Part 16 |the core 5|

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"I didn't say let go" you smiled up at him, jumping back into his arms. "You didn't have to wait here" you said breathily, "yes I did" he kissed the top of your head, "yes I did"

Other POV:

"I'll call us a cab" Ethan said, letting go of the hug. You grabbed his hand, "no-no I want to walk" you said, "but-" "no. I want to walk. It's a nice night" he flashed you a concerned look, "I'm fine ok, plus the apartment is on like a 15 minute walk from here right" he nodded, "so?" You asked faking a pout, "fine" he sighed. He thought it was a bad idea, but when he saw the smile on your face, he knew he made the right choice.

    The whole walk you guys just talked and talked about everything and anything, mostly about movies though since you were both in a film studies class. But you were now at your apartment. He walked you to the door, then said his goodbyes. He had a lot of work to do, he also had to go to Econ pretty soon. Right before he fully left, you gave him a kiss, quick and sweet. "As long as it takes" you smiled, "as long as it takes" he repeated, then he was off to Econ.

~~an hour or so later~~

    Tara and Chad were in the kitchen making supper, Mindy was setting the table, Anika and you were sitting on the couch. "Will you two just make out already" Mindy yelling into the kitchen at Tara and Chad, "Mindy that is so inappropriate" Chad retorted as you started to laugh, "oh whatever" Mindy threw her hands up, "get it over with"

    Sam walked out into the living room holding a blanket and a pillow, "here you go" she said to Anika, placing the items on the chair near her. "Sam?" Mindy called out, "yup" Sam replied, "we do not have to stay here" Mindy said somewhat sincerely, "welp, to bad, I insist" Sam said while grabbing a wine bottle, "safety in number" you said, walking into the kitchen to join the group. "This will be so fun, little slumber party with the core 5" Chad said all giddy, he was so childish sometimes, "core 5?" Sam inquired, "yeaaa" Chad answered. "Did you just give us a nickname" Tara asked, "I sure did" Chad replied, "of course you did" you laughed out, "I mean we've been through a lot together, and... it's a pretty cool nickname" he shrugged while nodding. "Well that's debatable" Sam chimed in, "extremely debatable" Tara added. "You can't just give yourself a nickname dingus" Mindy said eyeing her brother, "oh of course I can, dingus, because I just did" Chad countered. "Dingus" you said and giggled to yourself, "core 5, up top!" Chad said sticking his hand in the air, "no" Mindy shook her head, "down low" Chad said, "Get that away from me" Tara smirked, "to the side" he tried again, "nope" Sam said smiling. He turned to you, "please for the love of God" he said to you, "don't do it" Mindy and the others laughed. You shrugged and shook your head no, "sorry" you joined the laughter. "You know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the cot 5" Chad joked, "oh god" Mindy rolled her eyes.

    As that was going on, Anika noticed something off. "Guys, what the hell" she said picking up the remote and turning the volume up on the TV. "We're hearing sources inside the homicide devision that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022. Seen here attacking a woman on the street last night" We were all watching dumbfounded as the reporter spoke, and the video played. "In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumours spread online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings along with her friend Y/N L/N, who we now know to be the soul child of  Stu Macher, one of the original Ghostface killers along with Billy Loomis" your jaw dropped. Sam already knew, but nobody else in that room did. "It is believed that they both framed Carpenters late boyfriend Richie Kirsch and-" Sam stormed over to grab the remote, and turned the TV off. Everyone was looking either at you, or at Sam. Sam set the remote down harshly, walked over to the dining table, and sat down.

    You were just left standing there, tears pooling in your eyes, threatening to fall. You didn't want them to find out like this, let alone the entire world. Now everyone knew you were a Macher, a 'killer at birth' some would say. After looking at each of your friends faces, seeing their reactions, you swallowed hard, then went to sit down with Sam.

    Tara was the first to walk over and sit down with you guys. There was a long pause. "I know your not a big fan of the way I'm handling things, and that I've been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that, none of us can relate to what you are experiencing" Tara said to Sam, "or you" she added, making eye contact with you before turning back to her sister, "and I'm really really sorry you two have to deal with it alone" Sam was looking at her sister, she was starting to tear up as well now. Sam shook her head slightly, "it's not your fault. And I know I shouldn't care what people think" she sniffed, "It just sucks being this hated" "Sam" you said her name, not knowing what else to say, because you do understand to some level, but you obviously can't fully understand.

    "Hey, hey, just a reminder, not a single person in the room hates you" Chad stated as he and Mindy came to join the three of you at the table. "We have opened some fucked up stuff, and we're copping with it differently. But I mean, we moved here together for one very specific reason" you all looked at Chad as he spoke, "we're a team" Sam smiled though she was still crying, "we are" Mindy said, "the core fucking 5" she added, "thank you very much!" Chad snapped back quickly, "I hate myself" Mindy said as she and her brother shook hands. "That's what I'm talkin' about" Chad said happily, "the core 5"

    "Say it" Mindy said to a smiling Tara, "no I'm not gonna say it, not now" Tara said, "come on" Mindy egged her on, Tara started "I mean yes we're a team but-" then she was cut off by Chad, "it has a nice ring to it" "come on say it" Mindy and Chad giggled. Then out of nowhere, "I've been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall" Sam said looking up at Chad and Mindy. You were all quiet for a second but then, "Boom!" Mindy yelled slamming her hand in the table, "I knew it!" Tara yelled leaning back in her chair.

Word count: 1100+

A/N: the fact that Y/N is a Macher isn't very important, I'll probably mention it a few times here and there, but it's just a fun little detail I'd add in to make Y/N seem a lil more special and interesting I guess lol

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