Part 13 |a franchise|

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After your little make out session, you looked at your clock. "Shit!" You yelled, "what?!" Ethan asked startled, "school" you sighed. Time to go talk to the group.

Other POV:

    You and your friends were all sitting in the schools plaza area, you guys had a lot to discuss, and this happened to be a very convenient place for all of you.

   "Alright nerds, listen up" Mindy clapped getting everyone's attention, "as terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time" she said disappointed in herself, "it's fine" she continued, "the way I see it someone is out to make a sequel to the requel" Anika raised her hand, "um... what's a requel?" She asked innocently, "you're beautiful sweetie, let's hold questions till' the end" Mindy said gesturing toward her loving girlfriend. "Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro, Stab 2 took place in College" Sam stated, "do we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara inquired, "that is one possibility" Mindy pointed at Tara, "hero's now in college, check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count, check check and check!" Mindy pointed at all the 'new character' which are Anika, Quinn, and Ethan. "I don't like this" Ethan said, seemingly stressed out by Mindy basically saying that he was either the killer or dead meat, "hey, it's ok, we'll figure this out... as long as it takes, remember" you said that last part quietly so only he would hear it. "But it can't just be about Stab 2" Mindy added, "why not?" Tara asked, "it would make sense if this were just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore!" She stated, "we're in a franchise" both you and Mindy said in unison, you were both the movie geeks so it made sense that you had similar ways of thinking, "and there are certain rules to a continuing franchise" Mindy continued, Anika sighed, and Sam responded by saying, "I had a feeling"

Then Mindy started to list of the rules, "rule 1. Everything is bigger than last time! Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot outs, beheadings, gotta top what came before to keep people coming back" She seemed oddly excited saying all of this, but that was just Mindy, plus you couldn't judge, you were somewhat amused by what she was saying too. "Beheadings?" Chad asked, "beheadings" Mindy confirmed. "Rule 2. Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations, and if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with letterboxed accounts instead of personalities," Ethan eyes widened into an expression that said 'wow that's harsh' "you can bet the opposite will be true here" Mindy explained, "and Rule 3. No one is safe" she stated harshly, "legacy character" she made a hand swiping motion, "cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It's not looking to good for Gale and Kirby" she put her hands together, "oh and that's not ever the worst part" she paused and Chad spoke up while keeping his eyes on his little notepad, "and this is the part where she tells us the worst part" immediately after he spoke, Mindy continued, "the worst part is, franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP, which means main characters are completely expendable now too" she looked at Tara, Sam, and you while saying that, but she continued, "Laurie Strode" she listed, "Nancy Thompson" you chimed in, "Ellen Ripley" Mindy said now looking at you, "Sally Hardesty" you said trying to list the, off faster, "jigsaw" Mindy said, "Tony Stark" you added, "James Bond- I mean even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on" Mindy finally stated, "that means it's not just the friend group" you said out loud, realizing how bad the situation really was, "exactly! Any of us could go, at any time, especially Sam, Tara, and Y/N" Mindy said that last bit in a sadder tone. The three of you shared a look when Mindy mention that. "Wait wait a-any of us?" Ethan spoke up, you gave him a look filled with pity, "yea" Mindy responded quickly and harshly, "does- am I in the friend group?" He asked and I scoffed, giving him a soft punch in the shoulder, "yea" Mindy said again, her tone unwavering, "am I like one of the targets-" he began but Mindy cut him off, "mhm" he looked at me quickly, then an Mindy, "am I gonna die a virgin?" All of you paused for a second, you broke the silence with a small snicker, 'what a dork' you thought. "That was a weird over share- but it brings us to our current suspects" Mindy said taking a step toward her first victim on her suspect list, "Ethan, the shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky" she gave him a fake smile, "ok wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chads roommate?" Ethan defended himself, "roommate lotteries can be juked, you could've fixed it to get next to us" she leaned closure to him as she said that. Ethan rolled his eye, "Mindy" you said in an 'annoyed parent' tone while shaking your head, but she moved on. "Quinn! The slutty roommate, a horror movie" she paused to make a kiss sound, "classic" "sex positive" Quinn corrected, "but... thank you". "Mhm" Mindy hummed, "uh how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy interrogated, "I answered their add online" Quinn said truthfully, "okay! Say no more you've already implicated yourself enough!" Quinn looked around confused at Mindys remark, "it was an anonymous add Mindy" Tara defended their friend, "and you know we met with her, plus her dad is a cop-" "and that makes it more likely that she's the killer because having a cop dad is a cover! Do you not remember how these movie work Tara?" Mindy interrupted and started to yell.

Tara was looking around, anywhere but at Mindy. "She always like this?" Quinn leaned forward asking Sam, Sam gave a small nod and eye roll. "And finally, Anika" Mindy said moving toward her girlfriend. Anika blew a kiss to Mindy, and Mindy gave one back with a smile. But that smile quickly dropped, "never trust the love interest" Mindy said, deadpan, causing Anikas happy expression to fall as well. "Ok" Sam spoke up before things got anymore awkward between you guys, "so, we have our rules, and we have our suspects-" Sam said while looking around the group, she was going to continue but was cut off, "wait wait wait, what about you guys?" Ethan asked, "I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the 5 of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro" Mindy said, Sam giving him a look of suspicion in the process, "agreed" Chad said pointing at his sister with his pen, but Quinn spoke up, "um not agreed, what if the trauma you all went through caused one of- or more of you to snap" Sam gave Quinn the same look she gave Ethan, "yea, or, the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more" Ethan was quick to jump in, "Ethan please don't" you whispered to him, but he didn't listen, "I mean, let's be honest here, some of the theories online about Sam are-" "don't you fucking dare" Tara didn't hesitate to defend her older sister. His eyes went wide and he nodded, you were shaking your head, 'he just HAD to say something, didn't he' you thought.

"Ok, she's right though" Anika, the voice of reason, spoke up, "I mean face facts, if we're all suspects, your all suspects" the 5 of you all looked around at each other, "they do have a point Mind" you finally spoke up, "I hate to agree with that, or even think about it, but it's true. The killer or killers could be any one of us" you started to tear up, you wanted to leave, "I hate to say it but none of us can truly be trusted" you stood up, "it sucks, I know, but it's the truth" you started to walk away. "Y/N? Where are you going?" Mindy asked, grabbing your arm gently as you tried to walk past, "I just need some time alone. To think and gather my thoughts, you know?" And with that, she let you go. As you walked off Ethan stood up to go after you. He was about to call out your name but someone stopped him, "don't" Sam said causing Ethan to shut his mouth, "just let her be for now, she just needs space sometimes"

Word count: 1400+ (almost exactly 1500)

A/N: sorry for the extra long chapter- I wanted to do this scene all in one
Also 3 chapters in one day- I'm spoiling you guys fr

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