Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 What She Did

    Zhuo Ming felt that he was really unlucky, because a speed user in the team had just come to visit, and said that the door of the supermarket was wide open, and the zombies were much less, and he didn't see any other survivors.

    That's why he mobilized everyone, gathered a hundred people, and planned to move the things in this supermarket back as soon as possible, but who knows, when he came, he found that those people who looked like evil stars came again, They arrived at the supermarket one step at a time.

    "Look, who's here." Gu Lan greeted the people on her side.

    Gu Lan was still very worried about the fact that someone in the team was shot yesterday, because she had paid a guarantee early in the morning that these people would work for her, and then she would take care of their food and keep them safe.

    Unexpectedly, before she came to the door, these people came here without fear of death, which really saved a lot of trouble. Gu Lan and the others didn't even know that Jiang Qing had vented his anger on them, and he was itching with hatred.     "I said, you can't finish moving such a big supermarket, right? Everyone is a survivor, why don't you clean up the zombies in this supermarket together, and then let's divide the supplies equally?" Zhuo Ming bravely walked forward After a few steps, he spoke loudly.     "When you divide things, you will say that everyone is a survivor. When you downloaded/killed your compatriots yesterday, why didn't you think that everyone is a survivor." Ye Huo sneered, and said with an idiot on his face. Compared with his brother, this person is really far behind.     "Who told you that we can't finish moving? Not to mention this supermarket, the materials in the other supermarket are also ours, including the materials in the entire town. Those who don't want to die should leave as soon as possible, otherwise they will kill you later, I But I don't guarantee that I will kill you all!" Gu Lan said with a smile. Obviously she smiled very gently, but what she said made people feel chills from the bottom of my heart.     Zhuo Ming was furious, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "I have nothing to say to these lunatics! Kill them!"

    He yelled, but found that no one moved, and he became even angrier! He knew that these people were still afraid of the man wearing the mask. To be honest, he was also afraid, because when his brother's men fled back, they had described to him how terrifying that man was. So that day, he casually gave a gun to someone in the town, letting that person do it instead of doing it himself, in order to prevent this man from settling accounts after the fall.

    As it turned out, he was prescient and the man died in his place. But with so many people on his side, as long as everyone fights together, he doesn't believe that this man can hide them all.     Now I see that the people in the town are just like what my brother said, they are a bunch of trash! But he has to rush up under pressure to build confidence for these people. So he turned his head and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, then turned his head, hugged his ak47, aimed at the man, and finished shooting a shuttle of bullets!     I thought, that man would definitely be covered in blood holes and fall to the ground dead. But there was no one in front of him, not even the man! Shocked, he turned his head immediately, only to see that man appeared behind him at some point, stretched out his hand to grab his neck, and lifted him off the ground.     Because of the angle, Zhuo Ming saw the man's eyes. His pupils were actually very small. Under the sun, they were still glowing scarlet. He looked like those zombies. Then he thought about why this man wrapped himself up. With such strictness, he instantly understood what! That's right, it's impossible for human beings to have such perverted strength, "He, he is..." With     a twist of his neck, Zhuo Ming died, his eyes widened, his face was terrified, and he was dying.     Jiang Qing threw Zhuo Ming's body among the survivors in Yuxing Town like a rag doll, and the crowd ran away. Some people took the opportunity to turn their heads and ran to the places they came and went, some raised their hands high to indicate that they would not act rashly, and some people pointed their weapons at Jiang Qing and swept them indiscriminately as soon as their brains became hot.     However, it turned out that Jiang Qing didn't have a single bullet on his body, instead he accidentally injured one of his own. Before Gu Lan and the others made a move, the people in Yuxing Town were already in chaos.

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