Part 18 |blood bath|

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"guys come on" Tara yelled, but it was too late. "Oh fuck" Mindy cursed looking up at the looming presence of Ghostface.

Other POV (gore warning)

As Mindy said that, Ghostface charged at her, slashing her upper left arm with his knife. Sam backed away, so did you. "Mindy!" Sam yelled as your breathing started to pick up its pace. 'If only I had stayed in that god damn hospital' you thought as Ghostface went in for another stab at Mindy. Luckily Anika stopped him before he could do anything to Mindy, grabbing onto his leg she yelled, "stay the fuck back!" And continued to pull on him. He didn't take kindly to this and immediately went for her neck, crushing it in his grip, closing off her airway she started to choke and struggle for air.

    Sam ran to the kitchen as that was happening to get a knife from the knife block, but there were none. You were now the only one able to even attempt to help Anika in that situation, and before you could even think twice, you jumped up off the floor and charged directly at your assailant. You jumped onto his back writhing him around, trying to loosen his grip on Anikas neck. "Fuck you!" You screamed as he tried to throw you off his back, so you swung your arm around his neck, keeping you on his back and choking him in the process. But you didn't stop him for long. He fully stood up, holding Anika up in the air by her throat with you still clinging to his back, punch and hitting him with your free hand. Unfortunately this barley did shit, he shoved Anika up against a wall, still holding her by her throat, and elbowed you in the gut causing you to fall flat on the floor. You hit your head on impact making everything around you a bit fuzzy for a few seconds. But that didn't stop you from seeing Ghostface stab Anika in the gut and twist it around as she cried out in pure agony. Sam heard this, and acted fast, she grabbed the whole knife block and ran over as he slowly started to drag the knife upwards inside her. "Hey!" Yelled. Ghostface turned around to a hard wood knife block in the face. Sam swung it so hard, he literally fell to the floor.

    Tara and Chad were still on their way down the stairs. Tara thought you were all following them, but when she heard the scream and turned around to check... boy was she wrong. "They're still up their, shit!" Tara said frantically as she started back up the stairs, "shit!" Chad repeated her as he followed her up.

    Ghostface being knocked to the ground have the four of you ample time to get away from him. You all ran into Quinn's room, Sam coming in last and locking the door. The room was a blood bath, now there was even more blood though, curtesy of Anika and Mindy... mostly Anika though. "Fuckkk" Mindy said in a low pained tone, as Ghostface was slamming in to the door. Sam was holding it closed to make sure he couldn't get in,"What the fuck do we do Sam?!" You ask in a panic, border lining some kind of panic attack. "Y/N, go into the bathroom and get stuff to help Mindy and Anika!" Sam responded, you were about to do what she told you to, but then the banging stopped. "What now...?" You looked at Sam, wide eyed. "Mindy, Y/N, bathroom door, hurry" Sam whisper yelled noticing that the other entrance to the bathroom was open. The two off you sped over there, passing the shower while you did so. "OH FUCK, that guys dead!" Mindy yelled as you both froze looking at the brutally murdered man in the bathtub. "FUCK! Fuck shit fuck" you swore continuing over to the door to close it. You were just about to close the door when Ghostface showed up, Mindy screamed, but all you did was shed a fearful tear. Mindy shoved the door as hard as she could into Ghostface as he tried to enter the bathroom. You snapped out of your panicked daze as Sam pulled you back into the room along with Mindy, and slammed that door shut. Once in the room, Mindy locked the door, but Ghostface busted the lock with two swift hard kicks to the door. You pushed your back into the door in order to keep Ghostface out as Mindy and Sam pulled a tall heavy dresser over. You quickly moved out of the way, timing your movement with his kicks so the two could press the dresser into the door. Unfortunately it didn't help too much. You went over to Anika while Sam and Mindy stayed against the dresser. You pulled Quinn's sheet of her bed, went to her desk and got some scissors to cut it up. As you were cutting the sheet into a smaller strip for Anikas stomach gash, Sam saw Danny next door. She opened the window and saw how frighteningly high you guys were from the ground, then Danny said, "don't worry, I gotcha'" and went away quickly to get something. As that was happening, you went over to Anika and tied the sheet around her wound, "this is gonna hurt," you said and she hummed in response, "1, 2, 3" and on three you tightened the sheet around her. "Fuck!" She screamed in pain, "sorry" you said, worried for your friend.

    Then Danny came back with a ladder, extending it over the gap between the apartment you were all in, and his own. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Sam yelled, knowing the answer but asking anyway. "Do you have a better idea?" He answered her question with a question of his own, "wha- no" Sam answered out of breath, reaching for the ladder, and placing it on the window ledge. "You have to come one at a time" he said considering the fact that is was a flimsy ladder, and this is definitely not what is was meant for. "Ok" Sam said, turning to you, Mindy, and Anika, "you three go first" she said with hast, "Mindy" you yelled, "what, no!" Mindy yelled still holding the bathroom door closed, "Mindy!" Sam yelled this time, "someone needs to hold the door, I'll get Y/N and Anika next. Go!" Mindy yelled at Sam. Sam meekly nodded her head, she felt bad leaving her friends like this, but she knew someone had to go first, so she went.

    "Sam" Danny called to her, "come on, eyes on me. Keep your eyes on me" he told her, but she didn't listen, and she looked down. "Oh shit" she said, noticing how far the drop would be if she were to fall, "oh my god" she slowly crawled on all fours on the ladder. Then she slipped, but was able to hold on, "come on. Come on!" Danny yelled, "you gotta hold me... ok" Sam said anxiously, "you ain't goin' anywhere, I'm gonna hold you, I promise" Danny tried to smile reassuringly. "Danny" Sam called to him, then continued to crawl, "I got you" he said, "shit shit shit! She's gonna bleed out over here" you cried, trying to stop Ankias bleeding, "don't you fucking say that!" Mindy yelled back at you. You didn't respond, all you did was look at Mindy with fear in your eyes. Then Mindy yelled out to Sam, "she's losing a lot of blood!" And with that sentence you looked at her with an expression that said 'what the fuck'. "Could you guys say something more positive" Anika cried, "fuck Anika, I am so so sorry Anika" you said, "your gonna be ok!" You said in the most unconvincing tone that not even you believed yourself, "thanks for trying" Anika said.

Word count: 1300+

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