Part 15 |quick hospital trip|

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he dialled 911, the phone rang and was picked up quite quickly. Most of what was said, you were unable to here, but the things you could make out were; "hello, yes I need an ambulance" "there's a lot of blood" "the abandon art building at-" and "my name is Ethan Landry" and that was really it.

Other POV:

You were in and out of consciousness, but you could tell being carried out of the building as if you weighed nothing. One of your arms was slung around Ethan's neck, the other falling limp. You placed your limp arm on his face, wiping his freshly fallen tears away.

You arrived at the ambulance where they toke you from Ethan's arms and placed you on a stretcher. They lifted you up and put you in the back of the ambulance, then the paramedic hopped in with you. Ethan tried to get in as well, but he was stopped. "Family only" the paramedic said flatly, "what?" Ethan said now filled with rage, "I'm sorry sir, but unless you are a family of the victim, then you have to ride on your own" they closed one door, "wait! Please- please" Ethan's voice strained as he pleaded with the paramedic. "I'm sorry but-" the paramedic started, "he's my boyfriend" you choked out, barley able to speak in your woozy state. You tried to get up out of the stretcher to go over to Ethan, but the paramedic stopped you, "yea- yea ok, hop in. Quickly" he said, so Ethan made hast and jumped in, closing the second door behind him.

The next thing you knew, you were waking up in a hospital. There was a nurse in the room with you, checking your vitals, and looking at the clipboard with your information on it.

    You slowly sat yourself up, throwing your hand to your head as it seemed like it had its own pulse. Your headache was pounding in your skull, it hurt a lot. "Good evening sweet heart" the kind British nurse said softly, ducking her head down a bit to be on your level. "Where am I?" You as groggily, "your at the hospital" she answered, "and if I'm being honest you woke up way faster than we expected. I'll go get the doctor now" she smiled, "yea well, this isn't my first roadie you could say" you laughed nervously. The nurse nodded, giving you a pity smile. She turned on her heels, and clicked her way toward the door. "Wait mrs-?" You called to her, she paused and turned to you, "Call me Jess" "Nurse Jess, is there anyone... waiting out there for me?" You asked hopefully. Nurse Jess nodded, "a young man with curly brown hair is in the waiting room" she said, then walked away.

    A few minutes after the nurse left, the doctor strolled in. He was a tall man, probably around 6 feet tall. He had greying brown hair, and had a welsh accent as he spoke, "My name is Dr.Mikkelsen" he introduced himself before giving you the typical doctoral speech. You'd seen enough movies to know the basics of this speech so you kind of zoned out.

     "So... can I go home now?" you asked, "I'm feeling much better. "Mrs.L/N, I would as that you stay here for the night at the least, 2 nights to be safe" Dr.Mikkelsen told you, but you clearly weren't happy with the answer, "I can see you are unhappy with this", "of course I'm unhappy. The last time I was in the hospital my friends and I got attacked, and one of them was gutted" you said bitterly, "I see" he said. "So, I will be leaving here tonight" you said matter-of-factly with a serious look on your face, "mrs.L/N-" he started, "No. I'm not saying in here, let alone staying over night" you said seriously.

    There was a long pause before the doctor spoke up again, "alright, I can't force you to stay, just take care of yourself" you nodded at him saying a quick "thank you". As the doctor was leaving, he stopped to tell you something that made you smile, he said, "someone's waiting for you outside, so if your leaving, I'd suggest you get ready quickly... he's been pretty antsy" and then he left, and the nurse came back in. "Unplug me doc" you said, and ear to ear grin on your face. Nurse Jess giggled a little, "you sure you want to leave?" She asked. In response you just nodded ecstatically, causing nurse Jess to laugh a little more, "alright" she walked over taking the heart rate monitor off your finger and the needle out of your arm. Both your forarms were wrapped up completely due to the cuts all over them. Luckily they weren't too deep, so they stopped bleeding pretty quickly. "I'll let you get dressed" Nurse Jess said stepping out of the room.

"All done" you said, and she came back in. She picked up a few things off the side table and handed them to you. "This is some extra rap for your arms, make sure to put new rap on at least once a day, or whenever the rap get dirty" she pointed out, "and here's some antibiotic cream so it doesn't get infected" "thank you!" You said, taking the rap and cream from her. "That should be all. Now then, lover boys in the waiting room" she smiled as you blushed, and then you both walked out of the room, going your separate ways.

Once you were in the waiting room, you didn't have to scan the room very hard to see a very impatient Ethan tapping his foot, leaning over with his head in his hands. You made your way over to him, but you hadn't made it that far before you saw his head shoot up, looking in your direction. It took him a second to realize it was you, but when he did he stood up out of his seat and basically ran over to you. Right when he got to you he didn't wait to pull you into a tight hug, "hi" he said, sounding as if the was about to cry, if he had even stopped. "Hi to you too, also ow" you breathed a laugh, it did hurt quite a bit, but you didn't care that much, you just loved being in his arms. "Shit, sorry" he backed off. "I didn't say let go" you smiled up at him, jumping back into his arms. "You didn't have to wait here" you said breathily, "yes I did" he kissed the top of your head, "yes I did"

Word count: 1100+

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