Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    Gu Lan's plan was completely given up when she returned to her own room.

    Because, after she entered the door, she immediately smelled a smell of rancidity and blood. Obviously this is a very unpleasant smell, but at this moment, Gu Lan felt that it smelled surprisingly good!

    Unsurprisingly, Jiang Qing turned over and rolled out from under the bed.

    Seeing Jiang Qing, Gu Lan rushed over, then waved his backhand, the door was locked, and Gu Lan put a simple restraint on it to prevent anyone from breaking in.

    "How are you?" Gu Lan helped Jiang Qing to lie on the bed, looking at Jiang Qing who was seriously injured, lost an arm, and showed all the characteristics of a zombie, a strange emotion spread in his heart.

    "I, no, too, okay..." Jiang Qing said after a pause.

    Just as Gu Lan was about to reply, there was a loud knock on the door.

    If it wasn't for Gu Lan's foresight to put down the restriction, people from outside might have already broken into the door. Just that ordinary small wooden door can't stop any supernatural being.

    "Here we come." Gu Lan replied calmly, and then her subordinates tapped Jiang Qing's acupoints like the wind to help him stop the bleeding, and then sent him into the Chaos Stone. Gu Lan also put away the dirty cotton wool on the bed.

    After that, Gu Lan quickly put on another bed of cotton wool, then unzipped her clothes and went to open the door.

    Outside the door, there are several supernatural beings, including Xiaohan.

    The leading one, about forty years old, led a big black mutant dog.

    The mutated dog rushed in the moment Gu Lan opened the door.

    Gu Lan didn't stop her, but lazily zipped up her clothes, and then smoothed her hair casually.

    "Ms. Gu, it is reasonable to say that you are the current VIP of our base, and you should not disturb your rest at this time. But now there are high-level zombies appearing in the base. For the safety of everyone, the base is now vigorously investigating. Inconvenience, Please forgive me." The leader said apologetically.

    Gu Lan nodded, expressing her understanding.

    Then the man continued: "I wonder if we can go in and take a look?"

    "Of course, just take a look." Gu Lan stepped aside and said indifferently.

    After the mutant dog came in, it searched and sniffed around the room, and even pounced on the bed emphatically. It just sniffed around the bed, but found nothing, and turned around anxiously.

    After the man came in, he lifted the quilt casually, and after taking a look, he gave up. As for under the bed, the man also got down and took a look, and stopped after making sure no one was there. Because the small cabinet that is still left can't hide people at all.

    "Ah, there seems to be some bloody smell in this room..." Although the man didn't look through it again, he stood still and looked at Gu Lan suspiciously.

    Gu Lan raised her eyebrows, they rushed so fast, of course the smell of blood hadn't dissipated. But Gu Lan didn't bother to talk to him if he didn't get the stolen goods on the spot.

    During the stalemate, Xiaohan, who hadn't said much, suddenly laughed: "Uncle Qi, maybe it's Ms. Gu who is here to pretend to be a fake... It's just a faint smell of blood. If you don't tell me, I won't I found it."

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