Part 9 |a shoulder to cry on|

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he turned back to you cupping your face in his hands, you were crying again, you couldn't help it. You had such a stressful day and you finally had someone with you that you felt you could be vulnerable around.

    "Hey, hey, hey, it's alright" he pulled you into his chest, holding your head against him with one hand, stroking your hair with the other. "Shhhshshshh, it's ok, everything's ok now" he whispered to you as he began to sway back and forth attempting to calm you down.

It was working. You're breathing started to slow back to its normal rhythms, you had stopped shaking, and the last year slipped off your jawline. It was as if he was memory foam and you were a rock, you just sunk into his hug. "Wanna sit down?" He asked, resting his chin on top of your head. You just nodded into his chest. He walked both of you over to the bench, he sat down first, then you sat down. There was a gap between you, which Ethan swiftly closed by sliding over to you. You rested your head on his shoulder, "thank you" you said, "for what?" He asked, "you know for what" "I mean I guess I kinda do, but I just don't understand why you're thank me?" He responded confused. You sighed a little, "you didn't have to come here. But you did. You don't have to care about me. But you do. What im trying to say is that it means a lot to me... the last friends I had turned out to be crazed killers" you let out a small nervous chuckle with that last sentence. Ethan didn't respond, he just hugged you into himself more, closing the gap between the two of you even more, if that was even possible considering how close you two were. You were now starting to doze off while resting against Ethan.

You fell asleep, your head on Ethan's shoulder, his hand rapped around your waist. He planted a small kiss on the top of your head, after that he didn't move another inch, he felt like he could barley breath. It's not that he was necessarily afraid, he just didn't want to wake you. Unfortunately you only got to sleep for about a minute before Mr.Bailey entered the room with Sam and Tara. Ethan rubbed your shoulder to wake you up as Mr.Bailey instructed Sam and Tara to sit down. The 2 girls were just looking at the scene in front of them in awe, they didn't expect to see you of all people letting someone new into your life like this. You have major trust issues because the incident in Woodsboro, just like the rest of the core 5, except Tara kind of.

You opened your eyes and sat up, looking at Ethan, you gave him a 'what now' kind of expression. He gave a small pity smile and gestured toward Mr.Bailey. Tara sat down in a chair at the small table in the room as you stood up and walked over to where Mr.Bailey and Sam were standing. Sam put hand on your shoulder giving you a reassuring squeeze, "we'll be right here the whole time" Sam smiled, and you returned it. Then you looked at Mr.Bailey, "follow me" he said, and you did, looking back at Ethan one last time before you left the room.

You both entered the interrogation room, "have a seat" Mr.Bailey instructed, you nodded taking a seat on the side of the table opposite to the door. Mr.Bailey took a seat across from you.

On the table we're many different thing; a computer,some pictures and case files. But the most prominent thing there that you couldn't get your eyes off of was the Ghostface mask. Mr.Bailey noticed this, and started to speak, "that's the mask that was found next to the body at the apartment crime scene" he paused, "DNA says it belonged to a person named Richie Kirsch" you looked up at him wide eyed, tears starting to form on your waterline. He was studying your face for a moment before he spoke again, "Sound familiar? Sam and Tara said he was a friend of yours?" "Y-yes. I... I do, yea" you stuttered trying not to cry. Richie became a quick close friend of yours when you met him, which is why it hurt so much to here his name again, not only was he dead, he was also a killer. "But... but the killer can't be him, thats a different mask" you pointed at it weakly, "and Richie... he's uh- he's dead" you choked out. He nodded at you "Tara said the same thing" he paused "about the mask thing I mean, not-not about your friend" he gave you a small pity filled smile. A single tear fell from you eye. You quickly wiped it off your cheek and looked away from Mr.Bailey. You started to tap your foot repeatedly, Mr.Bailey noticed how upset you were getting talking about Richie so he moved on, "I know this is going to sound silly, but do you have any alibi's for earlier tonight?" You looked back up at him, "I was at a party with some friends" he nodded. "So why was I called here in the first place? You specifically wanted to talk to me and Sam for some reason right? But you never said why" you inquired, "yes, right. At the apartment crime scene we found 2 driver's licenses... Sams and yours" he stated, "so if the man that attacked you somehow stole your license then planted it on the body, it's probably someone close to you" you rubbed your face out of stress as more tears started to slowly fall down your face. 'No... no not again, why us... why me' was all you could think. "How long have you know you're friends he asked. "Uh well... I moved here with Carpenter's and the Meeks' about 6 months ago, I think" you sniffled, "but Anika, Quinn, and Ethan, I've only know since we moved here. "Well, I can vouch for Quinn, so I worried there" he stated, "but do you have anyone you think might want to target you?" He asked. "Not that I know of, no" you said, worry plastered on your face.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: another chapter update- holy shit I'm cracked... sorry
Also at the moment I have up to chapter 17 written... I'm just restraining myself so I don't post all of them at the same time lol

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