Part 23 |tracking a call|

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"Yea, we're in" Gale said eagerly, "sorry Gale" Kirby smiled sarcastically, "no press allowed, police business, I'm good at my job too" Gale glared at her.

Other POV:

You, Ethan, Mindy, Chad, and Kirby were all in Kirby's 'undercover' Enterprise van, while Sam, Tara, and Mr.Bailey were in the park not too far away.

    "You should've stayed with the others" Sam said to Tara as they walked down one of the parks many paths, "that's not gonna happen" Tara responded blatantly. "There's no point in both of us putting ourselves at risk" Sam looked at her sister, "I'm not" Tara shrugged, "I'm your backup" she smiled.

    "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that... never works in the movies" Mindy says as Chad huffs a laugh. Kirby scoffed, "it'll be all, keep him talking Sam. Two more minutes" Mindy paused, so you added, "I've almost got him" as you and Mindy were saying this Chad was mocking dramatic movements as he ate his food, "and then he hangs up just before we can get a lock" Mindy crossed her arms. "I can trace a call in under 15 seconds" Kirby said, turning to you and Mindy, smiling smugly. Mindy and Chad both widened their eyes and raised their eyebrows, you just cocked your head in curiosity, and Ethan just sat there snacking on his cheetos. "Well" Mindy said, sitting up, "you've got them out there as bait" "because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby" Kirby responded, "and you think they're safe because it's broad daylight and in a public place?" You asked concerned for your friends, sitting up now too. "Look, I'm here, ok. And so is Bailey" Kirby looked at the two of you again, "this is exactly how our uncle Tandy died" Mindy said, referring to herself and Chad, "broad daylight, public place, yanked into a van, stab stab stab, no more Randy!" Mindy was getting visibly irritated. "Huh" is all Kirby hummed before turning back to her computer.

    Ethan offered Chad some cheetos, presumably trying to break the tension, but Chad just gave him a look, so Ethan withdrew his offer. He then offered them to you, which you happily accepted. "Hey Sam, stay frosty out their, k" Kirby said to Sam over the in-ear monitor, "We're good" Sam replied as her and Tara continued to walk.

    Then Sam got a call, the caller ID showed that it was, once again, Richie Kirsch. Sam and Tara looked at it, slowed their walking pace, and Sam answered the call. "You're gonna die you know" Sam opened the conversation, "no, you're gonna die Samantha, choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister" the gravely voice over the phone stated. "Unless we find you first" Sam fired back, "for a mastermind, you're not very bright, waiting for me to call desperately hoping I'm near by so the police can grab me" the voice spoke condescendingly, then paused, "but I'm not near by... I'm a step ahead" panic struck Sam like an icy cold metal blade, "be seeing you... Samantha"  with that, Ghostface hung up.

    "Did you get it?" Sam asked, "yup, geolocation coming through right now" Kirby answered, "he's on the upper west side" she continued sounding confused, "he's inside an apartment building half way across the city" you looked at Kirby's computer and raced out of the van over to Tara, Sam, and Bailey, "on west 96th?" Tara questioned just as you got to them, "how did you know that?" Kirby questioned back. There was a long silence, "Gale" you and Sam said at the same time.

    "My friend in town, he works on the upper west side, he can get there quicker" Sam half yelled as the four of you ran toward Baileys car. "Yea- or he could finish it off, it's possible he's the killer" Bailey rationalized, "fuck" Sam breathed, "we have to get there now" "relax, wait, we don't even know if it true, Sam! Wait! Take a minute" Bailey said sounding rushed, "we don't have a minute" you said, full stopping and turning to face Bailey, "Sam, Y/N, you have to trust me, we gotta make the right call here-" Sam cut him off, but as she stared to tell something at him, a car horn behind the two of you beeped. "Sam, Y/N! Get in" she called out to you from behind the wheel of the black cop car.

    You and Sam stared at Tara for a second, then gave each other a quick glance before running to the car. "What are you doing?" Bailey asked. Sam hoped in the front passenger side, you jumped into the back middle seat. "Hey. Hey, get out of my car!" Bailey yelled, "what do you think you're doing? That's an official vehicle" Sam rolled up the window. "Hey!" He yelled again, "should we use the sirens?" Sam turned to Tara with a childish giddiness, "did you really think we were gonna steal a police car and not use the sirens" Tara responded as she pressed the flashing lights button, then the siren sound button, then drove off. "Woohooo!" You hollered in excitement, the three of you smiled and laughed.

    After a few minutes though, the situation sunk in. What was happening now wasn't fun or funny anymore, it was scary and too real.

~~At Gales (I'm not recapping her whole chase/fight scene)~~

    "Fuck you" Gale choked as Ghostface held the knife right above her face. "Hey fuckface!" You yelled as the three of you hastily entered the apartment. You quickly picked up the gun on the floor and shot it at the assailant, not once, not twice, but 3 times. Unfortunately none of them hit. Ghostface had escaped out of the apartment before any of you could do anything. But you decided to go after him, you didn't want to let him get away, and you didn't care if you were risking your life. "Y/N, wait" Sam tired to get you to stay, but you just went off in the same direction he did, not even taking a second to think about it or listen to Sams words.

    "Gale" Tara said as she went over to Gales side to see how she was doing. Sam now went over to Tara and Gale as well, "shit" Sam cursed.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: opinions on Gale? Like... did you want her to die, or survive?

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