Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    The minibus drove out of Jiunan Ancient Town without any risk, with Gu Lan and the others leading the way, and the people from the Xiangtian base following them didn't take much effort.

    It's just that, when the minibus rushes onto the main road outside the town and leaves here without any regrets, Tang Jinge and the others will be miserable!

    Without the restraint of the spider monster, without Jiang Qing's secret deterrence, those zombies who would never leave the town easily, are now like beasts out of their cages. Even though Tang Jinge and the others had already escaped from the town, the zombies that were alarmed when they evacuated were still hot on their heels.

    Gradually, Tang Jinge couldn't do what he wanted. He felt that his steps were getting heavier and heavier, and the teammates on his back seemed to be getting heavier. Every step he ran, or every time he killed a zombie, he could hear himself There was a wheezing sound.     Behind him, the zombies are getting closer and closer, he can't last long! There were fewer and fewer people around him, and Tang Jinge didn't even dare to turn his head to see if those people ran away or died under the claws of those zombies. All he could do was run desperately.     Suddenly, with a stagger, he fell to the ground, and the teammate on his back hit him heavily. He pushed his teammate away with all his strength, but the moment he got up, he saw the zombies rushing towards him. Subconsciously, he pushed the teammate beside him, and then ran forward desperately... In     the car, Yin Mulan's knuckles turned white as he was holding the binoculars. She was just worried, and before she could let go completely, she went to the little fat man in the team and asked for the binoculars hanging around his neck. She just wanted to take one last look to make sure that he was really safe!     But what did she see? Yin Mulan put down the binoculars rather numbly, with a look of sadness on her face. If the person he was carrying behind his back just now was her, would the result be the same?     Without Bai Lu's help to monitor, Gu Lan actually didn't know about this scene. She just suddenly noticed that Yin Mulan's aura was a little unstable, so she glanced at Jiang Qing with some clarity, knowing that Jiang Qing had probably withdrawn her coercion, presumably that Tang Jinge was in danger.     But what's the use of keeping such a man? Gu Lan pursed her lips, not intending to help.

    "Auntie..." Luo Jiajia exclaimed, and then opened her eyes suddenly. She wanted to sit up, but because she was involved in the wound, she suddenly groaned, followed by rapid breathing, as if she would die at any moment.

    Luo Jiajia suddenly woke up, interrupting the dull atmosphere in the car.

    "No, sister Gu Lan, she has a fever!" Ye Huo, who had been paying attention to Luo Jiajia's situation, said immediately.

    Gu Lan frowned. Now that the Chaos Stone is not in her hands, it is obviously impossible to treat Luo Jiajia immediately, so she searched in the Chaos Stone, and then took out a few boxes of antipyretics and anti-inflammatory medicines and handed them to Ye Huo .

    Ye Huo was startled, but immediately took it, took out the unfinished water in his backpack, and with the help of Ye Jingqi, fed Luo Jiajia medicine.

    After taking the medicine, Luo Jiajia still seemed to be suffering, but she still struggled to look in Gu Lan's direction: "Sister Gu Lan, my aunt..." "

    She's fine for now, but she probably isn't your aunt anymore." Gu Lan Lan frowned and said, she didn't know how to explain to this girl, and there was no way to explain this matter.

    "I know... she really doesn't look like my aunt..." Luo Jiajia closed her eyes, and a line of tears flowed silently. There is only seven or eight years of age difference between her and her aunt. She was accompanied by her aunt throughout her childhood. Now that her aunt has become like this, how could she not be sad?     "Sister Jiajia, what are you talking about? They clearly killed Aunt Qi!" Xu Xiangjun, who was sitting in the corner of the last row, shouted, her voice was very sharp, and her eyes were full of hatred towards Gu Lan and others .     Gu Lan saw the girl being carried into the car by Ye Jingqi. Selfishly, she didn't want this girl to follow her. Because her relationship with that Lu Weiqi is too deep, and she is not sensible. From everyone's point of view, Lu Weiqi should have been dealt with secretly by Jiang Qing, and it must be troublesome for her to stay.     But in that case, not letting her follow would be tantamount to killing her. After all, she was still very young, and the awakened water ability had no attack power. Gu Lan didn't want people to think that she was going to kill them all, so she acquiesced.

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