around Jiang Qing. He was so beaten that he had no chance to release him. A few minutes later, Jiang Qing broke off his other spider legs one by one.

    On the other side, Gu Lan sat weakly against the corner after a few fierce attacks at the beginning. Her spiritual power was almost exhausted. Now even if she wanted to enter the Chaos Stone, she seemed to have no way out. Fortunately, this is the territory of the spider, and there are no other zombies nearby. It is now being crushed and beaten by Jiang Qing, and it has no power to fight back. She is not in any danger.

    Biting her lip, Gu Lan stared resentfully at Jiang Qing who cleaned up the spider monster like beating a sandbag, then he held a crystal nucleus the size of a longan and handed it to Gu Lan.

    Shaking her head, Gu Lan pushed it to Jiang Qing. It would be a waste to restore her spiritual power with such a precious crystal nucleus. She will go outside and kill a few zombies to get some crystal nuclei.

    "Here, take it out, it is very important to you." Jiang Qing took Gu Lan's hand and pressed it against his chest.

    Gu Lan's hands trembled, her eyes widened, and she stared at Jiang Qing in disbelief. No one can deny the power of the Chaos Stone. Anyone who knows the Chaos Stone is crazy about it!

    And now, he has felt the power of the Chaos Stone, can he let it go so easily?

    When Gu Lan gave Jiang Qing the Chaos Stone, he was lending it to him temporarily, but he still had to come back in the future! And she also has backhands, either so unconditionally or really stupidly giving up the Chaos Stone.

    But now, he just told her calmly and asked her to take it back. Gu Lan suddenly felt a bit bitter in her mouth, and her heart felt a little bitter too!

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