Part 11 |Gale Weathers|

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You started to panic, you started to shake, tears rolling down your face. Everything was too much.

Other POV:

    Ethan was trying to push the reports out of the way so you two could get by, so he was some what in front of you, almost as if he was trying to shield you from it all. Although you were thankful for the sweet gesture, it wasn't helping much.

    Ethan turned to look at, making sure you were still there. When he looked at you his sour expression- because of all the annoying reporters- dropped, immediately changing to a sad one. He fully turned to face you, taking a step closer to close the gap between the two of you.

    You were frantically looking around while hyperventilating, the tears were still falling fast from your eyes. "Hey" Ethan calmly called to you. You looked at him and he quickly cupped your face in his hands. "Hey, hey, it's ok, it's ok! look at me" he said as your whole body was still shaking. You looked at him for a few seconds before looking away again. He held your face a bit more firmly now, "look at me" he said, "not them" he paused as you looked at him now, "I'm here, ok, I'm here"

    The whole world around you seemed to melt away. All that was left was the two of you. No camera, no mic's, no reports, no yelling. Just you
and him. Ethan and Y/N. Your breathing started to slow to a normal pace, your body stopped shaking, and your tears stopped flowing. You closed your eyes, toke a deep breath, and nodded. When you opened your eyes Ethan smiled letting go of your face. He turned slightly to start walking out of the crowd of reporters, but before he got too far you grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. He looked at you, then at your hands, and blushed. With this he was easily able to lead you through the crowd of content sucking weasels.

    Although he assumed you were only holding his hand because you were stressed and anxious, Ethan was ecstatic. He loved the feeling of your hand in his. You on the other hand also loved this feeling, but you hoped he didn't think you were only holding his hand because of how anxious you were feeling. The two of you were not great at communicating your feelings... or flirting for that matter. Anyways, once you were past the crowd, and a fair distance away from it all, you heard a familiar voice. "Y/N L/N, do you think you and your friends are the reason Ghostface has come to the big apple?" You spun on your heels seeing none other than Gale Weathers approaching you from the channel 4 news van.

    You hated her, so did the rest of your group. She so effortlessly riled you and Sam up, especially with her newest book. Boy that one struck a nerve. She had told us she wouldn't write a book about what happened to us, but she did anyway. For instance she called Sam "unstable" and called the two of you "born killers", how she knew that information, you had no idea. The true identity of who you really are isn't public knowledge, which is why when you read the book you were extremely pissed if at Gale for somewhat exposing a secret that you would like to keep just that, a secret. Not even Sam knew, until of course she asked you about it after reading the book, so you had to tell her. Makes sense why the two of you became so close so quickly (do you guys get what I'm putting down??).

    "Nice bruise Gale" you said in a venom filled tone, Ethan looked at you confused. "who gave you that one? Sam? Or was it Tara?" You asked, "Tara" Gale replied, "serves you right" you huffed. "Really, you're still mad at me?" She asked seemingly annoyed. "Of fucking course I'm still mad" you blew up at her, Ethan squeezed your hand trying to tell you to calm down. "You wrote that god damn book! How did you even get that information on my?! That was private information and you shared it to the whole world!" "I didn't give out any of your private information... sure I may have implied a something a few time, but I never said it out right" she fought back, "but you still said it, you said I was a natural born killer, what the actual fuck is that about huh?" Gale didn't answer you, "that's what I fucking thought" you spat walking away in a fit of rage. "Wait Y/N! I talked to Sidney" she said. Now Sidney was someone you actual cared about unlike Gale, so against your better judgment, you stopped walking. You didn't face her though, you couldn't, you didn't know what you would do if you stayed there much longer, "go on" you inquired. "She sends her love, and she's taking Mark and the kids someplace safe" Gale said, "so she's not coming here, right?" You asked praying she'd stay as far away as possible. "Yes. She deserves her happy ending" Gale added. "Agreed" you said, and without another word you continued to walk away. Still holding Ethan's hand, you made your way to the taxi, not saying a word to Ethan on the way over. You opened the door, got in, and slid over, pulling him in in the process.

The whole taxi ride was silent, you didn't feel like talking. Ethan could see that, so he didn't bother you. But the entire time two of you were still holding hands. You were looking out the driver side window, and he was looking at you.

Word count: 900+

A/ N: opinions on Gale??

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