Part 1 |Prologue|

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A/N: Y/N isn't in this chapter, it is just a small recap of the first bit of the movie before the party... skipping over the first 17ish minutes of the movie but the story picks up right around when Sam leaves therapy 👍

    Sam walked out of her therapists office, he wasn't listening anyway, or he was and didn't like what he was hearing. So she left right after telling him off, "you're just like the others"

    She was walking down the street to her apartment complex when she saw red and blue flashing lights. Panicked about the situation, she called her sister. She continued to walk as her phone rang and rang, until it rang out. "Hey you've reached Tara, why aren't you texting me" is all that could be heard. "You know you're supposed to pick up when I call" Sam said, trying not to sound too upset in her voicemail, "I got out of therapy early, so I was thinking maybe we cook dinner tonight. If you want. I'll see you soon" and with that, Sam ended the voice message.

    Sam arrived at her apartment complex, pulled out the keys, and unlocked the multiple locks on the door. She stepped into the room, then turned on the light, closed, and relocked the locks. "Hey" she called out as she hung up her purse and coat, no answer. "Tara?" She called again, a little more worried this time. Sam walked more into the room and placed her keys in the key dish. She was walking down the hallway to Tara's room, but she heard a loud creaking sound coming from the opposite direction. She turned to face where the sound was coming from and slowly walked towards it. Then she realized what the "scary" sound was, and she let out a small sigh of relief, even letting a smile creep onto her face. It was just one of her roommates, Quinn, and one of her male "friends" in Quinn's room. "Quinn?" Sam called out this time to Quinn instead of Tara. Quinn opened her door a little, and peaked her head out, "we're we being too loud" she asked meekly. Sam shook her head and smiled, "not at all" she replied, "have you seen Tara" Quinn quickly looked into her room, then back at Sam, "ummm" Quinn hummed, "don't be mad" she said quietly, "why would I be mad?" Sam was quick to ask. "Because you get mad" Quinn fired back. Sam gave her a confused look, then looked past Quinn into her room, "is that Paul?" Sam asked quickly and purposefully changing the subject, Quinn gave a nervous look in return to the subject change. "Who the fuck is Paul?" The male voice in Quinn's room said as she slowly exited the room and closed the door. "The life I have found is about" Quinn paused, "variety" she said walking past same to the living room, Sam huffed a small laugh, "ok" then followed behind Quinn.

    "Uh- this one's yours" Sam said holding up an unopened letter, "thanks" Quinn said as Sam put the mail on the table. "Where's Tara?" Sam asked again, "she went to the Omega Kapa Beta party" Quinn hastily answered this time. "I begged her not to go to that" Sam snapped back, "and we've now arrived at mad" Quinn said pressing her lips together. Sam paused, "do you know if she at least took her taser?" "I cannot speak to how heavily armed Tara is at this fraternity party" Quinn replied. Sam sighed and turned away from Quinn, who in returned gave a sort ok 'yikes' expression, then followed Sam as she walked away.

    "Babe are you coming back?" The male voice in Quinn's room yelled out. Sam turned to Quinn, "babe?" She question, "I don't know" Quinn said through slightly gritted teeth. As they walked to the door, Sam saw that Tara had left her puffer on one of the tables, Sam picked it up and huffed in annoyance. Then she looked up, out the window in front of her. She was staring at the, currently shirtless, man in the complex across from her own. Quinn gasped, "oohhh- is cute boy shirtless again?" She inquired as she peered over Sam's shoulder. Again the male voice from Quinn's room could be heard, even more muffled this time, "who's cute boy babe?" Quinn replied to him in such a fake tone you could practically see it dripping from her words, "always you" she paused, "sweetie" she added. Sam turned to look at Quinn, "you guys have been checking each other out for months, why don't you just talk to him?" "Because, that right there is about all the romantic interaction I'm ready for" Sam breathed, "I'm gonna go find Tara" "ok" Quinn seemed dazed when she called to Sam as she rushed away, "be right back" Sam said. "Bye" Quinn replied again, she was definitely dazed, as she was still checking out the "cute guy" across the way. Sam went out the door, "damn" Quinn said under her breath.

     Sam was officially on her way to go find her sister... at a frat party.

Time skip *at the party*

    There were people all around the house doing all kinds of thing. Making out, doing drugs, drinking, dancing... all of it at the same time, all while loud music blast through the speakers.

Word count: 800+

A/N: next chapter will have Y/N stuff in it- I promise!! Also if there's any spelling mistakes, my bad, please point them out and I will fix them.

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