Part 57

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Jungsuk: Alright, I got my answer. You are not getting any pocket money or your cards will be with me.

Sung: Not again hyung please. I won't buy.

Jungsuk: Listen completely. I'll give you a card you are going to use that. From that only one sided transactions are done it means you can only make payments and cannot use it in Atm to take cash and whenever and whereever you'll use it I'll get instant information along with all the details of the person to whom you paid and for what. So, don't you dare to be oversmart.

Sung: (gulped and nodded) but what if I couldn't control?

Jungsuk: (think for few more minutes) after breakfast get ready we are going out.

Sung: Really to have hangout.

Jungsuk: Nope. You'll get to know. Euno is also going to come along with us.


Jin: Euno No.

Euno: Please please return my phone only for today. Pretty please hyunggie.

Jin: (shook his head) I have already given hou so much liberty. I am allowing you phone for an hour in evening and also when you go out.

Euno: I know hyunggie...but today is sunday what am I supposed to do I am getting bored. Only 2-3 days left to end my punishment please end today jist for my phone.

Jin: No. (Without even lookjng at him and busy in reading file)

Euno: Please please please please Please please please please Please please please please Please please please please ....

Jin: (palms his face)

(Hobijy comes there)

Euno: Please hyunggie.

Hobi: Why happened euno?

Jin: (shot him a look in which he remembers last night incident)

Jy: He is still requesting for his phone?

(Jin nodded) Euno, already you have so much liberty in punishment. Go and study for some time.

Euno: Hyung, for that I want my phone. (To jin) hyung, please give or else I'll get fail in tomorrow's test then Joon hyung will scold me.

Jin: Why you need your phone to study don't you have books?

Euno: But I don't know the basic concepts.

Jy: Didn't you attended classes?

Euno: (looks aside) I was punished as I forgot my book.

Jy: (shook his head)

Jin: Go and ask joon.

Euno: He will gonna punish me this time. He warned me to not start studying a day before exam.

Jy: And you are still doing that.

Euno: (sheeplessly) I was in no mood to study.

Jy: (shook his head in disbelief)

Jin: I'll tell joon to let it go this time and explain you the concepts.

Euno: Really. Thankyou. And tell him to not scold me.

(Joon came there)

Joon: Who is going to scold you euno?

Euno: you (mumble and sees jin with puppy eyes in which joon raises his eyebrows)

Jin: Joon, Euno is not getting some concept, teach him and don't punish jim or scold him this time.

Joon: Some concepts or whole chapter?

Euno: (sheeplessly) Chapter.

Joon: very good (sarcastically) so you remember this a day before test like everytime.

Euno: Sorry...last time

Joon: Isin't it the same thing you told me a week before.

Euno: Promise I will study next time.

Joon: I'll make sure of this.

Euno: (sees jin)

Joon: You really thought your jin hyung will save you from consequences?

Euno: please.

Joon: Nope. How old are you euno?

Euno: seventeen. But why?

Joon: I want a report of 17 pages on importance of time and why one should not procastinate along with how to stop procastinating and what were you doing all the time when you should study by tomorrow night or else you are gonna complete it with kneeling in living room.

Euno: (widened his eyes) It's too much hyung.

Joon: Come to my room with your books.

Jy: Hyung, me and euno are going out with jungsuk.

Joon: okay then at evening 5.

(Euno nodded)

Euno: Hyung, where are we going?

Jy: Don't know. He didn't told me.

(After a while they all were sitting in car jungsuk was driving, jy on passanger seat, and euno, sung at back seat he stopped his car near )

Euno: Why we came here? I thought we are going to have some fun. But this is someone's house. (Whispers to sung)

Sung: me too. May be there is something interesting inside.

(They went inside)

Jungsuk: (rimhs the door bell and a lady in mid 50's opens the door)

Lady: (smiles seeing him) After so long. How are you?

Jungsuk: All good aunt. How about you?

Lady: same as before. (Sees others) whom you brought this time here?

Jungsuk: My younger brothers.

(Lady gives him a worried look and he just nodded)

Lady: Come inside.

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