Part 28 |counting down|

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he took a big swing right at Ghostfaces face, this time with his fist instead of a large camera. He fell to the ground and Tara decided not to take any chances, so she kicked him square in the face.

Other POV:

    You jumped over the concession stand instead of going around, you didn't want to take chances and walk past ghostface, "Go! Go!" Chad yelled to you three as he picked up a gumball machine off the desk next to him. He lifted it high over his head and was about to slam it down on Ghostface when someone came up behind him and stabbed him right in the side. It was another Ghostface. Chad fell to the ground, smashing the gumball machine in the process. "No!" Tara screeched trying to run over to him, but you and Sam held her back, "Chad!" She let out a guttural cry as both the Ghostfaces started to repeatedly stab him in the ribs and stomach area. "Run" Chad said as blood poured from his mouth, "go"

    Once the Ghostfaces felt satisfied, they dropped Chad who's body just rag filled to the floor. They looked up at the three of you, and menacingly wiped their knives on their sleeves. You and Sam had to usher the sobbing Tara through the doors back into the shrine room, there was no where else you could go right now but in there.

    You three were running over to the stage again to find another way you could go, but as you got there, one of the Ghostfaces jumped out from behind the curtains. You turned to leave out the other way, but the second Ghostface came up behind you, waving his knife in the air tauntingly, there was no where you could go. Sam saw some bricks so she picked them up and handed one to Tara, then to you. You and Tara stud with your backs facing Sams back, "Sam?" You called out "ready?" Sam asked the two of you, but neither of you answered, "I need you guys to be ready, ready?" Again you guys didn't answer, "look at me Tara" Tara turned to look at her sister, but you kept your eyes on the Ghostface in front of you. "I'm ready" Tara said eerily, Sam nodded, "COME ON MOTHER FUCKER!" Tara shouted. The shots were fired causing the three of you and the two Ghostface to duck. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. The Ghostfaces scattered.

    From behind the curtain emerged a bloody Kirby, "it's ok!" Kirby yelled to you guys, her gun at the ready. "Stay the fuck back!" Sam yelled at her, "Sam I don't think-" you started but were cut off, "we know it's you Kirby" Tara stated. "One- one of them knocked me out" Kirby explained breathing heavily. "Kirby stop!" A voice yelled from behind you, it was detective Bailey. Kirby lifted her gun back up, pointing it in his direction now, "get away from the girls" Bailey yelled, also having his gun drawn, "what are you doing?" Kirby questioned, "did you kill Quinn?" Bailey asked in a serious tone, "did you kill my daughter?" He asked more angrily this time. "Jesus Christ!" Kirby cried, looking at him, then looking at you three, "whatever he has been saying to you, don't listen to him, he's probably the killer" Kirby exasperated. You looked at Bailey accusingly, unlike Sam and Tara, you believed Kirby, it just didn't make sense for her to be the killer in your mind. Then out of nowhere one of the Ghostfaces came up behind Bailey, "Behind you!" Both you and Kirby screamed. Bailey didn't even turn around, he just shot Kirby twice as Ghostface quickly came up behind him. Right as Ghostface was about to stab him, Ghostface stopped and brought the knife back down away from Bailey.

    You all just looked at Kirby in shock, then at Bailey. "Great job" he said to the Ghostface left as the other Ghostface came out and stud in his right. "Both of you" he added. (The left and right are from Y/Ns view not Baileys left and right)

    "You?" Tara questioned, shocked at the reveal, "yeaa, of course me" Bailey rasped, "frankly I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us" your face screwed up in confusion, "what do you mean us?" You asked. The Ghostface to Baileys right then pushed his hood off his head, and took his mask off. The whole world around you seemed to stop in that moment. Tears quickly started to spill from your eyes... it was Ethan. You let out a hurt gasp "Ethan?", you couldn't pull your eyes away from him, from the man you loved and cared for so much. He was just smiling, but he was trying not to look at you, because he knew if he did, he wouldn't be smiling anymore, and all he wanted to do right now was make his dad proud. "Mindy was right" Ethan spoke up, "it was easy to duke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do meet you was room with a conceded condescending alpha... literally named Chad!" As he was speaking your tears continued to fall, "fuck it felt good to kill him!" You flinched making him finally look at you. You just looked into his eyes, you were searching them for some kind of answer, something to tell you why he was doing this, but there was nothing. When he looked at you, you could tell he felt bad for you, but it didn't matter anymore. "You..." you started to say as you walked up to him, Bailey tried to stop you but Ethan shook his head at Bailey basically telling him to let you come over. "You did this..." you were up close to him now. He didn't answer, "you mother fucker!" You pushed him, "you killed my friends" you started repeatedly punching him in the chest, "you- you fucking asshole! I fucking trusted you!" You sobbed, your punches becoming sloppier as your sobs overcame you. He stopped you from punching him anymore by pulling you into his chest in a tight hug. At first you let yourself melt into it, it was Ethan after all, he was your safe space... but then you realized what was going on again, so you shoved him away "no" you said and backed up to where Sam and Tara were standing, "fuck you"

Ethan looked back at Sam trying to have no reaction to what just happened between the two of you, "this was your grandmothers Sam. Nancy Loomis" he said holding up the mask he just took off and pointing at it with his bloody knife, "really runs in your fucking family doesn't it" he spat, "speaking of family" he started, "wait for it" Bailey said with a smile, "my names not Ethan Landry... is it dad" he tuned to the laughing Bailey as he said that. "Dad?" You question, "wait, if it's you two then that just leaves..." Sam pause, the tree of you looked at the last Ghostface, "Mindy?" Sam said painfully. The Ghostface on the left took off the mask, "Heyy roomie" she said. It was Quinn. "Didn't see that one coming did you?" Quinn asked, "yea because you died!" Tara answered, "kinda didn't" Quinn retorted, Ethan laughed. "Though, it was a good way to get off the suspect list" she said, "stabbed Gale Weathers, stabbed Mindy on the train, that sorta thing" Quinn added. "yup" Bailey laughed, "I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one" Bailey explained, "little fake blood, a prosthetic, you'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with" Ethan and Quinn started to walk around to be behind you three as he was saying this. Quinn went to your left, a Ethan to the right.

"I got your dads mask!" Quinn looked at you, "Stu Macher... he was my favourite" she smiled at you. Ethan placed his mask, aka Mrs Loomis' mask, on the closest manikin, "nice" he said. "That's number 3" Bailey said after Ethan placed his mask down, "that's number 2, Y/N's fathers" Bailey pointed at Quinn's mask as she tossed it over to Bailey, "which leaves your fathers, Sam" he said then pulled Bully Loomis' mask out of his jacket. "This is what we've been counting down to" he said while holding out both Stu and Billy's mask to you and Sam respectively. You shakily reached out, grabbing your fathers mask, you just held it in your hands and looked at it.

Word count: 1400+

A/N: we're in the last 15ish minutes of the movie now woooooo!!!

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