Part 32.2 |the hospital|

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"can I come with you?" Ethan asked, the paramedic was about to say something, "she's my girlfriend" Ethan added before he could, "yea alright, hop in" and so he did.

    The phone in the prison rang, "hello, California state prison, how can I help you?" Said the prison worker, "hi, this is New York Presbyterian Hospital. We are looking to contact an inmate by the name Stuart Macher" explained the hospital worker, "we do have a Mr.Macher here, what do you need him for?" Asked the prison worker, "we are obligated to inform him that his daughter has been attacked and is in our care as of now" "alright, just give us a moment to get him on the line"

A few minutes later. "Hello? Who's this?" Said the voice of Stu Macher over the phone, "this is New York Presbyterian Hospital, we are calling to inform you that your daughter, Y/N Macher has been attacked and is now in our care" re-explained the hospital worker, "oh my god, uh, can I talk to her? Is she ok?" Stu was slightly panicked, "don't worry sir, she is stable and should be fine. I just have to check if she's awake to see if you two can talk, one moment" the line went silent, "sorry, she's currently sleeping. You can always call back another day" "alright" Stu paused, "take care of her" he said, then hung up the phone without a goodbye. He had a lot of planning to do.

~one week later~

    You were still in the hospital, you had lost a lot of blood, and had suffered a lot of nearly fatal injuries.

    It was currently 9:25pm, you were awake, reading a book that Sam had brought you, Ethan was asleep in the chair in the corner of the room. It was sweet, he barley left; only to use the bathroom, get food, or get other stuff like clothes or things to do. Your reading was interrupted by your room door opening. You were pretty tired so you didn't realize who it was until he came over to you bedside, and was lit by your reading light. "Dad?" You questioned, your eyes tearing up as he sat in the chair next to your bed. "But you can't be here? I mean how are you here?" You we're so confused, but so happy at the same time, you missed seeing your dad so much that you didn't actually care how he got there. "I had to come see you" he said, taking your hand, "I'm so sorry you had to go through this, I really thought moving to New York would get you away from all that shit" "it's not your fault" you shook your head, "but it is, I started this whole Ghostface thing, me and my partner Billy, and now that's coming back on you and I am so incredibly sorry" he wouldn't stop apologizing, so many sorrys left his mouth, you lost track. Then you heard a bunch indistinguishable yelling in the hall. Stu slowly stud up and placed a kiss on your forehead, "I have to go now" he said sadly, "make sure to come visit me alright" "of course" you nodded, tears falling from your eyes as four police officers burst into your room, shoving your father into the wall and putting him in hand cuffs. "You did not" you said in shock, "I did" he laughed. He had broken out of prison to see you, that was a very him thing to do, you were surprised you hadn't thought about this possibility earlier.

    Ethan shot awake at all the commotion, "what the fuck" he breathed and rushed over to you, "is that..." "yea" you replied with an expression that said 'yikes'. "You two a thing?" Stu asked protectively, "yes dad" you giggled trying to keep the mood up, "uh yea, hi, I'm Ethan" Ethan began to walk over and offer to shake his hand, but then realized that just wasn't an option at this point, "right" he said under his breath, putting his hand back down.

    Then Stu was dragged away, "love you" he called out, "love you too!" You yelled back, then rubbed your temples, "you ok?" Ethan asked, "yea I'm fine... just... he's gonna get a longer sentence" you responded, "doesn't he have a life sentence?" Ethan inquired, "well, yes, but now it's probably impossible for him to get a reduction... whatever" you sighed, "I'm tired" "understandable" Ethan said with a contagious smile, "goodnight love" he sat in the chair Stu was just sitting in, turning your light off, held your hand, and dowsed off right beside you. "Goodnight" you giggled to yourself quietly, dowsing off now yourself.

~just so you know, the epilogue for this ending is the same as the original. Basically after you were out of the hospital, there was a trial, Ethan was proven guilty, and got only 6 years~

Word count: 700+

A/N: since I hadn't posted in a while, and was feeling generous, I thought I'd post the last chapters of the second ending today!

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