Part 25 |the plan|

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After a little while, the police and paramedics cleared out, taking Gale with them. All of you were now waiting in the hotel lobby.

Other POV:

Everyone else was sitting, but you didn't want to sit, so Ethan stood with you, holding your hand to make sure you were ok. Danny came running in to the lobby, you assumed Sam had contacted him. Ethan somewhat body blocked you in a, cute, protective way. He seemed weary of Danny for some reason.

"I got here as fast as I could" he exasperated, out of breath from running. Sam just looked up at him suspiciously, "did you?" Tara asked the question you were all thinking. But Mindy cut the building tension with her soft spoken words which, for her, was unusual. "I'm scared you guys... I really don't wanna get hurt again" her pained words cut like a knife, "neither do I" Chad said in a similar tone to Mindy, "I don't want you getting hurt again either" Mindy said to her brother passive aggressively, "I know" Chad said placing his head on her shoulder, "I know" he said again. Tara placed her head in Mindy shoulder too. "So, what do we do now?" Chad asked the group, this question stung, you didn't know how to answer it. "Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam said. You hugged Ethan's arm, afraid of losing him, then what Sam said really sunk in and you just gave her this look. Tara, Chad, and Mindy all lifted up their heads and gave her that same look you did. "He wants to punish me" Sam stated, standing up, "me" she half whimpered, "so maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth is" she said defeated, "no, we're not doing that Sam, alright" Tara stood up now too, "You went back to Woodsboro to protect me, every single day you make the decision to protect me, none of us would even be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time" "no" Sam said quietly, "yes" you said immediately after, letting go of Ethan and taking a few steps toward them, "we're a team remember?" "Actually... we're a family" Mindy corrected, standing up. "Let's go!" Chad exclaimed clapping his hands together, standing up now too, "core 5! Come on!" He said sticking out his hand, "core 5" Mindy repeated doing the same as Chad. Then Tara put her hand in, followed by you, all that was left was Sam. "Core what?" Danny questioned, "it's an use thing" Chad said with some salt in his voice, Danny just smiled awkwardly. "He's gonna keep coming after us" Sam said and you all just looked at each other.

"Isn't there somewhere safe where we could just hold up in" Ethan added nervously, you all looked at him, "he just gonna keep finding us" Tara stated, Ethan sighed and said "great" under his breath. "We could use that though" Tara thought aloud looking at Sam. She had an idea, and you all hoped it was a good one.

~~ a few minutes later after a number was dialled and a plan was explained ~~

    "I'm getting my ass chewed up for not dropping the case, and now you want me to do what?" Baileys voice was heard on the other end of the phone, you all could hear him since Tara put her phone on speaker at max volume. "We want to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside" Tara confirmed the plan in simple terms, "and then what?" Bailey questioned, "we execute him" Tara responded blankly. Bailey hesitated to answer, you all exchanged glances, "are you gonna help us?" Tara spoke again, breaking the tense silence. "Let's kill this son of a bitch" Bailey almost growled through the phone, "now, I'm stuck here but Gale gave us the key cards to the theatre. It's got heavy surveillance and security cameras, but we can use that against him. I'll tell Kirby to meet you there, I'll join you as soon as I can" Bailey thoroughly explained, "got it" Tara nodded, "and remember, travel in public" Bailey warned you all, "the more people around you, the less chance he had to take a shot at you before you get there"

    As Bailey was speaking you saw Ethan was becoming noticeably uncomfortable. You squeezed his hand, but it didn't seem to help, it seemed as if he were in his own world at that moment. You wondered what was going on in that head of his... but, curiosity killed the cat, right.

    You all left the apartment complex, heading for the nearest subway station in order to follow Baileys plan of staying in public. The plan you all came up with was to take the subway all together to the closest stop to the old theatre.

    As you were walking to the subway station, you and Ethan happened to be walking a little slower than the rest of the group. Well, more like Ethan was walking slower, and you were trying to match his pace so you two wouldn't get separated. Little did you know, Ethan was doing this on purpose, he was trying to spilt you away from the group for a very important reason. "Go home Y/N" he said out of nowhere, "what?" You asked confused. "Please? I- I just don't want you to get hurt!" He pleaded, "Ethan-" he cut you off, "Y/N, please... it- it's not safe ok! I won't be able to live with myself if you get hurt and I did nothing to stop it" you scoffed at him a little, "I can handle myself Ethan... thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine" "Y/N-" this time you cut him off, "Ethan look, I have to help my friends... I can't just let them go off to that place and fight Ghostface alone! I can't! All of this is because of me and Sam!" "No it's not" Ethan stated, you looked at him confused, "how would you know?" He stumble over he feet a bit, "I- I don't, I just, I- don't know, I guess it's just... a feeling" he stuttered, lying through his teeth, but of course you didn't know that. You brushed of his sudden weirdness, "whatever... I'm going, and you can't stop me" you said walking much faster now to catch up with the rest of the group since the station was basically right there.

    You and Ethan had caught up with the rest of the crew as they were heading down the stairs to the platform. "Is this even a good plan?" Ask a stress filled Ethan, "you don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara said harshly, "so we just peal off and the killer picks us off one by one, no thank you" Ethan said in a seemingly sarcastic tone causing you to snicker. "Let's just get to the theatre" Sam said sounding annoyed, "come on, in here" Sam said as you all navigated through the packed subway station, "ah yes, because it would be much less scary at the serial killer movie theatre" Chad said before entering the currently stationary subway car. Just then you realized how far away from the group you actually were. You, Mindy, and Ethan got stuck behind a large compact crowd of costumes people, "wait- hey, hey! Chad! Hey" Mindy called out, and you started to panic, "Chad!" You called out too, "Tara" you called but she didn't hear you over the mass of people, "Tara!" Mindy called out louder than you which attracted Tara's attention, but there was nothing she could do at that point. You and Mindy continued to yell out the names of your friends that were now entering the packed subway car. Chad specifically tried to fight his way out but it was no use, the doors were closing.

   You and Mindy had made it to the subway car just as Chad got pulled in and the doors fully closed. Mindy slammed her fist on the door. Then the train started to speed away, heading to its next location. You, Mindy, and Ethan, we're officially stranded at the subway station.

Word count: 1300+

A/N: I hope this story doesn't seem too long... I've just been having a lot of fun writing it, and I love putting in lots of detail.

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