Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Killing the God

    While cleaning up the zombies around, Gu Lan and Jiang Qing paid part of their attention to Ye Huo's actions.

    When she saw that Ye Huo and Ye Jingqi plotted against the little girl tacitly, the corner of her mouth curled into a slight smile. These two boys seemed to be more useful than she imagined.

    After Tian Dajiang and Ye Jingqi cleaned up a two-story building on the side of the road and hid on the roof, Gu Lan withdrew her attention and concentrated on cleaning up the zombies.

    Nearly 200 zombies were densely blocked at the entrance of the supermarket. Ordinary people would not dare to stroll around here, but Gu Lan and Jiang Qing are not ordinary people. They stood back to back, each responsible for one side, only wandering around the edge, retreating as they killed, absolutely preventing the zombies from forming a siege.

    Their movements are very agile, basically every time they make a move, they will kill a zombie. Jiang Qing was even more ferocious. He swung a fire ax like a windmill, and every time he struck, there were many casualties.     Tian Dajiang and Ye Jingqi were lying on the side of the guardrail on the roof, staring at Gu Lan and the others killing zombies below with a relieved expression. Ye Jingqi muttered in his mouth: "If one day Brother Jiang is one-tenth as powerful, I should be able to survive the end of the world, right?     " We are lucky!" Tian Dajiang also said with a smile. Then he got up and looked around, and saw that there was no difference around him, so he squatted down again.     Ye Huo and Luo Jiajia came back more than ten minutes later. What they found was a commercial vehicle. The glass of the windows was still there, and the body was not damaged. It's just that when they drove back, the sound of the motor attracted a dozen zombies to follow.     When Tian Dajiang and Ye Jingqi saw it, they could only rush down to meet him. The unconscious little girl was held in Tian Dajiang's arms.     Gu Lan also saw zombies coming, but she had no intention of going there to help. There are so many of them, if they can't even deal with such a few zombies, then it's useless to keep them. Seeing that the zombies at the entrance of the supermarket were almost cleaned up, she stepped back a little to rest, but her physical strength was still a little bit behind.

    Looking coldly at Ye Huo and Ye Jingqi's tacit cooperation, one of them teased the zombies, and the other went around behind to kill the zombies. After Tian Dajiang stuffed the little girl into the car, he also went over to help with a baseball bat. The corner of Gu Lan's mouth Slightly tilted, it is quite good to train these people.     However, the next moment, there was a "bang" and a gunshot rang out, and then Gu Lan saw Ye Jingqi fall down softly. Just now, she could see clearly that at that moment, he pulled Tian Dajiang, otherwise, the person who should fall should be Tian Dajiang.     Gu Lan turned her head abruptly, stared at the crowd at the corner of the alley, then rushed over quickly, and tapped several acupuncture points on Ye Jingqi's chest wound like flying fingers.     Ye Huo's eyes were about to burst. Seeing that Ye Jingqi's wound seemed to be showing signs of stopping bleeding, he stood up abruptly. He was about to rush out, but Gu Lan grabbed him with one hand: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. The most urgent thing now is to We should save your brother."     "Let's go to the hospital first. We can't take advantage of them here, Jiang Qing will lure some zombies over later." Gu Lan said coldly, and then glanced at the hospital next door.     The movement here just now has attracted the zombies at the entrance of the hospital, and now is the best time to go.     Tian Dajiang also had red eyes, and he wanted to fight to the death with those people in Yuxing Town, but after hearing Gu Lan's words, he picked up Ye Jingqi, a fat man who weighed almost two hundred catties, and walked quickly to the hospital At this moment, he felt that he was full of strength. Luo Jiajia also quickly got the sleeping little girl out of the car, and evacuated to the hospital with Ye Huo, with Gu Lan in the rear.     And Jiang Qing stood there without moving, until the figures of Gu Lan and others disappeared at the entrance of the hospital, and he suddenly rushed towards the group of survivors.     Such a sudden movement made the team of more than one hundred survivors on the opposite side a little bit upset. When this group of people killed zombies here before, they could see clearly, and they naturally knew this man's skill, so they just fired one shot just now, and didn't dare to fire a second shot, originally to let them know the difficulty retreat!

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