Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 He is full

    In the car, Gu Lan was still resting quietly, but suddenly began to breathe rapidly, which shocked everyone else.

    Ye Huo yelled anxiously several times without waking Gu Lan, and then he went to call Jiang Qing, but Jiang Qing didn't respond either, and remained motionless as if he had fallen into a nightmare. If you listened carefully, it seemed that he couldn't even No more breathing!

    This frightened Ye Huo, and immediately asked Tian Dajiang to stop immediately. When he took off the mask on Jiang Qing's face with trembling hands and feet (he just wanted to make sure if he was dead, definitely not to see if this big brother was handsome or not!), Jiang Qing suddenly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, a red light seemed to flash away from his eyes.     And over there, Gu Lan also woke up, staring at Ye Huo and Jiang Qing with a strange expression. Because Ye Huo and Jiang Qing are in very weird postures now, Jiang Qing is still leaning on the seat, Ye Huo opened the car door, just lying on his stomach like that, his face is only half a foot away from Jiang Qing, no matter how you look at it, it's ambiguous!     Well, in fact, everyone in the car is staring at the two of them now, but because Jiang Qing is in the co-pilot, the ones who really see Jiang Qing's face clearly are Ye Huo and Tian Dajiang. And besides Gu Lan, no one else would think wrongly!     God knows what an ascetic girl Gu Lan is. Some of the messy things in her mind were left to her by the former director of her body.     "Uh... I'm sorry, Brother Jiang, I am, I am..." Ye Huo was stunned, he wanted to back out as if he was shocked, but because he raised his head too quickly, he knocked his head on the car door. He supported his head and stood outside the car with a look of sincerity and fear, a little at a loss.     Jiang Qing put on the mask expressionlessly, then glanced at Ye Huo, and closed his eyes again.     "Why are you standing there, let's go." Gu Lan glared at Ye Huo and said a little irritably. All of these are not worrying. Fortunately, Jiang Qing's appearance is similar to that of a normal person, at most, his complexion is a little paler. Ye Huo shouldn't have noticed anything, right?     "Here we come." Ye Huo trotted into the car, and then couldn't help but look at Jiang Qing's back along the way, which made Gu Lan notice it.

    "Ye Huo, do you like your Brother Jiang?" Gu Lan asked with a cold face.

    It's just her words that made Ye Jingqi and Tian Dajiang burst into laughter, and Ye Huo stared at Gu Lan as if he was overly frightened. Under her sharp eyes, Ye Huo stammered and said: "I just can't figure it out, Brother Jiang is so handsome, why does he always cover his face?"

    Gu Lan raised the corners of her mouth and pursed her lips when she heard the words, she glanced at Jiang Qing's back, and said solemnly: "You Brother Jiang, I guess he is afraid of attracting bees and butterflies."

    "That's right, he is strong enough, cool and handsome, if he doesn't cover it up, he will really provoke a lot of rotten friends..." Ye Huo didn't agree. Knowing whether he really believed it, or perfunctory Gu Lan, after saying something along the way, he took his eyes away from Jiang Qing and looked out of the car window intently.

    It's just that in the wilderness in winter, there is no scenery at all, and it is depressed. Along the road, after the vehicles pass by, there are rotten newspapers and plastic bags flying everywhere.

    At 11:35 noon, the car stopped at the side of the road two kilometers outside Annan Town.

    After Tian Dajiang asked for gas tanks and pots and pans from Gu Lan, he started cooking, and the others dispersed, some solved their personal problems, and some consciously went around to check the situation. Beside the car, only Tian Dajiang, Gu Lan, and Jiang Qing were left.

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