Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    Seeing that Gu Lan just frowned and didn't speak, the person hesitated for a moment, then said boldly again: "Girl, I'm the village head of Dinghe Village on the edge of N City, they are all from our village, I can't Leave them alone, why don't you take all of us with you, and it happens to be on the way, so it's safer if there are more people..."

    The village chief was about thirty-six or seventeen years old. In his opinion, Gu Lan should be with many people, so that he can safely find this hotel at night and deal with the group of people who imprisoned them before.

    Besides, she is a girl, so she must be very soft-hearted. If you beg her well, maybe you can leave this damned place with her team.

    "No need." Gu Lan said coldly, then turned and left.

    "Girl, girl, don't you need to look for your teammates? Girl, are you really not looking for them? I really saw them..." The village chief's hands and feet were still tied, and he wanted to catch up with Gu. Lan begged for a few more words, but couldn't move.

    "If they are still in City N, I will find them. You guys, run for your life after dawn." Gu Lan said lightly, but when she was about to go out, she suddenly kicked something on the ground at the door.

    It was an ordinary dagger, and Gu Lan kicked it to the village head's feet with great precision, enough for them to cut the rope and escape.

    "The people of today..." The village chief was so disappointed that he could only sigh, and quickly hooked the dagger with his feet. He didn't forget what Gu Lan said before. There are so many zombies and mutant rats outside now. Well...

    For these people, saving them is already the best of humanity. It is impossible for Gu Lan to really bring so many burdens just because of an uncertain news. If they stayed away from her, they might be able to live longer. After all, this is only the outskirts of city n. As long as they want to survive, there is still a chance to escape from this city. And her direction was exactly the opposite of theirs.

    Afterwards, Gu Lan casually walked around, saw the zombies and mutant mice, and cleaned them up smoothly, then found a fairly clean suite at random, and took a rest. Although she wanted to rely on her own strength to travel through City N, she never thought that it would be necessary to deliberately increase the difficulty to do it at night. She left in a hurry just to get rid of Jiang Qing.

    As for whether Jiang Qing will find her, there is no need to think about it at all. With his current ability, if he really wants to find her, it will be a matter of time.

    Thinking of Jiang Qing, Gu Lan frowned slightly, she felt very conflicted, she didn't want Jiang Qing to come over, she had never lived as well under anyone's protection for so many years, and now being protected by someone like this, Not only is it getting weaker and weaker, but the days when everything seems to be out of control are really not what she doesn't want. But if Jiang Qing really doesn't come, she will be disappointed or sad, right?

    It seemed that in all these years, she had never cared so much about someone's thoughts! This is a dangerous emotion, at least for Gu Lan, it will seriously affect her cultivation.

    Yun Hao is like a sharp knife hanging above her head, don't you know where he is hiding now? Taking a deep breath, Gu Lan forced herself to put those messy emotions about Jiang Qing behind her, then she contacted Bai Lu and asked him to bring Xie Yuhan over. Afterwards, she went into the guest room, sat cross-legged on the bed, and started practicing as soon as possible.

    Xiao Han and Bai Lu came over after 20 minutes. Bai Lu was alright, still dusty and unremarkable, but Xiao Han was covered in blood and some colorful suspected zombie brains and dirty blood. It is guessed that there has been a fierce battle before.

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