Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    Gu Lan's eyes are now darkened, she feels that she is in a very empty space, and this space not only has no light, but not even a trace of wind.

    Where is Jiang Qing?

    Gu Lan frowned, thinking that she must have lost her mind just now. When she saw those zombies about to retreat, her first reaction was not to rush as far as she could, but rushed into the room, wanting to advance and retreat with Jiang Qing!

    Even at that moment, she forgot whether this guy was a zombie, or a particularly powerful zombie! Naturally, he would not be afraid of these mutated zombies. Well now, has she brought herself to such a predicament?

    Suddenly, a very slight fluctuation in the air made Gu Lan turn his head instantly, and the dagger in his hand blocked it.

    "Pfft!" What was scratched?

    "Master, it's vines. There should be some plants here that have mutated. Grab it quickly and take its crystal nucleus. Our Chaos Stone can be upgraded to another level. By then, the spirit tree seeds I hid should be It can germinate!" Bai Lu was so excited that she kept bouncing around in the Chaos Stone.

    "Spiritual tree seeds?" Gu Lan narrowed her eyes, why didn't she, the owner of the Chaos Stone, know about it? Thinking back when she just woke up, she turned the Chaos Stone inside out several times, just to find something that would allow her to survive in this world, but she couldn't find anything!     "Master, this is a long story... I don't think that we have arrived in a strange place, and we must need something that can be exchanged for spirit stones to continue practicing, but the spirit power required to cross the barrier of the boundary lake is huge, what? I can't keep them all, so I can only keep some cores from the spirit tree..." Bai Lu's voice became weaker and weaker.     Gu Lan didn't make a sound. Speaking of it, she seemed to have to thank this greedy weapon spirit, at least what it left behind was still very useful. In her previous life, she didn't know the geometry of the spirit tree in the Chaos Stone. The lowest-level spirit fruit, if eaten, can cleanse the marrow and cut the veins, replenishing spiritual power. Now I just hope that the best things he keeps are those top-quality spiritual fruits.     But right now is not the time to be entangled in spiritual fruits. When Bai Lu said that there are mutated plants nearby, Gu Lan was fully on guard.

    "I can't find its exact location, but I saw Brother Corpse. He is about ten meters ahead of you on your left." Bai Lu spoke again after being quiet for a while.

    Hearing Bai Lu's words, Gu Lan did not doubt that he was there, and immediately moved to her left front, but she probably moved nearly 20 to 30 meters, let alone Jiang Qing, she never met a single vine again !     "Huh? It seems to be an illusion, and it's combined with some formations. It's quite skillful, but I can't understand it. Master, you have been spinning around..." Bai Lu said to herself there.     Gu Lan was speechless, she gave up looking for Jiang Qing, and sat down cross-legged directly, and started to practice calmly.     Although she is not proficient in formations, she also knows some tricks. Most of the people who set up the formation hope that people who don't understand will rush in there until they reach the dead end or the node where the ultimate move is arranged. She brakes quietly, which is the best way at present, and she also believes that Jiang Qing will not hang here easily!     Sure enough, after she stopped, not long after, vines attacked her again. And this time there were more than a dozen vines. Gu Lan, who had already adapted to the darkness, grabbed one of the vines without any mistakes. At that moment, a pair of gloves made of spiritual energy completely covered Gu Lan's hands. The spikes on those vines were blocked by gloves.     Xu Shi understood Gu Lan's intention, and those vines began to attack Gu Lan frantically. And she was just holding a big water ball, allowing those vines to attack, and she started to find the real location of the mutated plant like following the vines.     Suddenly, in the sea of ​​consciousness, it seemed to be pierced by something, and there was a slight tingling. But because of this blow, Gu Lan understood that she was probably close to the body of the mutated plant. The thunderbolt struck like money, the dazzling lightning illuminated the surrounding environment, and let Gu Lan see clearly the true face of the mutated plant.     Just a few meters away from Gu Lan, a pot of green plants hanging in mid-air is waving all its branches in a bewitching manner and attacking everyone in this room.

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