Part 31.2 |the end of the fight|

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You had no idea what you were saying, you were just speaking the words that came to your head without thinking about them first, "and I care about you" you added, taking one of his hands and placing it on your cheek, letting your hand rest on top of his, leaning into his touch.

Tara and Sam were on the balcony, Bailey had just gotten up there too. Bailey surprised the two causing Tara to slip off. Sam caught her, but there bloody hands made it too slippery to hold on much longer. Tara urged Sam to let her go as Bailey got closer (in the show it's Quinn but she's dead at this point in my story). Sam handed Tara the knife in her waistband, then let her drop down to the main floor.

Sam, still on the balcony, was being mouthy with Bailey, stalling for time to make a plan. Tara on the main floor had just noticed you and Ethan on the ground. She thought Ethan was hurting you, trying to kill you, that's what it looked like from her angle. So she ran him, tackling him off you, "Get off of her asshole!" She screamed as she did so. She was now on top of Ethan, who was struggling to keep consciousness. He hit that floor pretty hard. Tara lifted the knife above her head, "Tara no" you croaked, Ethan tried to move out of the way, Tara stabbed the knife down, his movement causing her to miss fire and hit the left side of his stomach instead of his heart. "You're dying a fucking virgin" she seethed, the knife still in his stomach. "Tara stop! Please" you begged as she pulled the knife out and prepared for another swing, aiming for the throat this time. "He's a killer Y/N, he deserves to die!" She yelled just before plunging the knife down once more. Though it didn't touch Ethan, it didn't even get that close. Tara instantly let go of the knife as she noticed it had gone straight through your arm. You couldn't bare the thought of Ethan dying, so you had lunged forward, not caring about the pain, and stuck your arm out, taking the blow for him. You collapsed back to your sitting position, not daring to touch the knife. "Oh my god Y/N... I'm so so sorry, holy shit" Tara said in complete shock, scrambling off Ethan. He immediately got up, "Y/N!" He came back over to you, "why? Why did you do that?" He asked, feeling really bad, "because you idiot, I couldn't just let you die" you paused, "I've already lost enough people I care about, I can't lose you too" he sat down beside you, pressing his hand into his stab wound, "guess I'll match Kirby now" he said, trying to lighten the mood. But you didn't answer, you were beginning to pass out. "No, no, Y/N, you can't pass out right now" he shook you, "stay with me Y/N, stay with me!" He yelled, moving you to lay in his lap, ignoring the searing pain that shot through his body as he did. "Please stay with me" his voice was horse.

    Meanwhile Tara had gone to look for Sam, finding her on the stage wearing a Ghostface costume, with Bailey battered and bloodied on his knees in front of her, begging pitifully for his life. Bailey was thanking Sam for saying she'd spare his life, by then Sam looked at Tara who gave her a look that screamed 'do it'. "But you did fuck with our family, so" Sam said, emotionless, then stabbed Bailey right in the eye, holding it there for a bit before aggressively pulling it out. Bailey fell to the floor, twitching and gurgling, until all sounds and body movement ceased, and he was dead. Sam had a satisfied look on her face, which rightfully earned a look of concern from Tara, then she started nodding her head, "nice" she said to Sam, "thanks" she replied. Sam turned to her sister, "you ok?" She asked, Tara huffed and looked up at her sister with a weary smile, "no" she shook her head. Sam nodded as well, sighed, then took the Ghostface costume off.

    The two walked out of the curtains to sit on the stage stairs, "holy shit" Sam exclaimed seeing you almost passed out from blood loss, and seeing Ethan holding you. "Is-is Y/N ok?! And what about him, he-" Sam started, "just don't" Tara cut her off as they both sat down. "What about Y/N?" Sam questioned, looking at her sister, "alive" you breathed, receiving a sigh of relief from Sam. "I assume I'll get an explanation later?" Sam inquired, you just weakly nodded you head.

