Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    "How did you know I would come here?" Seeing Ye Huo, Gu Lan was indeed a little surprised.

    This time the situation was critical, when Ye Huo and the others evacuated, Gu Lan didn't have time to agree with them where to meet. Originally, I wanted to go to Jiunan Valley before I went to find them.

    I thought it would be a long time before we met again, but who knew, they would come here first.

    "It was Sister Lu who said it. She said what you said before. After the matter in Annan Town is resolved, she will come here. There is a base here. Sister Lu said that she has a friend here. She can come here first and wait for you at that base. " Ye Huo said with a slight smile, nodded at Jiang Qing, and fixed his gaze on Xu Weiming, to be precise, the tiger in front of Xu Weiming.

    When Ye Huo said that he knew people in this base, Xu Weiming's face turned cold. He pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said to Gu Lan straight to the point: "If you are going to that base, then I will go back first." Now."     "I'm going to that ancient town, not that base." Gu Lan frowned and said, she suddenly remembered that Xu Weiming said from the beginning that the people in that base were not easy to get along with. On the contrary, Lu Weiqi never seemed to say that he knew anyone from here.     Xu Weiming's eyes lit up, his lips squirmed a few times, but he didn't make a sound. He was really happy that Gu Lan didn't go to that base, but he just met her, so he couldn't compare to her long-time friend, so he felt that I'd better shut up now and wait for Gu Lan's final decision.     "Where are the others?" Gu Lan asked.     "They are at the front, still waiting in line to enter the base." Ye Huo replied, and then glanced at Xu Weiming again.     "Go and ask them if they want to stay in this base? Or go to the ancient town with me?" After Gu Lan said another sentence, she looked up at the sky. Today's sky is very cloudy, and it will be dark soon. That ancient town will probably have to wait until tomorrow.     After hesitating for a while, Ye Huo habitually pushed the bridge of his nose and looked at Xu Weiming and said, "This big brother is called Xu Weiming, and the wolf dog you are holding is called Huzi?" "Yes." Xu Weiming nodded     .

    "That base seems to be looking for you, of course I just heard..." Ye Huo said a little tactfully, then glanced at Gu Lan.

    Gu Lan glanced at Xu Weiming, pursed her lips, and said to Ye Huo, "He's fine. You go and inform the others that we'll find a place to camp near here, and we'll go to that ancient town tomorrow morning." "Okay,

    I Now go and inform them that no matter what happens to the others, Xiao Qi and I will be back." After Ye Huo said something, he left quickly.

    "Thank you for believing in me." Xu Weiming said a little excitedly.

    "I like your dog." Gu Lan pursed her lips and said, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was in a good mood.

    Xu Weiming was a little dizzy, this co-author, he is not even as good as a tiger, is he? He glanced at Hu Zi in his arms with some resentment, and Hu Zi innocently stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek.

    "Ah, there is a dog here, we have something to eat! So it's not a child..." Suddenly, someone in the gazebo shouted.

    The other people who were either sitting or lying down got up, staring at Xu Weiming and Huzi with bright eyes.

    Xu Weiming's face suddenly became ugly, and he immediately became fully alert.

    "Let's go." Gu Lan frowned slightly, and walked forward first.

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