Part 3 |Tara|

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Though, as this was going on Anika came up to me alarmed and hooked her arm around mine bringing me with her over to where Chad and Ethan were standing. "Hey big guy, you're needed" she said to Chad as I made eye contact with Ethan. I smiled, so did he, 'what a little goofball' I thought, completely disregarding the situation at hand.

    Chad sighed, looked at Ethan, "see ya'!" He said to the girl from before, she didn't respond though. Then both boys followed Anika to wherever Chad the "big guy" was apparently "needed".

"Aren't you that girl involved in that stab shit in California last year?" I heard some douchbag sounding guy ask someone out of my view. "No, that's a different pirate" a familiar voice replied, "shit, Tara" I cursed under my breath. Anika, Chad, Ethan, and I, had arrived to where the voices where coming from. A man probably twice Tara's age was leading her up the stairs, no doubtedly to his bedroom. "Hey partner" Chad spoke up, "Tara's good down here, he said in a friendly but serious tone. "Sorry bro, I didn't catch that" the man leading Tara upstairs said to Chad. Chad let out a fake laugh then said, "yea, you did" this time in a much less friendly tone. "No Chad, it's fine" Tara said as she walked down the stairs toward him, I wasn't liking where this was going, so if hands needed to be thrown, I was now standing right next to Chad, "I want to" Tara continued looking between us both. The other man took another step toward us, "see Chad? She wants to" he said tauntingly, "come on" he said to Tara, grabbing her arm and practically forcing her up the stairs. He pulled hard enough that she literally fell. I went over and pulled Tara to me to make sure she was alright, Chad on the other hand grabbed the man and threw him away from her, "why don't you get your fucking hands off her" he growled at the man, "get the fuck off me" the man shoved Chad back. "Guys. Guys! Stop it" Tara said, "fuck you!" The man shoved Chad again as Tera continued to tell them to stop. "Chad, seriously stop" I chimed in trying to calm him down. "Hi!" Another voice came in from nowhere, "yep, yep. Sorry to interrupt" it was Sam, "I'm just gonna taz you in the balls real quick" she said calmly as she actually tazed the man in the balls. He groaned and yelled in pain as he fell to the floor, I stifled back a laugh and looked over to Ethan, he was also covering his mouth holding back his own laugh.

    "Don't ever lay hands on my sister" Sam stated. "Fucking bitch!" The man yelled at her while holding his hurting groin. Tara was not happy about this, "Sam. Are you fucking kidding me?" She said. Honestly in some ways I did understand Tara's anger toward her sister, but Sam was only trying to protect her, I'albeit in some harsh ways, but still. A lot happened to us in Woodsboro, you can never be too careful anymore. "You're stalking me now" Tara continued, then walked away, clearly very upset at Sam. I followed Tara out to make sure she was alright, "Tara" I called after her before hearing a bunch of people in the house referring to Sam as "that psycho girl" and other things of the sort. I looked back at Sam as I was tailing Tara, and I saw that Sam had started to follow us.

    Tara was walking pretty fast, and I could tell she didn't really want to talk right now so I slowed my walking speed a bit, I was now walking beside Sam. Although Sam also knew Tera didn't want to talk, she didn't care, "Tara, will you stop?" She said, "I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!" Tara yelled, now slowing down her walking pace even a little. "That guy was a dick" Sam said, and I hate to say it but I agreed with her, "she's right Tera" I said in a concerned tone, "and he was gonna take advantage of you!" Sam finished. "So!?" Tera full stopped and turned to look at me and Sam. "So?" Sam and I repeated in unison, "if I wanna hook up with an asshole that's my decision!!" Tara really wasn't happy at all, "it my decision" she exasperated. "Ok" Sam said plainly as the others finally caught up to us, "it's not about you!" Tara continued, "I mean you- you're out of my life for 5 years and then you can't leave me alone for 5 minutes!" "Because you're not dealing with what happened to us" Sam sounded a little pissed, "have you even gone to see the councillor... once?". "No! I'm not going to!" Tara responded, "why not?" Sam asked, "because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are" Tara breathed, "what's that supposed to me?" A, now offended, Sam asked. Chad tried to break the 2 up, "hey guys-" but was cut off by Tara, "it means I'm not gonna let what happened to us for 3 days define the rest of my life!"

    I didn't want to make the situation worse by saying anything, but Tara had a pretty good point. What happened in the past shouldn't define us, but also, we all need to deal with it in healthy ways... which Tara is not doing. "So you're just gonna pretend it never happened?" Sam questioned, but Tara flipped the conversation, "what are you doing here Sam?... in New York? I mean you're working 2 shitty jobs to help with rent, whatever, but what's your plan?" Sam just let out a shocked huff, "I know what I'm gonna do. Ok cause' I'm- I'm gonna keep goin' to college, I'm gonna get my degree, and I'm gonna live my life" Tara said, "my life!" again she had a point. During the conversation I backed up a bit to give them some space, I was now standing with an unimpressed Chad, and an oblivious Ethan. "Y-you just follow me here and just won't let me out of your sight" Tara said, Sam just gave a small nod and said, "just trying to look out for you" "I-" Tara started, then rubbed her eyes and sighed before continuing, "I know. I know you are. You can't do it for the rest of my life though" Tera paused, fully looking her sister in the eyes, "you have to let me go"

    It was heart breaking being a bystander to this, but I had to let them solve their problems on their own. I had to stay out of it, even though it was hard, and even though they're my best friends in the whole world, I just had to. Out of nowhere a voice called to Sam "Hey!"

Word count: 1100+

A/N: this is only 25 minutes into the movie... omlll

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