Part 26 |one horrible subway ride|

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Then the train started to speed away, heading to its next location. You, Mindy, and Ethan, we're officially stranded at the subway station.

Other POV:

"Fuck" Mindy cursed watching the train roll away, 'yea... what she said' you thought. You heard footsteps approaching so you turned to make sure it wasn't some crazed killer. Luckily it was only Ethan (ironic since he is one of the killers, but you don't know that yet). Once he got up to you two, he placed his hand on Mindys shoulder, accidentally startling her. She jumped and turned to face him, "get your Ghostface ass away from me, Ghostface" Mindy sasses and walked the other direction trying to put distance between herself and Ethan. Neither you or Ethan said anything to that, you both didn't know how to respond. You looked over at Mindy who was now standing 8 feet away you guessed, she saw you looking at her and waved you over. You started to walk over to her but Ethan wrapped his hand around yours. You looked up into his pleading eyes, he was begging you to stay. "Y/N!" Mindy whisper yelled so you looked at her, she was gesturing you over to her again. You sighed then looked back, then pinched your nose bridge with your other hand, "I'm not doing this right now" you said exhaustedly to Ethan. You let go of his hand and walked over to the nearest empty bench, and plopped down.

This time Ethan looked over and Mindy. She did not appreciate that, especially considering that in her mind Ethan was the reason you went to sit down and not over to her, and that he's Ghostface. Mindys eyes widened when she saw him looking at her, and she gestured a very exaggerated shrug that said 'what'. Ethan responded with a smaller shrug. It was honestly amusing you a bit, seeing them be all weird and petty like this. You thought mindy was just being like this because you and him were technically dating now, and she didn't really approve of it. Mindy shoed him away with her hand, "go away" she whisper yelled at him.

(I'm not gonna write everything that happens on the other train, I'm only gonna write what happens on the train with Y/N, Mindy, and Ethan)

    Finally after waiting on the train platform for a while, the next train had arrived, so you all hopped on. You were all in the same train car but you all were in different areas. Standing and sitting around you where people in all sorts of costumes, most notably a lot of them were Ghostface costumes. This terrified you, seeing all these people dressed up like the person you were trying to escape, the person that had killed and hurt so many of your friends. You shot a terrified look in Mindys direction but she was too distracted by all the people in Ghostface costumes, so you looked at Ethan who was looking at you with a look that said 'are you ok'. Tears started to well up in your eyes, you didn't want to stand alone in this train full of possible murderer, so you caved and squeezed your way through the people over to Ethan. Once you got to him he held you in his arms protectively, resting his chin on top of your head. You instantly calmed down, you felt so much safer in his arms.

    You noticed Mindy gave him a mean glare when he kissed you on top of the head before placing his chin back on it. He just looked at her and let go of the pole he was holding to wave. He smiled at Mindy, so did you, but she didn't return it, she just sighed and looked away. You pulled out your phone to text Mindy, you wanted to make sure she was ok but you didn't want to leave the safety of Ethan's arms.

You: you ok Mindy??

Mindys phone buzzed, so she pulled it out and saw the text from you.

Mindy: yea... I mean I'm as ok as I can be in this situation

You: yea I get that

You: but why didn't you smile back when I smiled at you?? Are you mad at me or smt?

Mindy: God no! I'm not mad at you!

Mindy: it's Ethan, he smiled too and I didn't want him to think I like him

You: Mindy he's not Ghostface

Mindy: Y/N you don't know that!!!

Mindy: Ik you're gonna hate this but...

Mindy: I'd suggest getting away from him asap... like right now I mean

You: it's finnne Mindy, he's not gonna hurt me, let alone kill me ffs

Mindy: whatever you say Y/N 😑

    After that last message, you put your phone away, but Mindy kept hers out since she had just received a message from Chad. "What was that about?" Ethan whispered, "just makin' sure Mindys ok" you sighed. You couldn't see Ethan's face so you had no idea that he was looking at Mindy with a very creepy look basically the whole time, to an onlooker it would've seemed like he wanted Mindy dead or something!

    Mindy had tried to text Chad back but her text wouldn't go through, reception in a subway tunnel isn't really the best. She was distracted by her phone when someone in a Ghostface costume quickly stumbled over to her making her jump out of her skin. "Sorry" the probably drunk man apologized as she walked away in a huff. You saw this so you wiggles out of Ethan's arms to move closer to her. Ethan became really nervous when you moved away, so he decided ti follow you to your new standing place. He happened to stand in front of you as Mindy looked over, this made Mindys suspicions of him grow since she thought only he had moved over to get a better view of her. She glared at him, then Ethan moved out of the way slightly revealing you. You smile and waved at Mindy, an 'ohhh' expression crossed her face before she looked down at the Ghostface in the seat right near her. She looked away from it, putting her hand to her head and letting out a frustrated sigh.

    A bunch of people moved over to stand by the door Mindy was standing at, essentially pushing her out of the way. "Hey. Fuck you" she said quietly to the douchy looking group of guys. Since Mindy had moved, you and Ethan could no longer see her, and there was no point in trying to get closer since the sea of people in front of you was like an unmovable concrete wall.

Word count: 1100+

A/N: if any of y'all are interested or fans of it... I will be writing a shadow and bone fanfic after this one abt Aleksander Kirigan 🫶

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