Part 30 |you scared?|

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You didn't hate him, but you did hate yourself. You hated yourself for still caring about this murdering psycho... for still loving him. You didn't know what to do anymore...

Other POV:

    "Have I maybe over indulged Richies love with these little movies? Yea, maybe... for me they're just a little dark" Bailey said seeming manic, "but... Richie really loved em'... he even made a few of his own" Bailey turned to the videos being projected onto the hanging white sheets, "Did you know"

Ethan had let go of your arm, you were now standing somewhat in front of him, when Bailey started up the stairs. "There's a very special bond, between a father and his first son" it sounded like he was about to cry. You turned to Ethan seeing the look in his eye change from anger, so sadness as he gripped the knife tighter in his hand while pointing it at Sam. He then saw you looking at him, pity in your eyes, he tried not to react to the look you were giving him, but you saw the way his seemingly stoic face faltered.

Bailey turned back to you, "which is why I helped him build this collection" he gestured to the room, "this was... all his?" Sam asked, "yes, he's a very passionate collector! And he inspired others, oh we had to kill those two wannabe film students because well... we had to kill ya' first Sam" he said smugly, "I put the theatre in their name, then good ol' detective Bailey would've just stumbled on it, but I didn't have to because by golly that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist!" He explained as all of you just looked, "I built a tribute to my son, which is why this is where you have to die Sam. Surrounded by all the things he loved the most" Bailey finished, "what happens next? What, after you're done with us, what? You just disappear?" Sam questioned, "no" Bailey brushed her off, "we gotta hurry over to the hospital to make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through! Because everybody does Sam!" He yelled that last part, "everyone who had to do with the death of my son, suffered and dies" he spat, "yea!" Both Ethan and Quinn exclaimed, "fuck you!" Quinn added. "Now put on the mask" Bailey said holding a gun up to Sam. "Wait- wait!" You put up your hands, "what the fuck did we do to Richie that he didn't do to us? Hm?" Bailey gave you a puzzled look, "he killed people that were close to me and Tara, people who were basically family" "yea well that different" Bailey tried to butt in but you cut him off, "how is that fucking different!? Just because we weren't actually related, doesn't mean I didn't care about them like we were!" You we're yelling now, you were furious, "Wes was one of my best friends! I had known him all my life, and you wanna know what your little angel son Richie did to him?" You took a deep breath thinking about your old friend, "he slid a knife into his throat... right after killing his mom... and you think that Sam was wrong for killing him? He-" Bailey cut you off, "don't you talk about my son that way" he growled, "let me fucking finish!" You screamed, everything went quiet, "thank you" you continued, "Richie was my friend too, I cared about him too, hell- I even tried to stop Sam from killing him... but he fucking DESERVED IT!" Your face was turning red, you were so angry right now you felt like you could punch your way through a brick wall.

Bailey lifted his gun back up slowly, "put your mask on too" he looked at you, murder in his eyes. "Dad no, we agreed she'd be left out of this" Ethan pleaded with his father, "if she didn't get in the way" Bailey added blankly. Ethan whipped his head in your direction, fear in his eyes. He didn't want to lose you, but of course he couldn't say that right now, he had to make his dad proud.

Then Sam spoke, "he was" she paused, "So pathetic" she breathed a sigh, "that's not true" Bailey cocked his head, "yea, your son... he was a man baby, who made his girlfriend so all the killing" hear tone and words hit something in Bailey, "he was a strong young man" Bailey said, "he was a limp dick little fuck, who cried before I slit his throat" this side of Sam was scaring you, you'd only seen it once before, but this was more intense than last time. She wasn't playing around anymore. "Shut the fuck up!" Quinn screeched as she lunged at Sam. Tara swung the brick in her hand, slamming it on the side of Quinn's face, knocking her to the ground and some of her teeth out.

Then a gun was fired from behind you. It was Kirby, she fired out 3 shots, one hit Bailey. "Guys come on!" Tara called out to you and Sam, running the opposite direction from the commotion.

Ethan ran at Kirby, tackling her to the floor. "No" you said quietly, "No!" You yelled this time, running over to help Kirby. "Recognize this?" Ethan asked rhetorically holding up a knife, "fuck you" Kirby spat. You jumped on his back trying to get him off her. He elbowed you in the ribcage as hard as he could, you could've sworn you heard a crack. You fell off him because of the pain that shit through your body. Ethan then stabbed Kirby in the abdomen right where she was stabbed by Charlie in 2011. He looked over to see who he had hit, and his face changed from manically giddy to regret. Since he was looking at you though, he was distracted and didn't notice Sam running up behind him, brick in hand. She swung the brick at the back of his head, knocking him off Kirby making him lie next to you, leaving the knife in Kirby.

"Sorry, but I kinda need this" Sam said to Kirby before pulling the knife out, Kirby huffed in pain. "I won't let them hurt you" Ethan whispered in your ear as you were still in a ball on the ground, then he stud up, ready to attack again. "Fuck him up" Kirby breathed, "Sam no" you croaked, still having a hard time breathing. She didn't hear you, and even if she did, she didn't care.

Ethan fully stud up now, clutching the back of his head, "what are you gonna do about it bitch" he eagerly, and without hesitation Sam stabbed him 5 times in different spots on his torso. The last one landing near his left shoulder, she held it in there for a while before pulling it out when she heard her sister call her name. Sam first ran over to you, trying to help you up and over to the ladder Tara was climbing. "Sam go" you said, she shook her head, "he won't hurt me, and I'll just slow you down, so go" you said huskily. She looked so sad that you were saying this, so unsure, so you just nodded your head and smiled. Which that, she went to her sister.

You slowly stud up and made your way over to Ethan. Once there, you sat next to him. Hovering your hand over his new stab wounds you spoke softly to him, "Ethan?" He hummed in response, "you can stop this, if you stop this you'll be ok" you tried to convince him not to follow through with his fathers plan, but it was seemingly no use.

Not too long of a silence had to go by for you to get up and walk away. You were about to go over to the one of the doors when you heard something move next to you. Ethan, covered in mass amount of blood, was walking up to you. Fast. You didn't have time to react, you stumbled backwards, unable to turn away in fear of what he'd do to you. He grabbed your neck, not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough that it scared you, tight enough that he could hold you in place. And that is exactly what he did. He pushed you up against the wall behind you, you were stunned, basically unmoving, besides your heaving chest and rapidly blinking eyes. He snaked his head toward your ear, tears started to fall down your cheeks. You felt his hot breath on your neck causing you to shiver and let out a small whimper, "you scared?" He growled, letting a small menacing giggle leave his lips. You didn't answer, so he pressed his lips against your neck leaving a small kiss, but before he spoke, he didn't move them "I asked you a question" you felt his voice vibrate through your skin. Then you heard a gunshot and a scream...

Word count: 1500+

A/N: yeaaa this one's really long... I got carried away

Also that "you scared" line is a reference to Jennifer's body :P

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