Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Awakening Ability

    It has been almost eight hours since Gu Lan left.

    Ye Huoji's mouth was covered with blisters, because his brother Ye Jingqi started to have a fever not long after Gu Lan left, and the temperature gradually became higher and higher, and now it is probably more than 40 degrees.

    Most of the things in the pharmacy were taken away by Gu Lan. He only found a few small bottles of alcohol that had been opened, and wiped the palms and soles of the feet for Xiao Qi, but it was useless. The temperature of Xiao Qi never dropped. !

    If Gu Lan was here, she would definitely have a way to save Xiao Qi, even if she couldn't cool down Xiao Qi's temperature immediately, at least she could take out some antipyretics or water to cool Xiao Qi down.     It's just that from the fierce fighting at the beginning to the quietness at the end, the Chinese pharmacy didn't see Gu Lan coming back for a long time, and Jiang Qing and the little girl also disappeared, which made Ye Huo have a very bad premonition. He thought something might have happened to Gu Lan or that little girl? Or, Gu Lan left them here?     Bad thoughts popped up in his heart one after another, but Ye Huo never expressed these thoughts, he tried his best to maintain his superficial composure. I wanted to go to see the opposite side, but in the hospital hall, because of the previous commotion, many zombies gathered again, and more than half of them blocked the pharmacy where they were hiding.     He is not as good as Jiang Qing, and even Gu Lan is not as good as him. The joy after awakening the power is now gone!     In the death-like silence, Luo Jiajia's voice sounded like a mosquito snoring: "Ye Huo, sister Lan, is nothing wrong..."     This timid girl endured it for a long time. Asked timidly, her eyes were full of tears, and the eyes looking at Ye Huo were also full of expectations.     "Girl will never have an accident. If you haven't come back now, you must have been caught by something!" Before Ye Huo could make a sound, Tian Dajiang's loud voice rang out, and he would touch Ye Jingqi's forehead from time to time , with a look of worry.

    The few people were silent again. Although the end of the world has only come for more than a week, they are already very clear that there are only two results of having a fever in the end of the world, one is the awakening ability, and the other is the precursor of zombies.

    Ye Jingqi was not scratched by a zombie, he has a great chance of awakening his abilities. But in the last days, it is not uncommon for people to suffer a little injury and then turn into zombies inexplicably. A few people gathered around Ye Jingqi, one of them held a bottle of alcohol that was not much left, and poured out some from time to time, wiping Ye Jingqi's palms and feet in vain.

    Suddenly, there were two "tuk-tuk", and regular knocks on the door.

    Only then did they suddenly realize that, yes, it seemed that they hadn't heard the sound of zombies scratching the door for a while, and they looked at each other with joy on their faces.

    Ye Huo hurried to the door, holding the handle, his voice trembling: "Gu Lan, is that you?" "

    Yes, open the door." Gu Lan's crisp voice sounded.

    With joy on Ye Huo's face, he quickly turned the handle and opened the door. Tian Dajiang and Luo Jiajia also stood up, looking at the door in surprise.

    When they saw Gu Lan walking in with Jiang Qing in his arms, everyone was stunned, but they also pulled a chair over tactfully so that Gu Lan could sit on it.

    Seeing a few deep scratches on Gu Lan's leg, Ye Huo asked in surprise, "Are you injured? Was it caught by a zombie?"

    After speaking, Ye Huo tightly pursed his lips, feeling that he was Didn't I say something wrong? Because under normal circumstances, as long as the survivors are scratched by zombies, they will consciously leave the team and isolate themselves, because no one can tell when they will become zombies? Of course, it does not rule out a few people who will hide and have a bit of luck.

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