Part- 3

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[Time skips at grandparents house]
(Namjin, hobi, Taekook knocked at the door and one of the staff opened the door and said all others are sitting in living room. They all got inside and Saw their grandpa, grandma, mr kim (o,y) , mrs kim (o,y) , Jy , Jy mom, dad were sitting pn sofa, They all hugged each other and greeted)
Kook: (whispers to mr kim (y)) Dad, hyung got to kñow about spying.
Mr kim (y): What? But how?
Kook: (whispers) Sorry, it just slipped from my mouth.
Mr kim(y): Okay, I'll handle him. Did he scolded you or punished you for this?
Kook: No, Jin hyung saved me.
Mr kim(y): Then its all okay.
Mrs kim (o): What you both are whispering?
Hobi: How they both spyed on me?
Mrs kim (o): (looked at mr kim (y) in disbelief)
Mr kim (y): (to mrs kim (o)) What? I was just worried.
Hobi: Yeah yeah.
Granny: You guys have all day for this. First freshen up and come for lunch.
Jin: Where is My big baby Eunwoo? It's been a long time we haven't met.
(Eunwoo and Jin are really close and Jin adores him so much as he was the oldest in the smaller ones)
Jy mom: He is coming today.
(All nodded and went to their room to get freshen up)

[Time skips to evening]
(They all were chit chatting when Eunwoo entered the house)
Jy mom: Oh my baby. (Stood and hugged him but he just returned it slightly and Jy mom looked at him hurt, same with Jy dad. All noticed but didn't said anything.)
Jin: Eunu. (Eunwoo sees Jin and big smile formed on his lips) (eunwoo jumped to hug Jin)
Eunwoo pov
I am so mad at mom, dad , hyung last month I have a badminton compitition and none of them came they always does this. They don't have a bit time for me. I refused leaving with hyung because I think I am disturbing him. I don't want me to be a burden for him. One day hyung's girlfriend told me this that I am coming between hyung's happiness. I thought she was right so I decided to move to hostel despite I know I am just a burden for him but he can atleast come to meet me he also never came in my any sports meet in school every time he just told me he is busy but will soon come. Even though he came but that was not for meeting me he came gor his work and spend maybe 1-2 hours with me and lefts. I hugged Jin hyung back. I always feel so good in jin hyung's embrace. All hugged me but when Jy hyung was about to hug me I just left to my room. I saw he felt hurt but I couldn't help.
Jinyoung's: (pov) I don't know what's wrong with eunwoo. Today he even rejected my hug. I really felt hurt. I also saw mom, dad felt hurt when he didn't hugged them properly. May be he is upset because we didn't attended his badminton compitition.
(Jy signs and left where others are gossiping)

[Time skips to 2 days]
(All family members were doing there dinner. In two days they had fun together with each other as they all are meeting after time...all elders are heading there business from there headoffice is in us because of the main boss (granpa) while namjin, hobi and Jy helping there father in handling business while doing there own work and Taekook, eunwoo are continuing there studies online.)
Tae: I am full. (Get ups from table)
Mr kim (o): Tae, finish the food of your plate.
Tae: but-
Mr kim (o): I won't repeat.
(Tae sees grandma with hopeful eyes )
Granny: Let him be. I am sure he is full thats why he is saying this.
Mr kim (o): Mom, he always throws tantrums in eating.
Grandpa: Tae, is it true.
Tae: Y-yeah. But I am full. I had eaten enough.
Mr kim (o): Tae (stern)
Grandpa: (to mrs kim (o)) Wait. Tae, if you had enough it's okay for now but you have to drink big glass of milk before going to bed without throwing tantrums.
Tae: Chocolate milk or plain milk?
Grandpa: (chuckles) Plain milk.
Tae: tastes bad.
Grandpa: but if you finish the food then I'll make oreo shake for you. It taste best. You can ask your granny.
Granny: Ofc. You must try.
Grandpa: See. Now you decide you want to get up from table and drink plain milk or finish the food and drink oreo shake.
Tae: Okay then I am eating and I want oreo shake. (Tae started to eat food happily and soon finished his plate)
Joon: Can't believe granpa. You handled him so well.
Grandpa: I know ( winks at joon)
Granny: (to eunwoo) Eunwoo
Eunwoo: Yes granny?
Granny: What happened to you son? Is something bothering you? You are so quite.
(All gaze towards him as they all noticed this)
Eunwoo: ........
Jy mom: Eunwoo, granny is asking something? You haven't talked properly with anyone since you came here.
Jinyoung: And gave attitude all time.
Eunwoo: ( to his mom) Why you care?
Jy mom: Eunw.....(before she could finish eunwoo headed towards his room)
(Eunwoo didn't listened and went to his room, slammed the door and locked it and started smocking)
Granny: calm down hun. He is upset right now and he will realise what he did soon.
Jy dad: He is giving this attitude from past 2 days. Everytime I controlled just because he is upset with us but that doesn't give him right to disrespect us like this.
Granny: It's not necessary that all mistake is of eunwoo. Maybe you guys unintentionally did something that affected him. Miscommunication is most important you guys have to know what is bothering him this much.
Jinyoung: I tried so many times but all time he is ignoring me whenever I try to talk with him he just go from there after giving an excuse. He is upset because we didn't attended his any sport meets. Last month he had an badminton competition in international level and he won he wanted us to be there but that time because of weather conditions we weren't able to reach there and he got upset.
Grandpa: Will you guys went there afterwards and tried to make it up with him.
Jinyoung's dad: No, after that his exams started and I thought to not disturb him.
Granpa: (shook his head)
Jinyoung: I wanted him to leave with me again. I was honestly never happy with this hostel thing but he wanted to go.
Granny: Was he happy there?
Jy: Yeah ofc. We spended most of time together. And I never let him felt alone. But when he turned 15 he stated to leave in hostel. I tried convincing him but all in vain.
Kook: woah. Eunwoo hyung is an international level player in badminton and a winner. Seniors in our school worked so hard even in so hot weather to win in district level. I am wondering how much hard work eunwoo hyung had done for international level.
Grandpa: I'll talk to eunwoo. No one will punish him now. If he does something big in future that you can punish him but for now slide this.
(All nodded and Grandpa headed towards eunwoo's room and knocked)

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