Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    Although Ye Jingqi is sometimes reckless, but this time his approach is absolutely correct.

    When Gu Lan rescued this person, she really didn't examine his body very carefully, but only looked at his naked/exposed skin, hands and feet and other places that are easy to be caught by zombies.

    Just now Jiang Qing had told her that this person was carrying the virus, so if nothing happened, he must have been scratched or bitten, so Gu Lan didn't stop Ye Jingqi's movements, and even closed his eyes cooperatively , leaning on Jiang Qing's shoulder.

    Seeing Gu Lan like this, Yin Mulan lay down again and pulled up the quilt to sleep in.

    Although Ye Huo and Xu Weiming didn't go there, they both got up.

    "I wasn't scratched," said the man, who just sat still.

    "Take off your clothes if you haven't been scratched. I'll find you a clean one to put on. If you're covered in blood like this, you will attract zombies or mutant animals..." Before Ye Jingqi finished speaking, he heard "Bang!

    " With a bang, it seemed that something fell on the car.

    Gu Lan opened her eyes, and Bai Lu also yelled in the Chaos Stone: "It's bad, it seems to be zombie birds, there are quite a few... This is unscientific, it's winter, where did the birds come from!"

    "Find a place where you can hide quickly." Gu Lan said coldly.

    The image she gave to everyone has always been calm, the kind of mountain collapse before her face does not change, she suddenly roared, and then brought some anxiety, which made everyone have a very bad premonition .

    Tian Dajiang touched the sweat oozing from his forehead and stepped on the gas pedal wildly. And Yin Mulan also lifted the quilt, took out the map, and showed Tian Dajiang the way while looking at it. She said a little depressed: "It's a pity, I broke the computer yesterday, otherwise I can use the satellite to spy on the road ahead..." "There should be a     place where you can get the computer in city C, find it, and it will be solved in a while." Go and get some later." Gu Lan said coldly, then stood in the aisle, staring at the zombie bird waiting for an opportunity to move on the roof of the car.

    As soon as she heard that she was going to equip herself with equipment, Yin Mulan got motivated and tried to identify the places they passed by, looking for shops with computer accessories.

    It's just that most of the ring roads have been developed into villas such as river view houses. There are many shops, but most of them are household goods and supermarkets and convenience stores. There are very few computer accessories shops.

    Everyone was busy, and because of the zombie bird, the man was ignored again. He stared at the busy people with narrowed eyes, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

    "Bang!" There was another sound, and it seemed that another zombie bird had landed on the roof of the car.

    It was as if the curtain had been drawn, and the sound of bang bang bang kept ringing.

    Yin Mulan could no longer concentrate on finding equipment for herself. She raised her head and stared at the top of her head worriedly, as if she was afraid that the roof of the car would not be able to bear the weight of those zombie birds.

    "Crash!" Yin Mulan's position, the window glass was pecked, and a huge bird's head stuck in.

    Because she has limited mobility, it is bound to be impossible for her to hide in the past! However, Gu Lan was always on guard. At the critical moment, she pulled the quilt off her with one hand and pulled her up with the other hand.

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