Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Family

    What Ye Huo and the little girl said made everyone fall into silence.

    Especially Luo Jiajia and Tian Dajiang, their faces became ugly. They are all ordinary people. In this chaotic world, without supernatural powers, if they hadn't been protected by Gu Lan and the others along the way, they wouldn't be able to survive at all.

    They didn't say anything, but they knew in their hearts that no one could protect anyone for a lifetime. They have no blood relationship with Gu Lan, and they just met by chance. If they are not very kind-hearted people, they will abandon them, useless ordinary people, every minute. So they still hope that the government can turn the situation around as soon as possible, so that ordinary people like them can live a more secure life.     But now, the survivor's shelter that they had been looking forward to for a long time turned out to be like this? And the situation of the flood of zombies outside has not improved at all, and even those zombies are becoming more and more powerful, which makes them lose their hope for the future.     Fortunately, Gu Lan didn't seem to have any plans to drive them away, and accepted Luo Jiajia's little aunt to join the team, which made them feel a little more at ease.     It is very difficult to enter the base, but the procedures for going out are much simpler. You only need to verify the number of people and do a simple registration.     Because Gu Lan and the others did not enter the base through formal channels, and there was nothing to prove their identities, some of those people recognized Gu Lan and the others, but because there were no special orders from above, these people were eager to They hurried away without even asking, and let people go directly.     Outside the gate of the base, there were soldiers cleaning up the chaotic scene just now. Those who had died were all gathered together, as if they were about to be cremated, they were piled up in a haphazard manner, as if they were piled up with something, but no one objected. Those who have not yet entered the base just stared at the corpses blankly, only a small number of people, perhaps just lost their relatives and partners, were weeping softly.     "Alas..." Tian Dajiang sighed for a long time, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

    Among them, Gu Lan may be the calmest person. Since Jiang Qing has been wearing a mask and doesn't like to talk, others can't see his expression.

    There are many people staring at them, their eyes are different, some are angry, some are jealous, some are greedy, and some are envious, but after the chaos before, no one dared to underestimate Gu Lan and the others, so And no one who doesn't have eyesight comes to make trouble. As for the base, they even ignored them, and no one stopped them at all.     Considering that Luo Jiajia's aunt is weak, Gu Lan took out the commercial vehicle that she had taken in from the Chaos Stone to travel instead. The seven-seater commercial vehicle is not spacious enough for the eight of them to squeeze into it.     Tian Dajiang drove, and Jiang Qing was directed by Gu Lan to sit in the co-pilot. After Ye Huo and the others helped Luo Jiajia's aunt into the car, Gu Lan was about to bend down to get in the car, but suddenly heard someone shout: "Lan Lan, Lan Lan..."     Frowning slightly, Gu Lan twisted It was too much, because in her memory, someone did call her that, but that was when she was very young. After her mother passed away, she hadn't heard such a title for many years, and now she suddenly heard it, it was really flattering.     A man and two women rushed out of the gate in a hurry, and it was the man who called her. Gu Lan narrowed her eyes and stared at the fat man, Gu Chengen, her father with this body. That's right, Gu Rong is here, so they are all here too. Judging by their clothes, they seem to be doing pretty well.     Seeing that Gu Lan didn't get in the car, but turned around to look at them, Gu Chengen breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down a little. His body that hadn't exercised for a long time couldn't bear it, and now he just felt flustered and short of breath. I was out of breath.     "Sister Gu Lan, who are they?" Ye Huo asked standing beside Gu Lan.     "My parents in name." Gu Lan raised her lips.     Ye Huo's eyes widened, and he looked at Gu Lan in confusion, but seeing that she had no intention of continuing, he stopped asking. Seeing someone approaching, Xu Shi also got out of the car, and stood beside Gu Lan with Ye Huo.

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