Part 15

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(Sung sees his brother and went there)
Jae wook: Hello.
Eunwoo: Hello hyung
Jae wook: (Ruffled his hair) what happened? (to jy) I am Jae wook, Sung older brother.
Chang-min, Jy: Nice to meet you.
Jae wook: (sees sung) Have you also cried?
Sung: (nodded slowly)
Chang-min: They got what he deserved.
Jae wook: Got it. No problem. And if he creates any problem feel free to inform me.
Sung: (rolls eyes) Can we go?
Jae wook: Yeah sure come. See you all. Good day
(Sung, jae wook left)
Chang-min: Okay then see you guys tomorrow.
Jy: Yeah bye
Eunwoo: Bye sir.
(Chang-min lefts)
Jy: So, little one shall we go home?
Eunwoo: I don't want to sit this soon. (Whiny)
Jy: Aish..this whiny baby.
Eunwoo: Lets eat something from street stalls.
Jy: ofcourse Not, you are on diet. And you are definitely not eating those unhiegenic foods.
Eunwoo: (pouts) But I don't want to sit for now.
Jy: Do you want me to pick you up and take you home by walking?
Eunwoo: (red cheeks) I didn't mean that. Okay fine let me drive so I can drive fast and we'll make it soon.
Jy: Definitely not. And you are not getting to drive whole your life if I ever get to know you speed up.
Eunwoo: (rolls his eyes)
Jy: You can lay on back seat.
Eunwoo: Why didn't you gave that idea before. (Quickly hop inside back seat and laid)
Jy: (chuckles) And you say you aren't a baby. (Sits on driver's seat and went home)

(They came inside and saw Tae, joon arguing)
Tae: I am not gonna say sorry to them. Do whatever you want. (Crosses his arms on chest and said at angry tone)
Eunwoo: (chuckled)
Tae: Why are you laughing?
Eunwoo: You are looking so cute in this angrybird mode.
Tae: I thought we are in one team. (Playfully punched his stomach)
Eunwoo: Ofcourse we are. But to take your side I have to know the whole thing.
Tae: No, you didn't need to know. Just say to joon hyung. What Tae did was right and he didn't own any apology from anyone.
Jy: Ofcourse you own an apology.
Tae: No, I don't
Joon: You do
Tae: I don't
Jy: You do and better apologies to them tomorrow
Eunwoo: (was looking at them confused as fuck and kookie is laughing his heart out on their bickering) STOP....Will anyone tell me what is going on.
Joon: Kookie, enjoy as much as you want after that we are going to have a chat with you too.
Kookie: I didn't did any thing wrong.
(Door opened and hobi came)
Hobi: What's going?
(Kookie goes and jumped on hobi)
Hobi: Aww. I missed you. (He cooed)
Kook: Missed you too (kisses his cheeks)
(Hobi comes and sit on couch and kookie hops in his lap)
(Jin too comes from the kitchen)
Jin: jinyoung, Eunwoo go and freshen up and eat your lunch. We have done already.
Jinyoung, eunwoo: Okayy. (Lefts)
Hobi: I am going to hospital we'll talk later.
All: Okay. (Kisses Kook forehead and puts him down from his lap and lefts)
Joon: I also have to sign some documents. We'll talk about this matter when hobi and Jinyoung will be present.
Jin: Okay. And Taekook go and complete your home we'll will discuss whatever the matter is in evening.
(Taekook nodded and left)
(After few minutes Jinyoung and Eunwoo comes downstairs in dining room and saw Jin there who smiles at them. )
(Jinyoung came and sat on the chair while Eunwoo just stand there)
Jin: How was your first day at new school Eunu? And why are you not sitting?
Eunwoo pov
Can I ask Jin hyung if I can sit on his lap? Or No I am big for this. But he said I am always his baby brother.
Jin: Eunu, where are you lost?
Eunwoo: huh N-nothing.
Jinyoung: Your Eunu got spanking thats why he is standing.
Jin: (Glares jy)
Jy: what? Wait..I didn't spanķed him this time. His coach did.
(Eunwoo cheeks turned red)
Jin: (to Eunwoo) Are you okay?
Eunwoo: (nodded) Can I.....nah nothing.
Jin: (smiles) You can sit on my lap.
Eunwoo: (with his red cheeks) How you know what I am asking?
Jin: Big brother knows everything. Now come. (Goes and sits on his lap)
Jy: When I asked you to sit on my lap in grandpa house you denied by saying you are too big for this.
Eunwoo: Yeah because Jin hyung never annoys me like you do all time. And not to mention my fav. (Eunu turns around and kisses his cheeks)
Jin: Aww. (He cooed)
Jy: Oh is it? Then be ready to get another round of whooping with chang-min when I'll tell him about the bad habbits of throwing tantrums in eating food, using phone late night and. ....(cut off)
Eunwoo: Okay okay. No need to remind me. (Huffed)
Jin: So mr kim Eunwoo. Will you start to eat or I'll have to feed you too?
Eunwoo: No, I'll eat. (Starts to eat)
Jin: Have you took breakfast in cafeteria
Eunwoo: (pov) I didn't thought he'll ask this. I was scared to face coach and in that tention I didn't ate anything.
Eunwoo: Yeah?
Jin:Eunwoo (stern)
Eunwoo: No. Sorry.
Jy: (shook his head in disbelief)
Jin: Alright then. From today at 10 pm sharp I want your phone placed in my study desk.
Eunwoo: Hyunggg. No please (whines)
Jin: No more discussion.
Eunwoo: (continued eating his food)

[Time skips at evening]
(All cousins were sitting on living room)
Joon: Kook, mind telling us. What's the need to mix chilli power in Irene and her friends food?
(Tae started to listen curiously)
Kookie: .........
Hobi: Kookie (stern)
Kookie: I d-Didn't
Joon: Lie one more time and you don't like the consequences.
Kookie: Okay fine I did. But I am not guilty for this
Joon: Why you did this?
Kookie: Because they both always creates troubles for Tae and Jimin hyunggie. So I thought to play a prank on them.
Joon: But they are older than you and are also not your friends or classmate or anything. Isn't it?
Kookie: (nodded)
Joon: Today Mrs S was complaining about you to jinyoung in front of all professors jn staff room. What impression will it create in others mind for you? Will it be good?
Kookie: (shook his head)
Joon: Than. Haven't you see. how many times I scold or punish Tae hyung for doing these types of pranks even today he got punished. (Tae looks down) So, do you also want to get punished for this? Or shall I let it slide this time?
Kook: Slide
Joon: Okay. But this is the first and last time i am forgiving you okay.
(Kookie nodded then kissed Joon cheeks)
Joon: And your Tae and Jimin hyunggie is so much capable to take their revenge, so you don't have to be a part of all this.
Tae: (nodded)
Joon: See. And Tae I better not listen of you doing anything to Irene and Mrs S daughter even as a part of revenge. I don't want you to involve in these things try to ignore them or complain to any other professor even if it's me and tell Jimin too.
Tae: Yeah yeah. (Rolls eyes)
(Jin smacks his back from behind)
Jin: Do not roll your eyes on Joon.
Tae: Okay. (Innocently)

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