Part 29.2 |alternate ending|

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A/N: for this chapter to make sense, read chapter 29 up until the brackets that tell you to come here for the alternate ending (also Ik I said it was like a redemption ending- but it's not exactly that... I just don't know how to explain it. It's basically just a different ending with a different outcome 👍)

"But don't think we won't kill you if we have to" Quinn said as an evil smile spread across her face, "trust me... I would love to cut you open" you grimaced...

    "Stop it" Ethan hissed, "what?" Quinn huffed, "you know the deal... she gets in the way, she dies" "I said, stop it!" Ethan yelled the last part, clearly done with his sisters taunts. There was a pause, "fine, fine" Quinn rolled her eyes, and Ethan's harsh facial expression relaxed a little.

"Y/N isn't the killer here..." Ethan started, "yes she is!" Quinn shouted at her brother, "she helped her kill him! You saw the police report, she stabbed him too!" She was basically whining at this point. "Don't forget that they were friends" Ethan said, annoyed at Quinn, "You know just as well as I do that he didn't want to hurt her, let alone kill her" He looked at his dad for approval. Bailey gave a tilted nod in agreement, then Ethan looked at Quinn to see her reaction, she just scoffed. "You though" Ethan turned and pointed at Sam, "you're a killer, just like your father" "No I'm not!" Sam objected, she was enraged by this accusation, one she had gotten many times. "Yes you are you mother fucker! You killed our brother" Quinn wailed as tears of pain and angry sprung from her eyes. You just looked between Sam and Quinn dumbfounded. Sam looked at Quinn with wide eyes, "what are you talking about?" Sam breathed, "you said you're brother died in a car accident" you spoke, "no, no, no, no, you sweet dumb thing, he died in Woodsboro" he said to you, then turned to Tara, "at the hands of your bitch sister" he gestured to Sam with his knife. "And Y/N" Quinn mumbled under her breath while glaring daggers at you, no one else heard her except for you, and you were now fearing for your life more than ever.

You swallowed hard, "Sam?" You questioned slowly turning your head to look at her. Sam looked just as confused as you and Tara did, until she finally realized, "your Richies family" she said after turning to face Bailey, "Richie Kirsch?" You said shocked, then covering your mouth. Now you knew you were as good as dead, at least as long as Quinn was around... because you and Sam did indeed kill her brother.

"Don't you DARE say his name" Quinn screamed, but you were so done with all of this that you couldn't care less anymore, "oh yea?" You cocked your head to the side, "Richie Kirsch" you smiled. "You fucking bi-" you cut her off, "Ri-chie Kir-sch" you sounded it out slowly, the venom of your tone seeping through your teeth. Quinn's face twisted and twitched in anger as she huffed quick activated breathes out of her nose like a deranged bull.  "yea" Bailey said hoarsely, "Richie" Bailey was holding back his tears, letting only one single tear slip through is defence.

(After this point it's gonna differ a bit from the movie and the first ending)

   There was a long pause of silence, no one knew what to say or do. Then you made direct eye contact with Bailey, the murderousnlook in his eyes spoke a thousand words in the silence. "Y/N" Ethan was first to break that dread filled silence, "you have to leave. Now" he said almost fearfully. "No" you said deadpan, "but Y/N-" "No, Ethan! If you're gonna kill my friends then your gonna have to fucking kill me too!" You seethed with tears of anger sitting in the wells of your eyes. He just looked at you, a painful expression written on his face, he knew that if you stayed his family would kill you. But he wouldn't let that happen now.

    In the few months you and Ethan had known each other, you had grown very close, closer than you knew. You had no idea that the poor boy had become obsessed. He didn't know it either. Until now. Until your life was on the line. Until you were in danger. At this very moment, nothing else matter, nothing but you.

(TW: it's gonna get really descriptively gory here... you've been warned)

    "Well if you say so" Quinn said in regards to your words, an eerie smile spread across her face. Bailey looked at his daughter, then nodded at her, an empty expression on his face,. "I've got Sam" he said, "you've got Tara" he added, nodded towards Ethan. "And I've got Y/N" Quinn said with a frightening giddy. Just then, Quinn charged at you, no warning, no nothing. 'Shit' you thought, you were very unprepared. "Run!" You yelled at Sam and Tara just before Quinn's body slammed into your own, tackling you to the ground. "Fuck you!" She spat, preparing to stab you, "right back at ya'" you struggled under her surprising strength. She started to giggle, then brought the knife down, plunging it into your side. You didn't scream, only a small groan left your lips, you didn't want to give her the satisfaction of a scream. This clearly pissed her off considering her face contacted from one of pleasure to one of outrage. She let out a guttural scream as she pulled the knife out and plunged it back in relatively the same spot over, and over, and over again. You still didn't scream, you made as little noise as possible. 

    While this was happening, Tara and Sam were trying to escape while Bailey pursued them. Ethan on the other hand, was standing in shock, he couldn't think, so he just acted. "Quinn, no!" Ethan cried. He ran over to you, and without a second thought, shoved Quinn off you with all the strength he could muster. Which was a lot. Quinn basically went flying off you, slamming into a nearby display case. You whimpered trying to hide the pain, and coughed, blood spurting out as you did.

    "What did you do!" Ethan howled, quickly looking up at his sister. Quinn slowly got up, touching the sore spot on the back of her head, evincing and groaning as she moved. "Ethan, you knew what the deal was" Quinn said through clenched teeth, "you know we have to kill her" she added. Ethan's eyebrows knitted together, "I don't care" he slowly stud up, "not about dad" he slowly walked towards the injured Quinn, leaving you on the ground, "not about Richie" his voice sounded so cold, "and not about you" he crouched down in front of Quinn. The expression on his face was horrific, his eyebrows knit into a sad pity, his mouth was turned up in smile, but his eyes said everything as slow tears poured from them; he seemed to have gone crazy. Gone crazy because of his father, or his situation, or perhaps you, no one knows... not even him.

    Ethan drew the knife from his waist band, his smile dropped, his face became somewhat stoic, as he slowly pressed the knife into Quinn's stomach, right above her belly button. Quinn wrapped her hand around Ethan's wrist, trying to stop him, but it was no use, the knife continued to slowly slide into her abdomen. Once fully in down to the handle, his quickly ripped it out. He was breathing heavily, "how does that feel" he asked, but didn't wait for a response and stabbed the life quickly back into her just above when the last stab was. Quinn just squeaked, unable to speak, "that's what I thought" he swiftly twisted the knife. Quinn started to cry, small whimpers escaping her mouth, nothing more. He twisted the knife back upright, then pulled it out...

    You started to prop yourself up against the showcase opposite to where they were, pressing one hand into the large stab wound, the other on the ground in a weak attempt to hold yourself up. You couldn't pry your eyes away from the scene in front of you. If you weren't afraid of Ethan before, you were now. You tried to call out to him, to ask him to stop, sure Quinn was a murderer and so was he, but this wasn't the way to handle this. But not a single sound came from your mouth, just a small wheeze of air. All you could do was watch the scene in sheer horror.

    ..."Any last words, Quinn" he clenched his teeth, "no?" "Ethan" she croaked, "please stop this" she begged, "we're your family" her head bobbed as she tried to keep it up, trying not to succumb to her massive amount of blood loss. "I don't need either of you anymore" is all Ethan said to her as he rammed the knife into the side of her neck and left it there as she gasped for air, her lungs only filling with her own blood. You could see the other end of the knife coming out the other side of her neck, blood pouring from everywhere. You could tell she was trying to talk judging by the blood exploding from her mouth, but only a gurgling sound could be heard considering the knife went right through her trachea.

Word count: 1500+

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