Part 10 |Kirby|

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"but do you have anyone you think might want to target you?" He asked. "Not that I know of, no" you said, worry plastered on your face.

    Mr.Bailey seemed like he was going to continue but he was interrupted by the door behind him opening quickly. "The FBI's here, they need jurisdiction" the officer who opened the door said, Mr.Bailey didn't seem to pleased by this. He huffed, "where are they?"

Your POV: (sorry for changing the povs sometimes, I just like to write in different povs when I feel like it)

    He stood from his seat and began to follow the officer out, leaving me alone in the interrogation room. I sighed leaning back in the cold metal chair. I didn't want to sit there anymore, I was done with this while waiting around shit. So, I got up, got Sam and Tara, Ethan was asleep so I didn't disturb him. We got an officer to show us where they were. Once we got there, we saw a recognizable face, "Kirby?" Sam was quick to ask, I had no words, "hey Sam" she walked over giving Sam a hug, "Y/N" she rested her hand on my arm and smiled knowing I'm not a hugger, "Tara" she patted Tara quickly on the arm. "Your the FBI?" I asked her, finally able to speak, "mhm" Kirby hummed. "You guys know each other?" Mr.Bailey questioned, "yea, we went to Woodsboro high together. She was a senior when I was a freshman" Sam told Mr.Bailey, "we share a certain history" Kirby said then looked at Mr.Bailey, "look, I'm not trying to get into a jurisdictional pissing contest here, I just wanna help" she paused, "I'll show you mine, etcetera" she handed Mr.Bailey some hefty files.

    Another officer came over and handed Mr.Bailey an evidence bag. The bag had another mask in it. "They got this mask at the bodega, DNA traces of two individuals. Charlie Walker, Jill Roberts, both deceased" Kirby had an odd look on her face when Me.Bailey said that, "Ghostface killers of 2011" she said taking the mask to look at it, "Charlie walker gave me this" she said while pulling up her shirt to show us a nasty stab wound in her side, "like I said, I take a special interest" she said to Mr.Bailey, "Is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you?" This time directed at us, "no" Tara replied as all three of us shook our heads. "So he's leaving them on purpose" Mr.Bailey guessed, "so whoever's doing this is a student of the killers who came before. Maybe he believes Sam and Y/N the latest in a long line" Kirby said looking between the both of us. "Yea" Sam said, "good luck with that. We're getting out of town" she continued look down at Tara, "Sam?" I called out quietly, but her and Tara had started walking away. "I'm sorry that's not possible" Mr.Bailey said, essentially stopping them in their tracks, "you're both persons of interest in a double homocide, so you're not allowed to leave town, sorry" "he's right, but if we work together we can-" Kirby started but Sam cut her off, "we're going" Sam and Tara continued to walk away. I looked at Mr.Bailey, then at Kirby, "shit, Sam!" I speed walked after the two. Once I rounded the corner they did, I couldn't see them anymore.

Other POV:

   Instead of chasing after the two and possibly not finding them, you decided to go get Ethan out of the waiting room. When you entered the room he was still sleeping, 'poor guys had such a long night' you thought. Little did you know, you were right, he did have a long night, a lot of physical activity one could say... (yes I'm insinuating that Ethan was the attacker in the store)

You slowly walked up to the sleeping Ethan. He was still in the exact same spot you left, except now he was a little more slouched, his arms crossed, and his head hanging down. His rhythmic breathing and peaceful state made you not want to wake him, he looked so cute and so calm, but you had to wake him up since you had to leave the station now. Placing your hand on his shoulder you gently squeezed it and softly called out his name a few times. He started to stir awake. He scrunched his nose as he opened his eyes ever so slightly, due to the bright light that was now filling the room. He hummed groggily, "hey" you spoke in as soft a voice as you could, "time for us to go" you backed away from him a bit, giving him space to get up.

Ethan slowly rose from his seat, you smiled at him, he smiled back at you. You motioned toward the open door and walked out, he followed. "Nice sleep?" You asked, "huh- oh yea, I guess" he shrugged, "kinda sore now though" you both giggled at this. You continued down the hallway to the front door for the establishment. Once you got to the front door and walked out, the 2 of you were bombarded with reporters. They mostly wanted to talk to you though, since you were the one attacked, and you were one of the survivors from the last Ghostface murders. "Y/N! Y/N" they were all calling out to you, asking numerous questions. Many of which were along the lines of, "do you have an alibi?" "do you feel safe around Samantha?" and "is your boyfriend here to protect you from the killer?" That last one struck you the most. You felt safe around Ethan, so in a sense he was protecting you in some way, and you liked hearing people refer to him as your boyfriend. You two aren't dating, but you wish you were, so does he, but you were both just too afraid to make a move.

So many cameras in your face, so many microphones hanging over your head, so many people yelling questions at you. So many. Too many. You started to panic, you started to shake, tears rolling down your face. Everything was too much.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: yea I'm doing 2 posts in one day... well technically it is 12:10am... so technically this is a different day, but whatever

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