Part 7 |reality setting in|

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He was slowly moving toward us, we were slowly moving toward the exit. Then ghostface shot off another round of the gun. And another. He was a predator, and we were his prey.

Other POV:

You, Tara, and Sam were sitting in the back corner stifling your breathing as to not make a sound. Ghostface on the other hand was stalking the aisles, taking slow, almost taunting, steps closure to the three of you. Tara was visibly shaking, so were you, but Sam was reaching for a crumpled beer can on the floor that got knocked off the shelf in the high of the commotion.

Sam cautiously picked up the beer can, Ghostface was getting closure and closure to spotting you, then Sam tossed it to the other corner of the store, luring Ghostface away in the opposite direction. As he went toward the sound, Sam motion her head towards the farthest aisle and quietly said "go" and so you did. You were all on you're hands and knees, trying to be as quiet as possible while crawling on broken glass, spilled drinks, and popped chip bags. But then, Tara made a wrong move, she put too much pressure on a piece of glass causing it to crack more than it already was. This made a loud enough sound to make the three of you stop in pure fear, Ghostface had stopped as well. He had heard the sound too. He slowly turned his head, facing away from the aisle you were hiding in. He was breathing heavily now.

Then, quickly he turned to the aisle you were all in and began to lunge at it, luckily you and Sam saw. You both acted fast, thinking the same thing, you both shoved the the shelf that was concealing you right into Ghostface, giving you three a chance to book it! And so you did.

Your POV:

We burst out the front door of the small convenience store. As we did so, the police finally showed up. "Great fucking timing" you sneered, Tara heard you and gave you a look of agreement, mixed with terror of course.

I saw Sam turn to look back in the store, so did Tara. Confused, I followed suit. He was gone! "He went through the back door" I heard one of the police officers shout, so I looked at the back door, and they were right. The back door was now open, and was slightly swinging back and fourth as if someone had just ran out. Then we all looked down... his mask was on the floor... how odd. Tara and Sam exchanged a look of shock, then looked at me. All I did was shrug.

The reality of the situation had finally started to set in, my adrenaline was wearing out. The police ushered us into their cars. Sam and Tara went into one car, but I had to go into a separate car since I wasn't related to them. 'That's incredibly stupid' I thought. Even though they had told me this, I still tried to plead with them to let me go in the same car as them. I really didn't want to be alone right now, 'I can't be alone right now' and with that thought, I started to cry. I was finally letting out all my pent up tears, the shock of everything wearing off and reality setting in. 'Not again'

Word count: 500+

A/N: I know this is a shorter chapter, but that felt like a good place to end it off 👍

Also 2 chapter uploads in the span of 2 days- you guys are lucky cuz I'm really bad at remembering to post the chapters that I've already made lol

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