Part 24 |you chased after ghostface!?|

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"Gale" Tara said as she went over to Gales side to see how she was doing. Sam now went over to Tara and Gale as well, "shit" Sam cursed.

Other POV:

You sprinted through the halls of the apartment, running after Ghostface. You were so done with all of this. You had followed Ghostface all the way to a dead end, right by the elevators. But you stopped there, he wasn't by the elevators, "fuck!" You yelled running over to the elevator buttons pressing them repeatedly. Then you heard a floorboard creak behind you, he was standing there, knife in hand, ready to pounce at any moment. "Come one then!" You taunted, "if your gonna kill me, then fucking do it already!" Your voice cracked as you screamed. Ghostface cocked his head, you held the gun up. He charged at you, you pulled the trigger, but nothing happened, it was jammed. "Shit" you looked at the gun, hitting it hoping it would fix itself. But it didn't fix in time. Ghostface tackled you into the wall you into the wall, slamming your hand up against the wall with more force than anything else, the gun went off. But he slammed you hand against the wall a few more times finally disarming you. "Shit!" You yelled again, then Ghostface grabbed you by the hair and slammed your head into the wall, 'what's with these guys and slamming my head into walls' you thought. Then you heard a sound, ding, and the elevator door began to slowly open. Ghostface panicked, he let go of you arm and hair, and booked it for the staircase. Before you knew it he was gone, with the arrival of Chad, Mindy, Kirby, and Ethan. You leaned your back against the wall, slowly sliding down into a sitting position. You rested your forearms on your head and steadied your breathing, Ethan's trick really did seem to work for you.

The group of 4 all stepped out of the elevator at relatively the same time. The last one being Ethan. They all saw you in the corner, seeming panicked and distraught. "Y/N!?" Mindy said rushing over to you, followed by Chad. "What the hell happened here?" Chad asked, "I-I don't really know" you started to cry, "Ghostface attacked Gale, I don't know if she's still alive or not b-but it looked really bad in there" Mindy hugged you as you struggled to explain. "Where are they?" Kirby asked, "go around that corner" Kirby looked where you were pointing, "all the way down that hallway, and to the left... you'll see it, the doors open and I assume police and paramedics are there now" you wiped the tears from your face as Mindy stood up. "Sam and Tara are there too" you said seeing the worried look on Chad and Mindys face, "they're both ok... well... ok as you can be in this situation" you said. Kirby nodded and quickly headed over. Mindy and Chad looked like they wanted to go too, but they felt bad leaving you. "It's ok, go to them, they probably need you more than I do" you gave them a weak smile. They looked at each other and we're about to speak but Ethan spoke first, "I'll stay with her. You two go make sure Sam and Tara are ok" Mindy did not seem comfortable with this at all, "no way I'm leaving your Ghostface ass alone with Y/N!" She said harshly, "Mindy" you sighed, "what?!" She questioned, "just go" you nodded in the direction of the apartment room everyone else was in. "Ok fine... but I better not find her dead body here when I come back, Ethan" she said, her voice filled with venom. You sighed a laugh and shook your head as she left.

Ethan walked over to you, "sorry about that" you apologized for Mindys behaviour, "she pretty much always been like that... I mean, she even thought it was me for a bit last time" you giggled trying to make a joke out of this very serious situation. "It's all good, I completely understand her suspicions" Ethan said, pressing his back against the wall and sliding down it so he was now sitting next to you. You rested you head on his shoulder, "so what happened to you... I mean, why are you out here, and they're in there?" He asked as he snaked his arm around your shoulder. "Well, when we got there, Ghostface was about to give his finale kill shot... or I guess stab... to Gale. But I picked up a gun on the floor and shot 3 rounds at Ghostface causing him to run out of them room" Ethan nodded intrigued. "So I chased after him... I'm just so done with this bullshit!" "You chased after Ghostface!?" Ethan said loudly causing you to flinch a little due to your close proximity, "sorry" he calmed down, "yes. I did. But then he ended up cornering me. Lucky for me you guys showed up at the perfect time, he was about to kill me, he was fully ready to, but then you guys showed up and scared him off in the process" this made Ethan angry, his face screwed up, his eyebrows knit together. You had no idea why this was his reaction, but you were too out of it to ask. Little did you know it was because he knew that it was Quinn behind the mask, and he had to have a strong talk with her on who she could and couldn't kill...

After a little while, the police and paramedics cleared out, taking Gale with them. All of you were now waiting in the hotel lobby.

Word count: 900+

A/N: double post today since I forgot to post one yesterday (I was just to exhausted and I forgot 😅)

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