Part 22

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(Bell rang)
Joon: Taehyung, Jimin. In my office.
Taemin: yes sir (joon lefts)
Jm: he won't punish us right?
Tae: I don't think so. But we what about muddy clothes?
Jm: I don't know let's say we don't know how this got muddy.
Tae: let's go there is no way to escape.
(They went to joon's office knocked and after hearing 'come in' went inside. )
Joon: (puts down the sheet he was working on and goes towards Tae and bend down to his level) Baby, are you okay now? Is your head still hurting?
Tae: N-no
(Joon hugs him)
Joon: Why it hurted? Have you taken stress because I said we'll deal about your test tomorrow?
Tae: No.
Joon: Then why? Okay tell me have you ate at break.
Tae: (sees aside)
Joon: chimmy have he ate?
Jm: No hyung.
Joon: And you?
Jm: ( shook his head)
Joon: Then where were you both the entire break? If you haven't ate anything not went to infirmary?
Tae: At ground?
Joon: Are you asking me?
Tae: No. We both were in ground.
Joon: how many times you have to be told to not skip meals?
Tae: (hugs him) Sorry.
Joon: (signs) Go and eat someth......(cut off by a knock)
Joon: Come in
(Staff comes in)
Staff: Sir, Principal sir is calling Taehyung Nd jimin. (Taemin sees each other)
Joon: Okay. (Staff left)
Joon: Go and meet then have something in cafeteria. I will tell mrs song that you'll will not attend her class. And this first and last time I am permitted to skip class.
(Taemin nodded and left)

Principle: Where were you both at break?
Taemin: (gulped) We went outside.
Principle: Is it allowed? (They shook their head) this is not the first time you both did this but i'll make sure it will be last time.
Jimin: Sorry sir, please give us last chance it won't happen again.
Tae: Yes sir, we promise.
Principle: Jimin, taehyung your parents is in broad members of school. And Tae your grandfather owns this school. Is it good that you both break all the rules of school. Involving in fights, bunking classes, sneaking out of school. This time I am going to call your father and will tell them to decide what punishment you both deserve.
Taemin: (widened there eyes) Please no.
Principal: No
(Takes his phone and takes both mr kim and mr min in conference)
Mr kim: Good morning mr Lee. All okay?
Mr min: Hello mr lee.
Principle (mr lee): Good morning mr kim and mr min. I called you both to discuss about Taehyung and Jimin. (And told them about sneaking)
Mr min: Where are they?
Mr lee: Here in front of me. I am putting a call on speaker.
Mr min: Dont you know the school rules. Is it allowed to go out of school during school hours.
Taemin: (no answer)
Mr min: JIMIN
Jimin: N-o d-ad
Mr kim: Is this the first time or you have bunked earlier too.
Tae: No dad (slowly)
Mr kim: speak loudly
Tae: No
Mr kim: Very good. (Sarcastically)
Mr lee: I called to both to decide what punishment do they both deserve.
Mr min: suspend them for 2 days.
Mr kim: also come apology letter. And this should not be repeated.
Taemin: Yes dad/uncle.
Mr min: Jimin, I am calling yoongi and you know the suspension punishment at home very well right?
Jimin: No dad please no. I promise it won't happen again. (Tears started forming in his eyes)
(Tae sees jm with confused but concerned eyes)
Mr min: No jimin. You are gonna receive night spanking for 2 days as yoongi sees fit and some chores.
Mr kim: Tae you'll also receive the same. If you both did the same mistake then its goona be same punishment for you too.
(Cuts call)
Principle: you both can attend todays class and then 2 days suspension.
(Taemin lefts)
Tae: Sorry chimmy.
Jimin: Why?
Tae: Because of me you got suspended. I shouldn't have requested you to sneak.
Jm: No tae. It's not your mistake i should have stopped you but I didn't. I am not upset because of suspension.
Tae: then?
Jm: About chores and night spanking. Yoongi hyung will be so mad he warned me before for bunking.
Tae: Me too. Princi shouldn't have called dad. Now we are in bigger trouble. And I pray Jin hyung and jy hyung will not spank me they hit so hard.
Jm: There is no escaping from this. I'll sleep before hyung comes from office.
Tae: Let's go to cafeteria and have something good.

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