Part 5 |close to home|

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You quickly opened the door, ran over to Ethan who was staring right at the top of the stair well, kissed him on the cheek, and ran back to the safety of your apartment. Again he just stud there, awestruck, nothing like this has ever happened to him before, and now you, you come along and steal his heart right from his chest.

Other POV:

Ethan was about to leave when Chad burst through the door, Chad told Ethan to come inside, then not even a second later Chad called to Sam who was at the bottom of the stairs.  "Sam!" he yelled down, both Sam and Danny looked up, "get up here right now" he said, sounding almost out of breath.

Your POV:

We were all watching the TV in the living room area. Chad had just told Ethan to come in and called Sam up from the stairwell. About a minute later, she had arrived, Danny following closely behind. "what's going on?" She asked with hast, Chad just pointed at the TV. "I'm standing in front of the apartment building where the mutilated bodies of-" "cute boy. Nice!" Quinn cut off the man on the TV, giving a quick point at Danny as she did so. "Their names have just been released by police. Jason Carvey, and Greg-" again the man on the TV was cut off, this time by Mindy, "holy shit, that's that chod from our film studies class! The one obsessed with Orchento!" She said while looking at Ethan, he seemed to know what she was talking about since the side of his mouth curled up into a very small, almost unnoticeable, smirk.

"Also found at the scene were various ghostface costumes, the character popularized by the 'Stab' movie franchise. Now this of course is-" and again the man on the TV was cut off, it's like the others don't understand that this is important information that we should really be listening to. "Pack a bag, we leave in 10" Sam said to Tara, quickly walking to her own room. Tara got up to follow her, "Sam. Wait, Sam!" Tara said. "We're getting out of the city" Sam said matter-of-factly, "what?" Danny inquired. "Thank you very much suspicious new guy, but I think we can handle it from here. Have a good night, get home safe," Chad said kindly pushing Danny out the door, then started repeating the word "go" while doing these funny little hand gestures. I looked away from Chad, I was now looking directly into Ethan's eyes. I swallowed hard and clenched my jaw, if Sam and Tera were going, so was I. Just by the look in his eyes, I think he knew exactly what I was trying to say without me even uttering a word. It was soul-crushing.

"Sam!" Tara called to her older sister again who was now in the kitchen. Sam grabbed a knife, "Sam, wh-what, hold on" Tara said panicked, "come on" Sam said calmly, "Hold on, wait, let's talk about this for a second" Tara continued, "cause' this- this might not have anything to do with us" "are you serious" Sam sounded upset, "it's a big city! It's Halloween, everybody's wearing masks" Tara yelled. "Tara- Tara this isn't a coincidence" Sam stated, "you knew him" she gestured to the TV. "Barley" Tara replied. "Chad, Mindy, Y/N, back me up" she called on us, Chad started "I mean it is a little bit-" "close to home" Mindy continued. Now everyone was looking at me... shit. "I hate to say it but, they're right Tara. This can't be a coincidence"

"See" Sam said, turning to face Tara. There was a pause. "Quinn, your dads a coo right?" Tara asked, "can you call him and find out what going on" Tara then turned back to her sister, "before you make the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!" You could literally see the venom in Tara's words. She was angry, and she didn't care to hide it. Sam looked to Quinn, "I'm calling him now" she said, and Tara thanked her. Just then Sams phone, which was left on the dining table, started to ring. Sam was breathing heavily, out of pure fear I got up quickly and went over to see who it was as well. She put the knife down and picked up her phone, the person calling was none other than Gale fucking Weathers. Sam and I sighed as she hung up and placed the phone back down.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" A very confused Ethan asked, "you gotta keep up my dude" Anika replied. Then he looked up at me, hoping I'd give him a better answer, "I'll fill you in later" I said. Then Quinn came rushing over, "Sam. My dad wants to talk to you" she said, handing Sam the phone. Sam put the phone up to her ear, "Mr.Bailey, hi" "hey Sam" the voice on the phone replied. "I was actually just about to call you. And with that I was done eavesdropping, I was too tired for this shit, so I walked over and plopped down next to Ethan, letting out a big sigh as I did so. I closed my eyes, and stopped listening to the voices and sounds around me.

Next thing I knew, Ethan was tapping me on the leg. I looked up at him confused, then I saw Sam, worry plastered on her face, looking down at me. I sat up "oh god... what now?" I asked, "Mr.Bailey needs to talk to us" she said, I cocked my head in confusion, "down at the station" I didn't respond, all I did was huff, then stand up. "Lead the way" I said. And we were off.

Word count: 900+

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