Part 4 |what a sweetheart|

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I had to let them solve their problems on their own. I had to stay out of it, even though it was hard, and even though they're my best friends in the whole world, I just had to. Out of nowhere a voice called to Sam "Hey!"

    All of us looked at where the voice came from, but before any of could do anything, or any of us noticed for that matter, the girl that called out to Sam had splashed some kind of Cherry Coke all over her. Sam gasped at the sudden feeling of cold liquid running down her shirt, "murdered!" The girl dressed in cheetah print yelled. Immediately Sam shoved the lady, "what the hell is wrong with you!?" She yelled as both Chad and I held her back from going in for more. There was a lot of yelling, I couldn't make out what exactly everyone was saying, too much chaos. I did make out that the cheetah print lady said "you guys should stay away from her. She know what she did" Sam fired back quickly "I didn't fucking do anything!" Chad, Tara, and I were keeping Sam as far away from this lady as possible, while Mindy and Anika stud in between Sam and the lady. "Sure bitch" the lady taunted as she walked away with her stupid little posey. "Walk away!" I can only presume was Mindy yelled that.

Sam sighed as she tried to ring out her Coke soaked shirt. "I-I have some tissues if you want tissues" Ethan stuttered. 'What a sweetheart' I thought, Sam wasn't really the nicest to him but he still tried. Ethan pulled his tissues out and said, "I have like, 3 tissues" he handed them to Sam who grabbed them quickly, trying her best to dry herself off. Ethan stud there looking at her, presumably waiting for her to say thank you, but she didn't. She did however give him a cold glare, signalling him to leave her alone.

(All of this next bit takes place over the time where Tara and Chad almost kiss, and where Sam and Danny start making out lol)

I didn't even realize it but I hadn't walked away with the others yet, 'why am I waiting here? Sam clearly doesn't want anyone around' I thought... but then I realized... I was subconsciously waiting for Ethan. Shit. Honestly, I probably look like some stupid baby duckling waiting for it's mom to come get it so it doesn't get lost. Once Ethan walked up to me, he paused for a second, then smiled. I smiled back, and we started to walk. Fuck he probably thinks I'm pathetic.

The whole walk back to the apartment was basically all silence. I think we were both really nervous... at least I was. Every time I looked at him and we made eye contact I would look down at my feet, and he would do the same. 'Maybe he likes me too' I thought. 'No... no he can't like me and I can't like him... it just can't happen'. Ever since what happened in Woodsboro, I've been very careful as to who I let into my life. I've barley made any new friends, and I'm definitely not ready for any kind of love life. I've got enough to deal with right now, I don't need some silly little crush ruining things for me right now. Then, out of nowhere, "Y/N?" I looked up at him with a smile, a small dust of blush forming on my cheeks, it always felt nice hearing him say my name. "Are you ok?" He asked. This was such a loaded question, so many things were going through my head at the moment, too many things. I couldn't say that I wasn't ok because then he'd as more questions, and I don't want that, especially not right at this moment. But if I say I'm fine, then I'm just lying! I mentally sighed. "Earth to Y/N" Ethan giggled at me. "Shit sorry, yea" I paused "I guess I'm okish" I replied. "Okish?" He questioned, "well... I'm not doing great, but it's manageable, you know" I elaborated. He nodded "I see" we were almost at my apartment building now, thank fuck! I was starting to get really nervous. "Would you like to... talk... about it?" He asked, "I- uh- well... ummm" I tried to speak, but the words just wouldn't form. "No- yea, I uh- I get it" he said, "I don't want to pry or anything" he smiled. He always seemed so sincere when we talked, it always made me feel so amazing. I wanted to talk to him more, I would talk to him all day if I could... but I was an anxious little shit when it came to actually talking to people I liked, so that was never going to happen.

We arrived at the door to my apartment. He was kind enough to walk me up. He couldn't stay though, he had a shit ton of homework to finish. We said our goodbyes, then he started walking to the stairs. I was about to unlock the door when I heard him speak again, "if you ever need anything, o-or need to talk to someone... text me, or call me, but I know you hate phone calls" he offered. I smiled, this made my night so much better, I knew he would always be there for me before, but hearing him say it, made it 10 times better and 10 times more believable. "Will do" was all I could say before I let out a 'school girl in love' sounding giggle, then I quickly turned, unlocked the door, and went inside.

Other POV:

Once inside, you peered out the peep hole. Ethan was still just standing there in complete awe, smiling to himself. Little did he know you were seeing it all. He didn't seem like he was going to move for a minute or so... so you took it upon yourself to try something crazy. You quickly opened the door, ran over to Ethan who was staring right at the top of the stair well, kissed him on the cheek, and ran back to the safety of your apartment. Again he just stud there, awestruck, nothing like this has ever happened to him before, and now you, you come along and steal his heart right from his chest.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: 26 minutes into the movieee... making some speedy progress now aren't we... not. Technically it's more that 26 minutes in since I'm skipping stuff to have Y/N and Ethan time, but yea.

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