Part 20 |the aftermath|

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he just squeezed your neck cutting of your air supply. You swallowed as much air as you could, which wasn't much considering his tight grip. "I'll kill your for this" you managed to choke out, "sure you will love" he snickered. Then you passed out, and he dropped you to the floor.

Other POV:

All of that took place late at night into the very early morning. You, Mindy, and Tara sat on the edge of the ambulance,  while Chad stood beside Mindy. Sam was standing alone before Danny joined her. They were standing, and talking, just outside the get to the alley of the building as Detective Bailey and others looked at the crime scene.

The four of you by the ambulance were all quiet, not saying a single word unless an officer had to speak to you. Danny was brought away from Sam to talk to someone, so Sam was left standing there alone again. Then Ethan appeared in the crowd, walking under the caution tape to get over to us. You and Chad noticed him first, you geared up when you saw him, you were so happy to see his face after everything that had happened. Chad on the other hand, was not happy in the slightest. "Y/N?" He said, then Chad stood up, "Chad?" Ethan questioned as he continued to walk over. Chad stormed over to him, grabbed him by his sweater with both hands, and shoved him against the closest vehicle. "Where were you" Chads words were slurred from of his anger, "what? When?!" Ethan asked, seemingly having no idea what was going on, "last night!" Chad yelled at him, shaking him around aggressively. "Wha- I- I had Econ! You know this!" Ethan defended, "bullshit man!" Chad snapped back angrily causing you to stand up and head over to them, "you disappear and my sister almost gets killed!" "Dude I was in a study hall with a hundred other people, you can ask any of them" Ethan stated trying to de-escalate the problem as you placed a hand on Chads shoulder. Chad sighed angrily, "fuck man" he cursed, letting go of Ethan's zip up. "Hey, Ethan don't- don't look over there ok" you said trying to block his view, but he just looked past you, "oh my god" he paused, "who?" "Anika" you replied swallowing hard, trying to stop the tears pooling in your eyes, "and Quinn" Chad added.

"Mindy, I'm so sorry-" Ethan spoke as he walked in Mindy and Tara's direction, "step the fuck back" Mindy cut him off, as he did as she said, "you're at the top of my list" she continued, deadpan, "guys?" You pleaded, "I had Econ!" Ethan said louder this time, but Mindy just glared at him. You sighed, Mindy looked up at an anxious looking Chad. You rested your head on Ethan's shoulder, and he took your hand in his, Mindy of course gave to a funny look, but you trusted Ethan. You also knew he was at Econ, he had found a funny looking picture in his textbook so he sent you a photo of it from the lecture hall it took place in. At you thought he was in the lecture hall when he sent the picture.

    Not too long after Ethan had arrived, detective Bailey exited the building. He was slowly walking towards Sam, stifling back his tears. "I'll be right back" Tara said as she walked over to Bailey and her sister, "me too" you said, following Tara. "I'm really sorry about Quinn" she said, tearing up herself, "thank you" Bailey nodded. There was a pause of silence, all that could be heard was detective Baileys pained sniffles, and the chatter of people in the background. Then he spoke up again, "both my kids are gone, my whole family is gone" he whiled his tears as they began to fall. Sam out a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "they took me off the case" he said, composing himself a bit, "but I'm not gonna stop until I find him- you fuck with my family, you die" he said looking at Sam, "agreed" she nodded, you nodded as well.

    Then, out of nowhere, Gale came running over, 'oh great' you thought to yourself 'what does she want now'. "You ok? I came as soon as I heard" she said calmly, "Gale I swear to god" Sam turned to her, "no- u- truce ok? I'm here for whatever you need" she said sincerely, "yea ok, nice try" you said bitterly, "really, I am!" She was really trying, "ok fine, off the record ok" the theee of you exchanged a look. "Ok" Sam said hesitantly, "thank you" Gale looked at Sam, then you, then landed in Tara. "I'm- sorry I punched you" Tara said, "called it!" You yelled, mostly to yourself, "no you're not" Gale smiled, "I'm not" Tara shook her head and smiled a little as well.

    Gale turned to detective Bailey. "You the cop, right?" She inquired, he hi,med and nodded in response, "I did some digging on your first two victims and I found something. I know where the masks are coming from" you all looked at her with shocked expressions. "Show me" Bailey stepped toward Gale. "Lady's" you heard the familiar voice of Kirby say as she speedily walked over to you guys. "Kirby?" Gale question, "Gale" Kirby said back. Sam explained her presence there, "she's with the FBI" Gale just stared at Sam, then looked at Kirby, "she's a child. When did they start letting children into the FBI?" Gale asked rhetorically, "I'm 30" Kirby responded, "well you look like a zygote" Gale countered. Kirby did not appreciate that, "I have a gun, Gale" she said placing her hand on to of the gun strapped to her hip, "ok fine, you're gonna wanna see this too" Gale sighed.

~~at the place~~

    "Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently they used fake names to rent this place" Gale told us as we approached the building, "how did you find it?" Kirby questioned, "it's called investigative journalism for a reason" Gale sassed, "how didn't you find it? Weren't you tracking them?" Gale asked, "I went through their financial records dozens of times and this was not in any of them. This doesn't make sense" Kirby stated, "don't worry, I'm just really good at my job, you'll get there" Gale fired at Kirby who just rolled her eyes and groaned.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: funny little fact- the original title of this chapter was "he was at e-con" but I thought it sounded stupid so I changed it 😂

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