    "Thank you for letting me go" Tara looked at her sister, "I knew you could take care of yourself" Sam said making Tara smile. "I wanna be in your life, but only as much as you want me to be" Sam said, "I want your to be" Tara quickly replied, "I promise you, I'm going to get so much therapy after this" they both laughed, "I'm serious" Tara added as they continued to laugh. "We're gonna get through this" Tara paused, "together" the sisters nodded to one another. Then Kirby stumbled in, "I swear I've seen this in a scary movie once" she smiled. Then the police arrived, with a very worried Danny of course. Sam and Tara made their way over to him, Danny took Sam into his arms, holding her in a sweet reliving hug. "I thought you might need some re-enforcements, and I called Mountside, Mindy and Gale are gonna be ok" he reassured, "Mindys on her way here now, they couldn't stop her" "not bad cute boy" Tara nodded approvingly, "thanks"

    Ethan started to try and lift you up off the ground, trying his best to keep you awake. "Come on" he stud up fully, holding you bridal style in his arms, "listen, this is a cute reunion and all, but I think I'm dyin' over here man" you tried to be funny in an attempt to ease your pain and panic. "Why's he still alive?" Kirby asked urgently, "long story, I'll tell you later" you smiled weakly, "just please trust me" Kirby gave you a cautious nod.

As the paramedics came in, Ethan made his way over to them, "help her, please help her" he cried, "it's alright boy, we got her from here" one paramedic said taking you from his arms, and placing you on the gurney. They wheeled you out of the building, Ethan following close behind. Once you got outside though, a couple police officers got a message on their radio telling them Ethan was the last of the killers. The two cops came over, detaining Ethan, "no, please, you don't understand, you have to let me go, please" he begged but the officers paid no mind. "Y/N I'm so sorry" he yelled to you, "no" you whimpered, "no!" You yelled louder this time. You jumped off the gurney, the pain was unbearable, it caused you to fall to the ground. You crawled over to Ethan who was face down on the concrete, his hands being cuffed behind his back, "Ethan" you said to him, placing your hand on his cheek, "I love you" you said before giving him a Spider-Man style kiss (I hope that makes sense), before the paramedics scooped you back yup into the gurney.

As you were about to be out up in the ambulance, Sam and Tara came out of the building. "Sam" you called to her, causing the paramedics to haunt, "don't try to protect Ethan for me, he did kill people, but it complicated" you vaguely explained, "ok" she nodded, "but can I ask you one thing?" You asked her, "of course" she held your hand in hers, "can you tell the police that Ethan didn't do it" she gave you an odd look, "but you just said-" she started, "I know, I know... I just don't want to go to the hospital alone. I hate hospitals" "alright fine" she accepted, placing her trust in you. She then went over to the cops who were hauling Ethan away, "hey!" She said to them, "what do you think you're doing" she asked sternly, "takin' the killer to prison" the cop had a heavy New York accent, "killer?" Sam questioned, "that's my friend... and he's no killer" "you sure?" The cop asked, "pretty damn sure" Sam snapped back, "I was in there... I'm pretty sure I'd know" she placed her hands on her hips. The cops looked at each other, then the one she was talking to sighed, "we got no solid evidence. And if she says-" the other cop tried to speak but was cut off, "yea I know" the other said, taking out his keys and unlocking the cuffs. "Don't get into any trouble now" the cop said, lightly pushing Ethan away from them. "Thank you" Ethan looked at Sam, yes he was thankful, but also very confused, "yes well, I didn't do it for you" Sam said gesturing her head towards you in the ambulance, now it all made sense to him. "Still, thank you... and I'm so so sorry, I swear I'll explain all of this" he said to Sam, "I think you should go now, or else you'll have to catch a ride with someone else to the hospital" she looked over at the cop while saying that, "right" Ethan nodded then skipped over to you.

The paramedics were about to close the doors when, "wait wait!" You heard Ethan yell, "can I help you?" One said, "can I come with you?" Ethan asked, the paramedic was about to say something, "she's my girlfriend" Ethan added before he could, "yea alright, hop in" and so he did.

Word count: 1700+

A/N: idk if anyone caught it, but the "I think I'm dyin here" line is a reference to one of Stus lines near the end of the og Scream movie. Also this chapter is longer since the last one was pretty short 👍

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