Part 31 |the end|

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he pressed his lips against your neck leaving a small kiss, but before he spoke, he didn't move them "I asked you a question" you felt his voice vibrate through your skin. Then you heard a gunshot and a scream...

Other POV:

    Ethan let go of you and ran to then sound, his dad had just shot at Sam and Tara, causing Tara to slip of the ledge they weee on. You on the other hand just slid down the wall against your back, until you were sitting on the ground. You didn't know what to do anymore, so you just started down at the floor in shock, fear, and utter confusion.

Sam was holding on to Tara's hands as she was slowly slipping, Bailey was laughing, this was so amusing to him. "I can't, I can't grab on" Tara said in a panic, "it's ok" Sam tried to calm her, but it wasn't working, "I can't grab on, I can't grab on" Tara repeated. Then Ethan went over to her, right underneath her. He swung his knife up at Tara's dangling feet, she pulled them up just in time not to get sliced. "No!" Sam yelled. This prompted you to get up. Ethan swung again, and again, "I've always wanted to stick something in you Tara!" He yelled, "fuck you" she yelled back, "fuck you!" He yelled even louder, sounding enraged. You slowly made your way over to the commotion, staying out of sight to access the situation, and think about what you were going to do. What you would be willing to do...

Sam continued trying to pull Tara up, Ethan continued to swing his knife at her feet, when Quinn appeared out of a doorway on the balcony. "You guys are so fucked now!" Ethan smiled creepily. Quinn tossed her blade, flipping it in the air and catching it, then holding it up tauntingly. Sam looked at Quinn, then behind herself at the gun on the floor, "Sam" Tara called. As this was going on, you heard a creak on the floor boards behind you. Before you were able to turn and see who it was, you felt a sharp pain in your lower back. You gasped as the cold metal left your body, "can't have any loose ends" the gravelly voice behind you said. This time widen the knife slide into your back, you let out a small cry, "your his only weakness... and we can't have that either, can we" he wasn't asking. You were about to scream "hel-" but Bailey was quick to cover your mouth, "now that's just unnecessary" he said quietly. He stabbed you in the lower back once more before pushing you to the floor. You curled up in a little ball, "shhh" he hushed you putting his finger up to your mouth, then walking away. From where you were laying, you could see what was going on, you just couldn't say anything, the pain was too unbearable, and the shock from blood loss had set in.

Quinn spit blood out and started slowly walking toward Sam, dragging her knife along the metal rail as she did. "Sam" Tara said again, finally gaining Sams attention, "Sam, let me go" Tara said seriously, "no" Sam said without hesitation. "Yeah, let her go Sam, come" Ethan called yo to Sam, still smiling, Quinn still approaching. "Trust me" Tara pleaded with her sister, then looked down at the knife Sam was storing on her hip, "you have to let me go" Sam pulled the knife out of her belt and handed it to Tara. Tara smiled up at Sam, and Sam nodded, then dropped her. Tara landed basically on top of Ethan, who immediately stabbed her in the stomach, "gotcha!" Ethan yelled with horrific giddy in his voice. You saw this and stud up, faster than you probably should have considering the amount of blood you had lost, and were still losing. You couldn't let him kill her, and you couldn't let her kill him, you had to do something. You made your way over to the two, as fast as you could. Once there you stepped in between them right as Tara struck. She was trying to stab Ethan, but instead the knife went right into the side of your stomach, "ow" you gasped for air, "Y\N?" Tara's face went from pure anger, to instant regret. "No" she whimpered. "Tara please don't kill him" you spoke as blood poured from your mouth, "please" you begged. You swayed a bit before falling to your knees, then falling backwards into Ethan, accidentally pulling the knife out as you did. "No... no, no, no, no!" Ethan cried, "fuck you" he screamed at Tara, "look what you fucking did!" She without thinking, stabbed Ethan in the ribs, "no" you choked, "looks like your down another brother" Sam said to Quinn up on the balcony. "Let's go" Tara said to you, but you just shook your head, "leave me here, please" you choked. Tara stud up hesitantly and went away from you and Ethan.

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