Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 The Source of Power

    That scream was like pulling a curtain, followed by several screams.

    Although Gu Lan turned her head to look over, she stood still and did not pass. She saw clearly what was going on, but it was too late to rush over at her speed. Moreover, she felt that it was better for her not to intervene in this matter.

    Standing outside the crowd, she saw that Ye Yunzhe rushed to the place where the screams were coming out at an extremely fast speed, and then swished his gun several times to quell the chaos that had just erupted.

    The Zhanyue Hunting Group once again lost four members.

    The previous excitement was gone, and the surviving people sighed, some were sad, and some were desperate.

    Killing his former partner with his own hands, Ye Yunzhe seemed to have aged several years in an instant, and after silently looking at Gu Lan across the crowd, he began to deal with the rest of the matter.

    Then, a group of three checked each other to see if there were wounds scratched by zombies. This is the rule that the Zhanyue Hunting Group has just set, and it will be implemented like this after every battle in the future.

    Because someone was scratched by a zombie just now, but they kept hiding it, or the person didn't notice it until he suddenly turned into a zombie and was injured violently. As for the people who were very close to him, because they were unprepared, several people were caught at once.

    As for those who were scratched, although they didn't turn into zombies, they suddenly rushed towards their teammates, Ye Yunzhe showed no mercy at all. Gu Lan could see that several people looked at Ye Yunzhe with anger and unwillingness in their eyes, but no one dared to speak out.

    Presumably, among the few people who died just now were their brothers and partners, who hadn’t turned into zombies yet, and they thought they might be saved. Although they seemed to be behaving a little abnormally, they wouldn’t be abandoned right away. The leader personally killed. It can be said that although Ye Yunzhe handled the chaos neatly this time, he also lost some people's hearts.

    When the chaos broke out, Gu Lan and Jiang Qing stood at the outermost part of the crowd, and their skills were displayed there, and they did not belong to Zhanyue, so no one asked them to check.

    The team withdrew quickly, and the instant noodles that could not be eaten were handed out, and each of them had a glass of mineral water that hadn't boiled much.

    Gu Rong was kicked out of the jeep, replaced by another person to drive, Ye Yunzhe sat in the co-pilot, closed his eyes in silence, did not know if he fell asleep?

    The driver was a young man in his twenties, he would quickly glance at Ye Yunzhe from time to time, obviously he had something to say, but he didn't know how to say it.

    "You're right, those people did become zombies, but I don't know why the speed of infection is so fast?" In the silence, Gu Lan said suddenly.

    Ye Yunzhe opened his eyes, and although he didn't look back, he replied: "The evolution of zombies is getting faster and faster, and it is becoming more and more unpredictable. Before being scratched by zombies, it took at least a few hours." Only then did the symptoms of zombification appear, and today, the first person who turned into a zombified person lasted for only half an hour. But the latter ones were faster!" "Is it

    because those people are all supernatural beings? " Gu Lan frowned again and asked. She was a little far away, so she couldn't see clearly what those people looked like when they were abnormal, and she didn't know what abilities they had.

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